1. When they one day thunder at us with their threats
From afar we flash at them with the swords
١. إِذا أَرعَدوا يَوماً لَنا بِوَعيدِهِم
عَلى النَأيِ أَبرَقنا لَهُم بِالصَوارِمِ
2. And one day at Al-Ahwaz their steeds
Were buried in their skulls by the piercing blades
٢. وَيَوماً عَلى الأَهوازِ كانَت جِيادُهُ
تُوَدَّجُ في لَبّاتِها بِاللَهاذِمِ
3. The pigeons had their fill of them but not
Your sword from the clashing of skulls
٣. قَضى وَطَراً مِنها الحِمامُ وَما اِشتَفى
حُسامُكَ فيهِ مِن قِراعِ الجَماجِمِ