1. They broke their word though we met as comrades,
And oft did they promise my trusting heart but fail.
١. وَفى بِمَواعيدِ الخَليطِ وَأَخلَفوا
وَكَم وَعَدوا القَلبَ المُعَنّى وَلَم يَفوا
2. Little they reck that they gave no cup to slake me,
Though they promised rivers of wine that should never fail.
٢. وَما ضَرَّهُم أَن لَم يَجودوا بِمُقنِعٍ
مِنَ النَيلِ إِذ مَنَّوا قَليلاً وَسَوَّفوا
3. Each day a bane then a burning sigh
For the line of a camp, or a halted steed.
٣. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لَفتَةٌ ثُمَّ عَبرَةٌ
عَلى رَسمِ دارٍ أَو مَطيٌّ مُوَقَّفُ
4. A tribe, their necks bowed in the drowsy air,
Obeying the zephyr's urge and the plead.
٤. وَرَكبٍ عَلى الأَكوارِ يَثني رِقابَهُم
لِداعي الصِبا عَهدٌ قَديمٌ وَمَألَفُ
5. Some stoop, hearts gripped in the hand of longing,
Others topsyturvy and distraught.
٥. فَمِن واجِدٍ قَد أَلزَمَ القَلبَ كَفَّهُ
وَمِن طَرَبٍ يَعلو اليَفاعَ وَيُشرِفُ
6. Others still, tears pursue their sighs
Till the shaking ribs seem ready to snap.
٦. وَمُستَعبِرٍ قَد أَتبَعَ الدَمعَ زَفرَةً
تَكادُ لَها عوجُ الضُلوعِ تَثَقَّفُ
7. Spend the day pining, night in the tribe,
The heart fluttering, pulsing in fright,
٧. قَضى ما قَضى مِن أَنَّةِ الشَوقِ وَاِنثَنى
بِدارِ الجَوى وَالقَلبُ يَهفو وَيَرجُفُ
8. Nothing avails till we meet again
And the Grim Tyrant's caprice unite.
٨. وَلَم تُغنِ حَتّى زايَلَ البُعدُ بَينَنا
وَحَتّى رَمانا الأَزلَمُ المُتَغَطرِفُ
9. As though the nights conspired together
To grant no wished-for union and delight
٩. كَأَنَّ اللَيالي كُنَّ آلَينَ حَلفَةً
بِأَن لا يُرى فيهِنَّ شَملٌ مُؤَلَّفُ
10. Till in the dark engulfed, thought wanders
To hosts noisy with zeal for the fight,
١٠. أَلَمَّ خَيالُ العامِريَّةِ بَعدَما
تَبَطَّنَنا جَفنٌ مِنَ اللَيلِ أَوطَفُ
11. Clamoring and tumbling in chaos
For one rash drink of death's bitter cup
١١. يُحَيِّي طِلاحاً حينَ هَمّوا بِوَقعَةٍ
تَهاوَوا عَلى الأَذقانِ مِمّا تَعَسَّفوا
12. Others whom sleep weighs on their eyelids
As though drunkards' hands were trembling and numb
١٢. وَقيذينَ قَد مالَ النُعاسُ بِهامِهِم
كَما أَرعَشَت أَيدي المُعاطينَ قَرقَفُ
13. Vagabonds knowing naught of the countryside,
Caring naught how the cultured fare,
١٣. أَعاريبَ لا يَدرونَ ما الريفُ بِالفَلا
وَلا يَغبِطونَ القَومَ إِمّا تَرَيَّفوا
14. Sparks aspiring if lightning took them,
Taking aim if they saw hawks in air.
١٤. رَذايا هَوىً إِن عَنَّ بَرقٌ تَطاوَلوا
وَإِن عارَضوا الطَيرَ الغَوادي تَعَيَّفوا
15. Shunning the safe shore for the fraught,
Seeking the dangerous, shunning the tame.
١٥. تَوارِكَ لِلشَقِّ الَّذي هُوَ آمِنٌ
نَوازِلَ بِالأَرضِ الَّتي هِيَ أَخوَفُ
16. O bitter halt where we turned to part,
Did your waving grove give a sign?
١٦. أَيا وَقفَةَ التَوديعِ هَل فيكِ راجِعٌ
إِشارَتَهُ ذاكَ البَنانُ المُطَرَّفُ
17. O did my love with a tender look
Hint though the troop trotted on as if lame?
١٧. وَهَل مُطمِعي ذاكَ الغَزالُ بِلَفتَةٍ
وَإِن ثَوَّرَ الرَكبُ العِجالَ وَأَوجَفوا
18. Evenings when eager gaze met gaze
And tears flowed free and men kissed.
١٨. عَشيَّةَ لا يَنفَكُّ لَحظٌ مُبَهَّتٌ
مُراقَبَةً مِنّا وَدَمعٌ مُكَفكَفُ
19. God spare the reveling rake full of song
And the wanton number full of sins.
١٩. فَلِلَّهِ مَن غَنّى الحُداةُ وَراءَهُ
وَلِلَّهِ ما وارى العَبيطُ المُسَجَّفُ
20. One asks of me as though I never trod
Her tribe, while the day for war drums is ripe.
٢٠. وَسائِلَةٍ عَنّي كَأَنِّيَ لَم أَلِج
حِمى قَومِها وَاليَومُ بِالنَقعِ مُسدِفُ
21. If unknown to her for love's sick pain
I am best known for my worth by another.
٢١. لَئِن كُنتُ مَجهولاً بِذُلِّيَ في الهَوى
فَإِنّي بِعِزّي عِندَ غَيرِكِ أَعرَفُ
22. Marvel not that grief has mastered me,
For passion saps me though I am strong.
٢٢. فَلا تَعجَبي أَنّي تَعَرَّقَني الضَنى
فَإِنَّ الهَوى يَقوى عَلَيَّ وَأَضعُفُ
23. I am summoned by name to ride then returned
To serve my belle by a heart held in thrall.
٢٣. يُقَرَّعُ بِاِسمي الجَيشُ ثُمَّ يَرُدُّني
إِلى طاعَةِ الحَسناءِ قَلبٌ مُكَلَّفُ
24. Ask me why I haunt the lands of delight
While the steed of mischief curbs me with his rein.
٢٤. سَلي بي أَلَم أَنغَلُّ في لَهَواتِها
وَفَحلُ الرَدى دوني بِنابَيهِ يَصرُفُ
25. Ask me why I flinch not from injury
Though the past is flawed and the scar still hurts.
٢٥. سَلي بي أَلَم أَحمِل عَلى الضيمِ ساعِدي
وَقَد ثُلِمَ الماضي وَرُضَّ المُثَقَّفُ
26. Ask me why I hone not my trophied blade
That tells of my day, my star flashed and serf.
٢٦. سَلي بي أَلَم أَثنِ الأَعِنَّةَ ظافِراً
تُحَدِّثُ عَن يَومي نِزارٌ وَخِندِفُ
27. By what villager's hovels my thoroughbred passed,
My lordly chest pushing through the throng.
٢٧. وَحَيٍّ تَخَطَّت بي أَعَزَّ بُيوتِهِ
صُدورُ المَواضي وَالوَشيجُ المُرَعَّفُ
28. Ask me why I have not slaked my thirst
Though stirrup cups passed and did pass along.
٢٨. سَلي بي أَلَم أَصبِر عَلى الظَمءِ بَعدَما
هَوى بِالمَهاري نَفنَفٌ ثُمَّ نَفنَفُ
29. On each saddlebag a line of pure stock
On each damsel a veil or a shawl.
٢٩. وَكُلُّ غُلامٍ مِلءُ دِرعَيهِ نَجدَةٌ
وَلَوثَةُ أَعرابيَّةٍ وَتَغَطرُفُ
30. The evening's potion is poured and the dregs
Are bitter gall that sears as it falls.
٣٠. عَلى كُلِّ طاوٍ فيهِ جَدٌّ وَمَيعَةٌ
وَطاوِيَةٍ فيها هِبابٌ وَعَجرَفُ
31. On each warrior glory and purpose shine
On each winsome maid a skirt and a scarf.
٣١. وَقَد أُتبِعَت سُمرُ العَوالي زِجاجَها
وَحَنَّ مِنَ الإِنباضِ جَزعٌ مُعَطَّفُ
32. Hear the ringing neighs and you understand
Whose soft voice summoned the echoing vale.
٣٢. فَإِن تَسمَعوا صَوتَ المُرِنّاتِ تَعلَموا
بِمَن جَعَلَت تَدعو النَواعي وَتَهتُفُ
33. Ours is the state where justice prevails,
Where wrongs are redressed and never deferred.
٣٣. لَنا الدَولَةُ الغَرّاءُ ما زالَ عِندَها
مِنَ الجَورِ واقٍ أَو مِنَ الظُلمِ مُنصِفُ
34. None hear the oppressed, none hear the cry
Of the victim seeking justice, his plaint unheard.
٣٤. بَعيدَةُ صَوتٍ في العُلى غَيرُ رافِعٍ
بِها صَوتَهُ المَظلومُ وَالمُتَحَيَّفُ
35. Greatest of men in East and West are we,
Noblest of sight upon earth's broad flank.
٣٥. وَنَحنُ أَعَزُّ الناسِ شَرقاً وَمَغرِباً
وَأَكرَمُ أَبصارٍ عَلى الأَرضِ تَطرِفُ
36. Sons of the open-handed, sons of dew
Of liberal hand makes vows of the mean shrink.
٣٦. بَنو كُلِّ فَيّاضِ اليَدَينِ مِنَ النَدى
إِذا جادَ أَلغى ما يَقولُ المُعَنِّفُ
37. Each hailer of peace is exalted in rank,
Each gazer enraptured as though at a shrine.
٣٧. وَكُلِّ مُحَيّاً بِالسَلامِ مُعَظَّمٍ
كَثيرٍ إِلَيهِ الناظِرُ المُتَشَوِّفُ
38. White smiling it seems as if his brow
Were ray of moonlight or lightning's shine.
٣٨. وَأَبيَضَ بَسّامٍ كَأَنَّ جَبينَهُ
سَنا قَمَرٍ أَو بارِقٌ مُتَكَشِّفُ
39. Raise the cloak of humiliation, still you will know
No coward's mantle can make his glories fade.
٣٩. حَيِيٌّ فَإِن سيمَ الهَوانَ رَأَيتَهُ
يَشُدُّ وَلا ماضي الغِرارَينِ مُرهَفُ
40. For us the luminous brows that rise
When nations crouch, abased and afraid.
٤٠. لَنا الجَبَهاتُ المُستَنيراتُ في العُلى
إِذا اِلتَثَمَ الأَقوامُ ذُلّاً وَأَغدَفوا
41. Our father revealed his sword and its edge
At Siffin till Hind's son was prone.
٤١. أَبونا الَّذي أَبدى بِصِفّينَ سَيفَهُ
ضُغاءَ اِبنِ هِندٍ وَالقَنا يَتَقَصَّفُ
42. Before that, Badr and thicker frays
In each a mighty feat was shown.
٤٢. وَمِن قَبلِ ما أَبلى بِبَدرٍ وَغَيرَها
وَلا مَوقِفٍ إِلّا لَهُ فيهِ مَوقِفُ
43. We inherited the Prophet's sublime renown,
We the Precinct's honor and grace.
٤٣. وَرِثنا رَسولَ اللَهِ عُلويَّ مَجدِهِ
وَمُعظَمُ ما ضَمَّ الصَفا وَالمُعَرَّفُ
44. Some say our heritage was but
Staff streaked with honey or perfumed cloth.
٤٤. وَعِندَ رِجالٍ أَنَّ جُلَّ تُراثِهِ
قَضيبٌ مُحَلّىً أَو رِداءٌ مُفَوَّفُ
45. They wish our hands to them were thrown
Who doctored faith and made themselves its face.
٤٥. يُريدونَ أَن نُلقي إِلَيهِم أَكُفَّنا
وَمِن دَمِنا أَيديهِمُ الدَهرَ تَنطِفُ
46. This humblest father you see
First in glory, last in the race,
٤٦. فَلِلَّهِ ما أَقسى ضَمائِرَ قَومِنا
لَقَد جاوَزوا حَدَّ العُقوقِ وَأَسرَفوا
47. Who reconciles the kings when enraged
And murder is writ on each hardened face.
٤٧. يَضَنّونَ أَن نُعطى نَصيباً مِنَ العُلا
وَقَد عالَجوا دَينَ العُلى وَتَسَلَّفوا
48. If he says, stop wrath, let calm thoughts rule,
They halt though churning with ire inside.
٤٨. وَهَذا أَبي الأَدنى الَّذي تَعرِفونَهُ
مُقَدَّمُ مَجدٍ أَوَّلٌ وَمُخَلَّفُ
49. If he says, peace, don't push things too far,
Their heads bow though their hearts swell with pride.
٤٩. مُؤَلِّفُ ما بَينَ المُلوكِ إِذا هَفَوا
وَأَشفَوا عَلى حَزِّ الرِقابِ وَأَشرَفوا
50. Only yesterday, their sovereign prayed
While turned from him in hatred and doubt.
٥٠. إِذا قالَ رُدّوا غارِبَ الحِلمِ راجَعوا
وَإِن قالَ مَهلاً بَعضَ ذا الجَدِّ وَقَّفوا
51. He tended him gently until the rancor faded
And smiling came after the storm and the shout.
٥١. وَبِالأَمسِ لَمّا صالَ قادِرُ مُلكِهِم
وَأَعرَضَ مِنهُ الجانِبُ المُتَخَوَّفُ
52. The Lord's Regent he was, his deeds healing
The royal treasure, graceful and deft.
٥٢. تَلافاهُ حَتّى سامَحَ الضَغنَ قَلبُهُ
وَأَسمَحَ لَمّا قيلَ لا يَتَأَلَّفُ
53. Till Uqbah's whisperings bred secret treason,
Offering the rope of betrayal to cleft.
٥٣. وَكانَ وَليُّ العَقدِ وَالعَهدِ بَينَهُ
وَبَينَ بَهاءِ المُلكِ يَسعى وَيَلطُفُ
54. He turned his shoulder, abandoning them
To the lance's point and the sword's thirst.
٥٤. وَلَمّا اِلتَقى نَجوى عُقَيلٍ لِنَبوَةٍ
وَمَدَّ لَهُم حَبلاً مِنَ الغَدرِ مُحصَفُ
55. Had it been other they had sought his grace
And had not spurned it and been the first.
٥٥. لَوى عِطفَهُ لَيَّ القَنيِّ رِقابَهُم
وَلَو لِسِواهُ اِستَعطَفوا ما تَعَطَّفوا
56. Summoning Mudar, its protection he vowed.
The helpless fell and slept as if drunk
٥٦. وَسَل مُضَراً لَمّا سَما لِدِيارِها
فَهَبَّ وَنامَ العاجِزُ المُتَضَعَّفُ
57. He flooded it, peace and by force, a torrent
Leaving the white stars thirsty, forlorn, sunk.
٥٧. تَوَلَّجَها كَالسَيلِ صُلحاً وَعَنوَةً
فَأَبقى وَرَدَّ البيضَ ظَمأى تَلَهَّفُ
58. Scenes of his glory at Minna ever live,
Signposts for time and for night's dark gate.
٥٨. لَهُ وَقَفاتٌ بَالحَجيجِ شُهودُها
إِلى عَقِبِ الدُنيا مِنىً وَالمُخَيَّفُ
59. Deeds not those alone by which towers are raised
High over men by will or by fate.
٥٩. وَمِن مَأثُراتٍ غَيرَ هاتيكَ لَم تَزَل
لَها عُنُقٌ عالٍ عَلى الناسِ مُشرِفُ
60. Their clamor for power he turned into shame
Though over them regal brows frowned.
٦٠. حَمى فاهُ عَن بُسطِ المُلوكِ وَقَد كَبَت
عَلَيها جِباهٌ مِن رِجالٍ وَآنُفُ
61. Reins once his, another would find them jerked
And himself deep in humiliation drowned.
٦١. زِمامُ عُلاً لَو غَيرُهُ رامَ جَرَّهُ
لَساقَ بِهِ حادٍ مِنَ الذُلِّ مُعنِفُ
62. My deeds pace his though I follow behind
To time's furthest edge sustained, secure.
٦٢. جَرى ما جَرى قَبلي وَها أَنا خَلفَهُ
إِلى الأَمَدِ الأَقصى أُغِذُّ وَأوجِفُ
63. But for respect I would make him regret
Though not from weakness do I abstain.
٦٣. وَلَولا مُراعاةُ الأُبوَّةِ جُزتُهُ
وَلَكِن لِغَيرِ العَجزِ ما أَتَوَقَّفُ
64. I put away plenty, reducing it
To what an ascetic would see fit.
٦٤. حَذَفتُ فُضولَ العَيشِ حَتّى رَدَدتُها
إِلى دونِ ما يَرضى بِهِ المُتَعَفِّفُ
65. I hoped to rise light to the most high
If you too would rise, make yourself light.
٦٥. وَأَمَّلتُ أَن أَجري خَفيفاً إِلى العُلى
إِذا شِئتُمُ أَن تَلحَقوا فَتَخَفَّفوا
66. I swear by the firm-necked steeds, their flanks flecked with blood,
That carried the pure when all fled the fight.
٦٦. حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ البُدنِ تَدمى نُحورُها
وَبِالنَفَرِ الأَطوارِ لَبّوا وَعَرَّفوا
67. I will hazard my soul to save it
While others are shackled in chains of disgrace.
٦٧. لَأَبتَذِلَنَّ النَفسَ حَتّى أَصونَها
وَغَيرِيَ في قَيدٍ مِنَ الذُلِّ يَرسُفُ
68. Long the chance for great deeds slipped away
While the longing soul still longing pined.
٦٨. فَقَد طالَما ضَيَّعتُ في العَيشِ فُرصَةً
وَهَل يَنفَعُ المَلهوفُ ما يَتَلَهَّفُ
69. My poetry's rhymes, I was never enthralled
By forms borrowed freely or slaves of their time.
٦٩. وَإِنَّ قَوافي الشِعرِ ما لَم أَكُن لَها
مُسَفسَفَةٌ فيها عَتيقٌ وَمُقرِفُ
70. I am the stalwart knight who ventures them boldly
With each innovator following behind.
٧٠. أَنا الفارِسُ الوَثّابُ في صَهَواتِها
وَكُلُّ مُجيدٍ جاءَ بَعدِيَ مُردَفُ