
Shall I thus remain forever independent,

أأبقى كذا أبدا مستقلا

1. Shall I thus remain forever independent,
With fate making me now honored, now abased?

١. أَأَبقى كَذا أَبَداً مُستَقِلّا
يُقَلِّبُني الدَهرُ عِزّاً وَذُلّا

2. Shall I be content with the acts of the lowly,
Fearing death and satisfied with the least?

٢. وَأَقنَعُ بِالدونِ فِعلَ الذَلي
لِ يَخشى الأَجَلَّ وَيَرضى الأَقَلّا

3. I have seen the rich among men,
When lacking in merit, despised and debased.

٣. وَإِنّي رَأَيتُ غَنيَّ الأَنامِ
إِذا لَم يَكُن ذا عَلاءٍ مُقِلّا

4. Without my loss are the perishing of spears
And the sailing of ships, pitching and rolling;

٤. وَمِن دونِ ضَيمي فِناءُ الرِماحِ
وَبيضُ القَواضِبِ ذَفّاً وَفَلّا

5. So I have continued attacking the heights
Until I attain all the glory and fame,

٥. فَلا زِلتُ كَلّاً عَلى المُقرَباتِ
إِلى أَن أَنالَ ذُرى المَجدِ كُلّا

6. When your heart aspires in its time,
What excuse for your face to be humbled?

٦. إِذا عَزَّ قَلبُكَ في دَهرِهِ
فَما عُذرُ وَجهِكَ في أَن يَذُلّا

7. Come, strive with your soul to attain it,
Look not for "perhaps" or "it may be."

٧. أَلا فَاِجهَدِ النَفسَ في نَيلِها
وَلا تَرقَبَنَّ عَسى أَو لَعَلّا

8. When a man gains not his wish after striving,
Continuous effort, not fate, trips his feet.

٨. إِذا المَرءُ لَم يَحظَ بَعدَ الطِلابِ
فَالجدُّ لا قَدَمُ المَرءِ زَلّا

9. And avoid the weakness that hinders resolve
That would keep the girls closely confined,

٩. وَحُلَّ حُبى العَجزِ عَن هِمَّةٍ
تَؤُدُّ الأَيانِقَ شَدّاً وَحَلّا

10. And roam, not minding the fewness of friends,
In sadness traversing plains and bare hills,

١٠. وَجُب غَيرَ مُستَكثِرٍ بِالصِحابِ
حَزناً يَغولُ المَطايا وَسَهلا

11. Till the highlands lead you back home,
Where you become the proudest and best.

١١. إِلى حَيثُ تومي إِلَيكَ البَنانُ
وَتُصبِحُ ثَمَّ الأَعَزُّ المُجَلّا

12. Of goodly repute and the best of lands,
A preserve inviolate wherein none is my peer.

١٢. قَليلَ المِثالِ وَخَيرَ البِلادِ
حِمى مَنزِلٍ لا أَرى فيهِ مِثلا

13. Accompany none save the limit of pride,
With lightning that cleaves as it strikes forth its blows,

١٣. وَلا تَصحَبَن غَيرَ حَدِّ الحُسا
مِ بَرقاً يَسُحُّ مِنَ الضَربِ وَبلا

14. And days when the night with tumultuous speech
Refuses to lend to the slander its ear;

١٤. وَأَيمٍ مِنَ السُمرِ طاغي اللِسا
نِ يَأبى اللَديغُ بِهِ أَن يُبِلّا

15. While might raises the low to high station,
And we see degradation esteemed the most high.

١٥. وَتَعلو المَعالي إِلى العاجِزينَ
وَنحنُ نَرى الذُلَّ أَعلى وَأَغلى

16. Your nature, Abu't-Tayyib, is bounteous;
The best gifts of the noble are yours.

١٦. عَدَتكَ أَبا الطَيِّبِ العادِياتُ
فَإِنَّكَ أَبذَلُ جاهاً وَبَذلا

17. I have tested the ways of these people,
And cease not to try them, time and again.

١٧. بَلَوتُ خَلائِقَ هَذا الأَنامِ
وَما زِلتُ أَبلو مِراراً وَأُبلى

18. I have found none except you who will choose
The best course and keep reputation intact.

١٨. فَلَم أَرَ إِلّاكَ مَن يَصطَفي
ثَناءً وَيَرعى ذِماماً وَإِلّا

19. So my heart, since the time it discerned you,
Feels you the dearest to it and most sweet.

١٩. فَأَصبَحَ قَلبي يَرى مُذ رَآ
كَ أَنَّكَ أَوقَعُ فيهِ وَأَحلى

20. And my voice, when at dawn I thought of you
As a powerful arm and a comrade, was freed.

٢٠. وَحَلَّت نَدايَ جَميعَ الوَرى
غَداةَ اِعتَقَدتُكَ عَضداً وَخِلّا

21. Would that you were unheeding of virtues
That make speech seem a trifling thing!

٢١. فِدىً لَكَ أَعمىً عَنِ المَكرُما
تِ يَعجِزُ أَن يَجعَلَ القَولَ فِعلا

22. You sleep to doing good like the beasts,
And hearing evil are ever alert and awake,

٢٢. يَنامُ عَنِ الخَيرِ نَومَ الضِباعِ
وَفي الشَرِّ يَطلُعُ سِمعاً أَزَلّا

23. Stretching out grasping hands toward disgrace,
Toward glory measuring spans with a cubit.

٢٣. طَويلُ اليَدينِ إِلى المُخزِياتِ
يَمُدُّ إِلى المَجدِ باعاً أَشَلّا

24. A youth on whom glorious deeds have conferred fame,
Whom noble deeds brought early success;

٢٤. فَتىً أَعلَقَتهُ عِنانَ الفَخارِ
مَكارِمُ جاءَت بِهِ المَجدَ قَبلا

25. And his envier then wanders distraught,
Though nearly guided to glory, goes astray.

٢٥. وَأَصبَحَ حاسِدُهُ خابِطاً
إِذا كادَ يُهدى إِلى المَجدِ ضَلّا

26. I sense your nature, so like the Samhar's,
And your ambition still loftier and higher.

٢٦. أَشَمُّ كَعالِيَةِ السَمهَريِّ
وَهِمَّتُهُ مِنهُ أَغلى وَأَعلى

27. You join a bold heart with a countenance
Perfect in radiance, glowing and beautiful.

٢٧. وَيَجمَعُ قَلباً جَريئاً وَوَجهاً
أَتَمُّ مِنَ البَدرِ نوراً وَأَملا

28. Bright as the lightning flash when it gleams,
Clear as the crescent moon when it appears,

٢٨. مَضاءُ القَضيبِ إِذا ما اِنجَلى
وَضَوءُ الهِلالِ إِذا ما تَجَلّى

29. And the brave man's heart is a sword; if
He presents himself, a polished sword blade.

٢٩. وَقَلبُ الشُجاعِ حُسامٌ فَإِن
حَلا مَنظَراً فَحُسامٌ مُحَلّى

30. He clouds o'er the day of pleasure's beginnings,
And brightens the day of turmoil and care,

٣٠. يُغَيِّمُ يَومَ النَدى المُستَهِلُّ
وَيُقشِعُ يَومَ الوَغى المُصمَئِلّا

31. Expands his eulogist through his nobility,
And grants him increase on what he before gave.

٣١. وَيوسِعُ مادِحَهُ بِشرَهُ
فَيوليهِ أَضعافَ ما كانَ أَولى

32. He tucks up his skirts for the.ray of valour,
And trails his garment in generous gift,

٣٢. يُشَمِّرُ لِلرَوعِ عَن ساقِهِ
وَيَسحَبُ لِلجودِ ذَيلاً رِفَلّا

33. Now returning with earnest, assiduous work,
And now with a wine-flask frothing and full;

٣٣. فَيَوماً يَعودُ بِجَدٍّ عَلَيٍّ
وَيَوماً يَعودُ بِقِدحٍ مُعَلّى

34. Cast to him by time things magnificent,
The most glorious ever known to this world.

٣٤. وَيُلقي إِلَيهِ عَظيمُ الزَمانِ
مِنَ المَأثُراتِ الأَجَلَّ الأَجَلّا

35. He guards well their meaning when day has sped,
And bears their burden when day returns.

٣٥. فَيُمسي لِأَسرارِها حافِظاً
وَيَغدو بِأَعبائِها مُستَقِلّا

36. With you they are like the flow of the pond,
Or the smoothness of a sword blade or a lawn.

٣٦. فَدونَكَها كَإِضاةِ الغَديرِ
أَوِ سُلَّ السَيفِ أَوِ الرَوضِ طُلّا

37. Without you they would be, like others before them,
Too proud for praise, too noble for song.

٣٧. وَلَولاكَ كانَت كَأَمثالِها
تُصانُ عَنِ المَدحِ عِزّاً وَنُبلا

38. Long have I guarded their honor inviolate,
Trained them from all men's approaches to flee.

٣٨. فَقَد كُنتُ حَصَّنتُ أَبكارَهُنَّ
وَعَوَّدتُهُنَّ عَنِ القَومِ عَضلا