1. You hope to be happy in the abode of grief,
And settle in the home of disgrace.
١. تَأمُلُ أَن تَفرَحَ في دارِ الحَزَن
وَتوطِنُ المَنزِلَ في دارِ الظَعَن
2. Alas! The turns of fate refuse you,
Those who stayed and the companions of time.
٢. هَيهاتَ يَأبى لَكَ جَوّالُ الرَدى
لَبثَ المُقيمينَ وَخَوّانُ الزَمَن
3. Do not accompany your time except fearful,
Of parting with a friend and news from home.
٣. لا تَصحَبَنَّ دَهرَكَ إِلّا خائِفاً
فِراقَ إِلفٍ وَنَبوا عَن وَطَن
4. And be, to the news of every incident,
Like the lively horse, sharp of ear.
٤. وَكُن إِلى نَبأَةِ كُلِّ حادِثٍ
كَالفَرَسِ الأَروَعِ صَرَّارِ الأُذُن
5. Fear stood up for him and did not consent when,
He stood up on four until buried.
٥. قامَ بِهِ الخَوفُ وَلَم يَرضَ بِأَن
قامَ عَلى أَربَعَةٍ حَتّى صَفَن
6. Its harm lightened, be safe from what you were for it,
Suspicion is a place for doubts.
٦. خَف شَرَّها آمَنَ ما كُنتَ لَها
إِنَّ الضَنينَ لَمَكانٌ لِلظِنَن
We are with the days in events,
٧. نَحنُ مَعَ الأَيّامِ في وَقائِعٍ
مِنَ المَقاديرِ وَغاراتٍ تُشَن
8. Of fate and night raids being launched.
Indeed the spears of fate meet the youth,
٨. إِنَّ رِماحَ الدَهرِ يَلقَينَ الفَتى
بِغَيرِ عِرفانِ الدُروعِ وَالجُنَن
9. Without recognizing shields and courage.
Entering between the two temples, though
٩. داخِلَةً بَينَ القَرينَينِ وَإِن
لَزّا عَلى الدَهرِ بِإِمرارِ القَرن
10. Binding on fate by the passing of time.
Its calamities did not lag behind a group,
١٠. ما اِستَأخَرَت شِدّاتُها عَنِ مَعشَرٍ
بَعدَ قَطينِ اللَهِ أَو آلِ قَطَن
11. After the Jinn of Allah or the family of Qatan.
١١. وَلا نَبَت أَطرافُها عَن حَجَرٍ
مِن مُضَرٍ ذاتِ القُوى وَلا اليَمَن
12. Nor did its edges transgress a rock,
From Mudar of mighty powers or from Yemen.
١٢. رَمَت بَني ساسانَ عَن مَربَعِهِم
رَمِيَ المَغالي آمِنَ الطَيرِ الثُكَن
13. It struck the children of Sasan from their square,
A throw that made safe the sitting birds.
١٣. وَاِستَلَبَت تاجَ بَني مُحَرِّقٍ
بَعدَ قِيادِ الصَعبِ مِن آلِ يَزَن
14. And seized the crown of the children of Muharriq,
After the difficult leadership of the family of Yazan.
١٤. وَصَدَّعَت غُمدانَ عَن مَرضومَةٍ
جَوبَكَ بِالمِقراضِ أَثوابَ الرَدَن
15. And shattered the scabbards about Marthudah,
Ripping his clothes with scissors of frayed edges.
١٥. وَآلُ مَروانَ غَطاهُم مَوجُها
لِمّا نَزَت بِآلِ مَروانَ البَطِن
And the family of Marwan whom its waves covered,
١٦. ثُمَّ بَنوا القَرمِ العَتيكِيِّ وَقَد
رَدّوا يَزيدَ العارِ مَخلوعَ الرَسَن
17. When the abdomens descended upon the family of Marwan.
Then the children of Qaram, the noble ones, and they,
١٧. لا قى خُبَيبٌ وَيَزيدٌ روقَها
مِن غَيبَةٍ ماطِرُها القَنا اللَدَن
18. Returned Yazid the shame, deposed of leadership.
Neither Khubayb nor Yazid could endure it,
١٨. أَبَوا إِباءَ البُزلِ فَاِقتادَتهُمُ
مِنَ المَقاديرِ مُطاعاتُ الشَطَن
19. From an absence whose rain is pouring heavily.
They refused the shame so it led them,
١٩. أَلا ذَكَرتَ إِن طَلَبتَ أُسوَةً
ما يَضمَنُ الأُسوَةَ لِلقَلبِ الضَمِن
20. To obey the commands of fate.
Oh! Do you remember if you sought a role model,
٢٠. يَومَ بَني الصِمَّةِ في عَرضِ اللَوى
وَيَومَ بِساطامِ بنِ قَيسٍ بِالحَسَن
21. What guarantees a role model for the assured heart?
The day of Bani Al-Simmah in the battlefield of Al-Lawaa,
٢١. وَيَومَ خَوٍّ أَسلَمَت عُتَيبَة
خَصاصَةَ الرَرعِ الَّذي كانَ أَمِن
22. And the day of Bisatam bin Qays at Al-Hasan.
And the day Khaww surrendered Utaybah,
٢٢. أَوجَرَهُ رُمحُ ذُؤابٍ طَعنَةً
تَلغَطُ لَغطَ الأَعجَميَّ لَم يُبِن
23. The elite cavalry that was safe.
The spear of Thu'aab wounded him a wound,
٢٣. وَبِالكَديدِ مُلتَقى رَبيعَةٍ
تَحمي بُعيدَ المَوتِ آبارَ الظُعُن
24. Whose blood gushed like the babbling of a foreigner.
And at Al-Kadid the meeting place of Rabee'ah,
٢٤. كَأَنَّني لَم تَبكِ قَبلي فارِساً
عَينٌ وَلا حَنَّ فَتىً قَبلي وَأَن
25. They protect the far reach of death with the wells of bravery.
It is as if no horseman wept before me,
٢٥. هَل كانَ كُلُّ الناسِ إِلّا هَكَذا
ذو شَجَنٍ باكٍ لِباكٍ ذي شَجَن
26. Nor did a young man sigh before me.
Were all the people but like this,
٢٦. سَائِل بِقومي لِم نَبا الدَهرُ بِهِم
عَن غَيرِ ضِغَنٍ وَرَماهُم عَن شَزَن
27. Someone in anguish, weeping for another in anguish?
I ask about my people, why did fate act unjustly with them,
٢٧. لِم راشَهُم رَيشَ السَهامِ لِلعِدا
ثُمَّ بَراهُم بِالرَدى بَريَ السَفَن
28. Without any hostility, and cast them away from dwelling?
It feathered them with arrows for the enemy,
٢٨. وَكَيفَ أَمسَوا حَفَناتٍ مِن ثَرىً
مِن بَعدِ ما كانوا رِعاناً وَقُنَن
29. Then showed them to the turns of fate, like ships.
And how did they become handfuls of dust,
٢٩. سَومَ السَفصِ طاحَت بِهِ في مَرِّها
زَفازِفُ الريحِ وَبَوغاءُ الدِمَن
30. After they had been shepherd boys and fledglings?
The twist of fate whose violent wind and rain of darkness fell upon it,
٣٠. هُم أُجلِسوا عَلى الصِفاحِ وَالذُرى
إِذ رَضِيَ القَومُ بِما تَحتَ الثَفَن
31. They were made to sit atop the plains and the slopes.
When the people were content with what is below the burial,
٣١. لَهُم عَلى الناسِ وَما زالَ لَهُم
مَشارِفُ الرَأسِ عَلى جَمعِ البَدَن
32. For them over the people, and their superiority remains.
Chieftains whose swords,
٣٢. عَماعِمٌ لَمّا تَزَل أَسيافُهُم
عَماعِمَ الصيدِ وَأَقيادَ البُدُن
33. Were the chieftains of prey and leaders of camels.
With the first step to the glory of loftiness,
٣٣. بِالقَدَمِ الأولى إِلى شَأوِ العُلى
وَالأَذرُعِ الطولى إِلى عَقدِ المِنَن
34. And the long arms to the knot of favors.
For him are the pots that guarantee subsistence to villages,
٣٤. كَيفَ أَماني لِلمُرامي بَعدَهُم
مِن نُوَبِ الدَهرِ وَقَد زالَ المِجن
35. Blessed are his buckets, abundant with milk.
From every stained woman who has their protection,
٣٥. الداخِلينَ البَيتَ باباهُ القَنا
عَلى الخَناذيذِ الطَوالِ وَالحُصُن
36. They collectively feed the one down on his luck like crumbs.
Indeed, from his sword the tithes take cover,
٣٦. وَالفالِقينَ الصُبحَ عَن مَغيرَةٍ
لَها مِنَ النَقعِ ظَلامٌ مُرجَحِن
37. Their blood in the year of draught with milk.
Do you not see this polished sword,
٣٧. وَالضارِبينَ الهامَ في مُشعَلَةٍ
لَها بِلا نارٍ ضِرامٌ وَدَخَن
38. That slowly lowers us down the steps of humiliation?
It is as if the people through it are from one vanishing,
٣٨. كَم فاضَ في أَبياتِهِم مُنتَجِعٌ
يَقرِنُ بِالنُعمى وَقِرنٍ في قَرَن
39. And granting, flowing upon that tradition.
A composition folded over its lines,
٣٩. إِذا تَنادوا لِلِّقاءِ فَيلَقٌ
تَداوَلوا الأَعناقَ مِن أَسرٍ وَمَن
40. Its beginning is masked and its end exposed.
How strange is that which we inhabit,
٤٠. ما دَرِنَت أَعراضُهُم مِنَ الخَنا
وَلا اِنجَلَت أَسيافُهُم مِنَ الدَرَن
41. Bringing together what is between the valleys and canyons.
Between my ribs, a king and a market seller,
٤١. كُلُّ عَظيمٍ مِنهُمُ مُحَجَّبٌ
تَأذَنُ أَبوابُ الغِنى إِذا أَذِن
42. None knowing what honor and sleep and vanishing are.
If the onlooker knew one day what they are,
٤٢. ذو نَسَبٍ تَستَخجِلُ الشَمسُ بِهِ
أَصفى عَلى السائِغِ مِن ماءِ المُزُن
43. Events would terrify him, and he would say who and who.
I swear I will not forget them as long as,
٤٣. لَهُ القُدورُ الضامِناتُ لِلقِرى
مَبارِكُ البُزلِ الجِرارِ بِالعَطَن
44. The red sun rises from the darkness of night.
Either by crying with tears that flow,
٤٤. مِن كُلِّ دَهماءَ لَها هَماهِمٌ
تُلَقَّمُ البازِلَ جُمعاً كَالفَدَن
45. Or with my heart, if tears refuse and abstain.
I denied the joys of time after them,
٤٥. إِنَّ العِشارَ لاتَقي مِن سَيفِهِ
دِماءَها عامَ الجُدوبِ بِاللَبَن
46. From the length of my affliction with the calamities of grief.
Misfortunes increased suddenly,
٤٦. أَما تَرى هَذا الصَفيحَ المُجتَلى
يُدرِجُنا دَرجَ الرُمَيلِ المُمتَهَن
47. And the heart grew accustomed to them and settled.
Tell time to depart with them from a deserter,
٤٧. كَأَنَّما الناسُ بِهِ مِن ذاهِبٍ
وَواهِبٍ يَجري عَلى ذاكَ السَنَن
48. And carry upon its sunset for it has passed me.
٤٨. مَزبورَةٌ تُطوى عَلى أَشطارِها
يُبطَنُ باديها وَيَبدو ما بَطَن
٤٩. ما أَعجَبَ الناسَ الَّذي نَسكُنُهُ
يَجمَعُ ما بَينَ الوِهادِ وَالقُنَن
٥٠. بَينَ عِظامي مَلِكٍ وَسوقَةٍ
لَم يُدرَ ما العِزُّ وَنامٍ وَيَفَن
٥١. لَو عَلِمَ الناظِرُ يَوماً ما هُما
أَفظَعَهُ الخَطبُ وَقالَ مَن وَمَن
٥٢. أَقسَمتُ لا أَنساهُم ما طَلَعَت
حَمراءُ مِن خِدرِ ظَلامٍ وَدَجَن
٥٣. إِمّا بُكاءً بِالدُموعِ ما جَرَت
أَو بِالفُؤادِ إِن أَبى الدَمعُ وَضَن
٥٤. أَنكَرتُ أَفراحَ الزَمانِ بَعدَهُم
مِن طولِ بَلوايَ بِرَوعاتِ الحَزَن
٥٥. زِدنَ الرَزايا فَنَقَصنَ دَفعَةً
وَوُطِّنَ القَلبُ عَليها فَاِطمَأَنّ
٥٦. قُل لِلزَمانِ اِرحَل بِهِم مِن بازِلٍ
وَاِحمِل عَلى غارِبِهِ فَقَد مَرِن