1. Send your tears down the valleys of life, if they appear
For tears are helpers against sorrows
١. أَسِل بِدَمعِكَ وادي الحَيِّ إِن بانوا
إِنَّ الدُموعَ عَلى الأَحزانِ أَعوانُ
2. There is no excuse after the home becomes desolate
For the pretender of passion whose eyes did not weep for it
٢. لا عُذرَ بَعدَ تَنائي الدارِ مِن سَكَنٍ
لِمُدَّعي الوَجدِ لَم يَدمَع لَهُ شانُ
3. The tall riders from Najd protect them
Arrogant and generous knights from people's sights
٣. حَيِّ الطَوالِعَ مِن نَجدٍ تَصونُهُمُ
عَنِ النَواظِرِ أَنماءٌ وَكيرانُ
4. They cast aside their quivers of arrows from their right sides
While the darkness of sorrow makes their left sides heavy
٤. رَمَوا جُيوبَ المَطالي عَن مَيامِنِهِم
وَشيحَةُ الحَزنِ يُسراهُم وَنَجرانُ
5. Its sighs crept into your heart and settled
The most elevated dunes stopped you
٥. سارَت بِقَلبِكَ في الأَحشاءِ زَفرَتُهُ
وَاِستَوقَفَتكَ بِأَعلى الرَملِ أَظعانُ
6. When we passed by those plateaus in the morning
Purebred horses and noblemen listened to the horizon
٦. لَمّا مَرَرنا عَلى تِلكَ السُروبِ ضُحىً
نَصَت إِلى الرَبعِ أَجيادٌ وَأَعيانُ
7. In every lush meadow, comfort leans towards it
As gazelles lean towards the cool water on a hot day
٧. مِن كُلِّ غَيداءَ قَد مالَ النَعيمُ بِها
كَما تَخايَلَ بِالبُردَينِ نَشوانُ
8. As if their domed tents opened for them
On a day of bliss, glorious and free
٨. كَأَنَّما اِنفَرَجَت عَنهُم قِبابُهُم
يَومَ الأُنَيعِمِ آجالٌ وَصيرانُ
9. Coquettish women offer us their cheeks
As gazelles look longingly towards someone crying
٩. مُستَشرِفاتٌ يُعَرِّضنَ الخُدودَ لَنا
كَما تَشَوَّفَ صَوبَ المُزنِ غِزلانُ
10. The sand is only mentioned when an exile remembers
His homelands and dwellings in that sandy place
١٠. لا يُذكَرُ الرَملُ إِلّا حَنَّ مُغتَرِبٌ
لَهُ بِذي الرَملِ أَوطارٌ وَأَوطانُ
11. Passions for the ruins creep from my heart
It is not the ruins I long for, but those who lived there
١١. نَهفو إِلى البانِ مِن قَلبي نَوازِعُهُ
وَما بِيَ البانُ بَل مَن دارُهُ البانُ
12. I block my hearing when the doves coo in it
Except to explain the secret of passion openly
١٢. أَسُدُّ سَمعي إِذا غَنّى الحَمامُ بِهِ
إِلّا يُبَيِّنَ سِرَّ الوَجدِ إِعلانُ
13. And how often a home has estranged me
While my love and longing for it grow stronger
١٣. وَرُبَّ دارٍ أَوَليها مُجانَبَةً
وَبي إِلى الدارِ أَطرابٌ وَأَشجانُ
14. When I loiter in its ruins, it conjures
Sorrows and fires for the eyes and heart
١٤. إِذا تَلَفَّتُّ في أَطلالِها اِبتَدَرَت
لِلعَينِ وَالقَلبِ أَمواهٌ وَنيرانُ
15. Words in my heart I medicate and nurture
Prolonged estrangement makes me forget those I resent
١٥. كُلمٌ بِقَلبي أُداويهِ وَيَقرِفُهُ
طَولُ إِدكاري لِمَن لي مِنهُ نِسيانُ
16. Do not blame the guide for the faults of the led
Nor the heart for finding peace
١٦. لا لِلَوائِمِ إِقصارٌ بِلائِمَةٍ
عَنِ العَميدِ وَلا لِلقَلبِ سُلوانُ
17. They break their word if they make promises
And delay repaying their debts
١٧. عَلى مَواعيدِهِم خُلفٌ إِذا وَعَدوا
وَفي دُيونِهِمُ مَطلٌ وَلَيّانُ
18. They pretended to be loyal for a while
Then betrayed me when they tortured me with rejection
١٨. هُم عَرَّضوا بِوَفاءِ العَهدِ آوِنَةً
حَتّى إِذا عَذَّبوني بِالمُنى خانوا
19. Do not settle in a cheap land
For a home is a home, and neighbors are neighbors
١٩. لا تَخلُدَنَّ إِلى أَرضِ تَهونُ بِها
بِالدارِ دارٌ وَبِالجيرانِ جيرانُ
20. I say to the caravan, their mounts are exhausted
By the night's journey and the pressing darkness
٢٠. أَقولُ لِلرَكبِ قَد خَوَّت رِكابُهُمُ
مِنَ الكَلالِ وَمَرُّ اللَيلِ عَجلانُ
21. Hasten their camels and seek urgently
When the noble souls accept disgrace, they fall
٢١. مُدّوا عَلابيَّها وَاِستَعجِلوا طَلَباً
إِذا رَضي بِالهُوَينا مَعشَرٌ هانوا
22. We hope for eternity and to remain dignified
While the home throws away dignity
٢٢. نَرجو الخُلودَ وَباقينا عَلى ظَعِن
وَالدارُ قاذِفَةٌ بِالزَورِ مِظعانُ
23. If fate decreases what it once granted
The work of fate is to give and deprive
٢٣. إِن قَلَّصَ الدَهرُ ما أَضفاهُ مِن جِدَةٍ
فَصَنعَةُ الدَهرِ إِعطاءٌ وَحِرمانُ
24. How often you see a boy whose clothes are torn
Yet his honor is smooth and his lineage esteemed
٢٤. كَم مِن غُلامٍ تَرى أَطمارَهُ مِزقاً
وَالعِرضُ أَملَسُ وَالأَحسابُ غُرّانُ
25. If a youth's actions are disgraceful
It does not help if he is said to have a beautiful face
٢٥. إِذا الفَتى كانَ في أَفعالِهِ شَوَهٌ
لَم يُغنِ إِن قَيلَ إِنَّ الوَجهَ حَسّانُ
26. Do not seek the highest goal or you will be deprived of it
For some who seek profit will suffer loss
٢٦. لا تَطلُبِ الغايَةَ القُصوى فَتُحرَمَها
فَإِنَّ بَعضَ طِلابِ الرِبحِ خُسرانُ
27. Resolve without resolute intention is futile
And increase without reason causes decrease
٢٧. وَالعَزمُ في غَيرِ وَقتِ العَزمِ مَعجَزَةٌ
وَالإِزدِيادُ بِغَيرِ العَقلِ نُقصانُ
28. Let your hands stretch to gain money and hold it
For the misers leave it to the inheritors
٢٨. وَاِجعَل يَدَيكَ مَجازَ المالِ تَحظَ بِهِ
إِنَّ الأَشِحّاءَ لِلوُرّاثِ خُزّانُ
29. The might of one who bares his teeth will frighten the people
He who dispersed their celebrations and children
٢٩. سَيَرعُبُ القَومَ مِنّي سَطوُ ذي لِبَدٍ
لَهُ بَعثَرَ أَعراسٌ وَوِلدانُ
30. None will enjoy the taste except from his prey
If he misses the prey one day, he becomes emaciated
٣٠. لا يَطعَمُ الطُعمَ إِلّا مِن فَريسَتِهِ
إِن يَعدَمِ القِرنَ يَوماً فَهوَ طَيّانُ
31. Wherever his friends camp, he minds his own origin
His hearing upright and his heart awake
٣١. ما شى الرِفاقَ يُراعي أَينَ مَسقِطُهُم
وَالسَمعُ مُنتَصِبٌ وَالقَلبُ يَقظانُ
32. He wishes the bright night to arrive quickly
When the people of night journey too slowly
٣٢. يَستَعجِلُ اللَيلَةَ القَمراءَ أَوبَتَها
إِذا بَنو اللَيلِ مِن طولِ السُرى لا نوا
33. Until they celebrate where their bedrolls are spread
The slopes of sand, pure and dune-like
٣٣. حَتّى إِذا عَرَّسوا في حَيثُ تَفرُشُهُم
نَمارِقَ الرَملِ أَنقاءٌ وَكُثبانُ
34. They came just as one needing provisions goes
To collect leftover food in the desert, riding
٣٤. دَنا كَما اِعتَسَّ ذو طِمرَينِ لَمَّظَهُ
مِن فَضلَةِ الزادِ بِالبَيداءِ رُكبانُ
35. Then his restless soul settled with him
And fate brought him supporters
٣٥. ثُمَّ اِستَقَرَّت بِهِ نَفسٌ مُشَيَّعَةٌ
لَها مِنَ القَدَرِ المَجلوبِ مِعوانُ
36. So he did what he did, and followed his nature
Dragging her, a feeder of game, a snarling dog
٣٦. فَعاثَ ما عاثَ وَاِستَبلى عَقيرَتَهُ
يَجُرُّها مُطعِمٌ لِلصَيدِ جَذلانُ
37. A spear when it sought to pierce honor
The people's blood did not sate it like milk
٣٧. قِرنٌ إِذا طَلَبَ الأَوتارَ عَن عُرُضٍ
لَم تَفدِ مِنهُ دِماءَ القَومِ أَلبانُ
38. And a slave boy they took in sudden raid
Wrapping waists around sticks, shriveling
٣٨. وَغِلمَةٍ أَخَذوا لِلرَوعِ أُهبَتَهُ
لُفَّ البُطونِ عَلى الأَعوادِ خُمصانُ
39. Their shadows flew, taken by vultures
As if they had snatched the people away
٣٩. طارَت بِأَشباحِهِم جُردٌ مُسَوَّمَةٌ
كَأَنَّما خَطَفَت بِالقَومِ عِقبانُ
40. From every bent neck, tied by its noose
As if it were part of creation's perfection
٤٠. مِن كُلِّ أَعنَقَ مَلطومٍ بِغُرَّتِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن تَمامِ الخَلقِ بُنيانُ
41. Stretching towards the bell like a well rope
When eyes and ears perceive a threat
٤١. يَمُدُّ لِلجَرَسِ مِثلَ الآسِتَينِ إِذا
خانَ التَوَجُّسَ أَبصارٌ وَآذانُ
42. Grab their leading reins for they have stumbled
From the depths of the valley, minds and heads
٤٢. فَاِستَمسِكوا بِنَواصيها وَقَد سَقَطَت
مِن غائِرِ الجَريِ أَلبابٌ وَأَرسانُ
43. As if the palm trees were being married off by a Yemeni girl
Who eloped with them, then returned with no family
٤٣. كَأَنَّما النَخلُ تَزفيهِ يَمانِيَةٌ
فاهَت بِهِ ثَمَّ أَعقابٌ وَعَيرانُ
44. Like a yawning she-camel with fearful mouth
A spring and shooting stars swerve to their oaths
٤٤. كَعَمتُ فاغِرَةَ الثَغرِ المَخوفِ بِهِم
يَهفو بِأَيمانِهِم نَبعٌ وَمُرّانُ
45. As if the honor of their homes were white ibex
Protected by jealous mountain goats
٤٥. كَأَنَّ غُرَّ المَعالي في بُيوتِهِمُ
بيضٌ عَقائِلُ يَحميهِنَّ غَيرانُ
46. O you who lost your people in the valley of life
Hatred and grudges made them forget compassion
٤٦. يا فاقِدَ اللَهِ بَينَ الحَيِّ مِن يَمَنٍ
أَنساهُمُ الحِلمَ أَحقادٌ وَأَضغانُ
47. To whom does the ignorant womb complain
With shouts and whimpers of grief?
٤٧. إِلى كَمِ الرَحمُ البَلهاءُ شاكِيَةٌ
لَها مِنَ النَعيِ إِعوالٌ وَإِرنانُ
48. Bewildered, they mislead her between us disputed
While we vie against the home's enemies
٤٨. حَيرى يُضِلّونَها ما بَينَنا وَلَهاً
مِنّا عَلى عُدَواءِ الدارِ نِشدانُ
49. In agreement to harm and disagreeing in opinion
The home is one but religions are many
٤٩. النَجرُ مُتَّفِقٌ وَالرَأيُ مُختَلِفٌ
فَالدارُ واحِدَةٌ وَالدينُ أَديانُ
50. The vessels of good are recompensed
Empty, while the vessel of evil is full
٥٠. وَثَمَّ أَوعِيَةُ الإِحسانِ مُكفَأَةٌ
فَوارِغٌ وَوِعاءُ الشَرِّ مَلآنُ
51. We cast aside our honor hoping
They would return to the rest as they were
٥١. إِنّا نُجِرُّهُمُ أَعراضَنا طَمَعاً
في أَن يَعودوا إِلى البُقيا كَما كانوا
52. How does it misguide you in every dark place
While there are signs and marks for guidance
٥٢. أَنّى يُتاهُ بِكُم في كُلِّ مُظلِمَةٍ
وَلِلرَشادِ أَماراتٌ وَعُنوانُ
53. Incline towards peace, for peace is vast
Clarify the truth for the truth is bare
٥٣. ميلوا إِلى السِلمَ إِنَّ السِلمَ واسِعَةٌ
وَاِستَوضِحوا الحَقَّ إِنَّ الحَقَّ عُريانُ
54. O you whose night's steps spanned the darkness
Frightening she-wolves with bared teeth
٥٤. يا راكِباً ذَرَعَت نُوَبَ الظَلامِ بِهِ
هَوجاءُ ماثِلَةُ الضَبعَينِ مِذعانُ
55. Tell my people if you reach them
That I am a leader for whatever befalls them
٥٥. أَبلِغ عَلى النَأيِ قَومي إِن حَلَلتَ هِمِ
أَنّي عَميدٌ بِما يَلقونَ أَسوانُ
56. My people, patience rewards betrayal
And sometimes remaining and doing good harm
٥٦. يا قَومُ إِنَّ طَويلَ الحِلمِ مَفسَدَةٌ
وَرُبَّما ضَرَّ إِبقاءٌ وَإِحسانُ
57. Why do I see your watering place overflow
While your cattle are thirsty on the watering night?
٥٧. ما لي أَرى حَوضَكُم تَعفو نَصائِبُهُ
وَذودَكُم لَيلَةَ الأَورادِ ظَمآنُ
58. Turned away from the troughs, so night settles
And wrongdoing mingles with your resolve
٥٨. مُدَفَّعينَ عَنِ الأَحواضِ مِن ضَرَعٍ
يَنضو بِهامِكُمُ ظُلمٌ وَعُدوانُ
59. A man among you does not fear for his herd
Nor restrain himself when he is angry
٥٩. لا يُرهَبُ المَرءُ مِنكُم عِندَ حِفظَتِهِ
وَلا يُراقِبُ يَوماً وَهوَ غَضبانُ
60. The neighbors are not honored among you
Nor are their families pitied in disgrace
٦٠. إِنَّ الأُلى لا يُعَزُّ الجارُ بَينَهُمُ
وَلا تُهابُ عَواليهِم لَذُلّانُ
61. How much endurance of harm and insult
And acceptance of humiliation and compliance!
٦١. كَم اِصطِبارٌ عَلى ضَيمٍ وَمَنقَصَةٍ
وَكَم عَلى الذُلُّ إِقرارٌ وَإِذعانُ
62. Among you roams one whose worry is his career
Whose arena is lit and whose victims' necks are twisted
٦٢. وَفيكُمُ الحامِلُ الهَمهامُ مَسرَحُهُ
داجٍ وَمِن حَلَقِ الماذيِّ أَبدانُ
63. Horses snatching sides, grimacing
As if they were lions on the hillsides
٦٣. وَالخَيلُ مُخطَفَةُ الأَوساطِ ضامِرَةٌ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ عَلى الأَطوادِ ذُؤبانُ
64. I swear to God that your affairs will be torn apart
By a shepherd whose sheep are the weak and submissive
٦٤. اللَهَ اللَهَ أَن يَبتَزَّ أَمرَكُمُ
راعٍ رَعِيَّتُهُ المَعزِيُّ وَالضانُ
65. Rise up for it and let your souls scorn it
For principles are the spirits' prices
٦٥. ثوروا لَها وَلتَهُنُ فيها نُفوسُكُمُ
إِنَّ المَناقِبَ لِلأَرواحِ أَثمانُ
66. So from refusing harm, their skulls
Frowned upon their joints, sulking
٦٦. فَمِن إِباءِ الأَذى حَلَّت جَماجِمُها
عَلى مَناصِلِها عَبسٌ وَذُبيانُ
67. And from the swords that refused humiliation when they raided
Marwan's son Sulayman withdrew
٦٧. وَعَن سُيوفِ إِباءِ الضَيمِ حينَ سَطوا
مَضى بَغُصَّتِهِ الجَعديُّ مَروانُ
68. If you attain it, your spears have reached long
And if you are attained, peers match peers
٦٨. فَإِن تَنالوا فَقَد طالَت رِماحُكُمُ
وَإِن تُنالوا فَلِلأَقرانِ أَقرانُ