
The reward of the Commander of the Faithful is my praise

جزاء أمير المؤمنين ثنائي

1. The reward of the Commander of the Faithful is my praise
For blessings unceasing, and generosity abounding.

١. جَزاءُ أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ ثَنائي
عَلى نِعَمٍ ما تَنقَضي وَعَطاءِ

2. He spent the dark nights pursuing what was left of my prey,
Until today naught remains but their wailing.

٢. أَقامَ اللَيالي عَن بَقايا فَريسَتي
وَلَم يَبقَ مِنها اليَومَ غَيرُ ذَماءِ

3. He brought the extremities of his glory near for my hopes,
And tied the tent ropes of his bounty with my ambitions.

٣. وَأَدنى أَقاصي جاهِهِ لِوَسائِلي
وَشَدَّ أَواخي جودِهِ بِرَجائي

4. He taught me how to rise up to the heights,
And how the comfort of a man comes after hardship.

٤. وَعَلَّمَني كَيفَ الطُلوعُ إِلى العُلى
وَكَيفَ نَعيمُ المَرءِ بَعدَ شَقاءِ

5. And how to force the days to recoil from their pace,
And meet the chests of steeds, no matter the encounter.

٥. وَكَيفَ أَرُدُّ الدَهرَ عَن حَدَثانِهِ
وَأَلقى صُدورَ الخَيلِ أَيَّ لِقاءِ

6. So I cannot ignore the demands of all-consuming desires,
Knowing I am prone to oblivion.

٦. فَما لِيَ أُغضي عَن مَطالِبَ جَمَّةٍ
وَأَعلَمُ أَنّي عُرضَةٌ لِفَناءِ

7. I leave the wine thirsty though free of sediment,
And the worst canal is one that is not sating.

٧. وَأَترُكُ سُمرَ الخَطِّ ظَمأى خَلِيَّةً
وَشَرُّ قَناً ما كُنَّ غَيرَ رِواءِ

8. When I drag the spear no father cries out behind me,
Nor a mother wailing in my wake.

٨. إِذا ما جَرَرتُ الرُمحَ لَم يُثنِني أَبٌ
يُليحُ وَلا أُمٌّ تَصيحُ وَرائي

9. My heart escorts me when I command it,
Obeying resolutely, without deceit or doubt.

٩. وَشَيَّعَني قَلبٌ إِذا ما أَمَرتُهُ
أَطاعَ بِعَزمٍ لا يَروغُ وَرائي

10. I see people craving to be saved from evil,
Yet the fulfillment of man is but prolonged agony.

١٠. أَرى الناسَ يَهوَونَ الخَلاصَ مِنَ الرَدى
وَتَكمِلَةُ المَخلوقِ طولُ عَناءِ

11. They decry murder, but murder is comfort,
And lingering death by disease wearies more than rest.

١١. وَيَستَقبِحونَ القَتلَ وَالقَتلُ راحَةٌ
وَأَتعَبُ مَيتٍ مَن يَموتُ بِداءِ

12. I am no son of She-Camels if I do not return them
Scowling, spurning injustice like my defiance.

١٢. فَلَستُ اِبنَ أُمِّ الخَيلِ إِن لَم تَعُد بِها
عَوابِسَ تَأبى الضَيمَ مِثلَ إِبائي

13. I bring them back bereaved of their young,
When they have slipped from the death-grip in blood.

١٣. وَأُرجِعُها مَفجوعَةً بِحُجولِها
إِذا اِنتَعَلَت مِن مَأزِقٍ بِدِماءِ

14. To the tribe whose leader was his enemy,
And whom he greeted at dawn with destiny.

١٤. إِلى حَيِّ مَن كانَ الإِمامُ عَدُوَّهُ
وَصَبَّحَهُ مِن أَمرِهِ بِقَضاءِ

15. He is the lion, neither rousing over prey,
Nor turning from an opportunity in shyness.

١٥. هُوَ اللَيثُ لا مُستَنهَضٌ عَن فَريسَةٍ
وَلا راجِعٌ عَن فُرصَةٍ لِحَياءِ

16. His will in action is not subdued,
Nor his pace in havoc hampered.

١٦. وَلا عَزمُهُ في فِعلِهِ بِمُذَلَّلٍ
وَلا مَشيُهُ في فَتكِهِ بِضَراءِ

17. He is the kindling of fires in every darkness,
And spiller of blood rivers every evening.

١٧. هُوَ النابِهُ النَيرانِ في كُلِّ ظُلمَةٍ
وَمُجري دِماءَ الكومِ كُلَّ مَساءِ

18. I am the one who raises the moan of the bow in every raid,
With arrows of struggle or ransom alike.

١٨. وَمُعلي حَنينِ القَوسِ في كُلِّ غارَةٍ
بِسَهمِ نِضالٍ أَو بِسَهمِ غَلاءِ

19. Exalted - if a star were granted the like of him
It would spurn to dwell in the sky's expanse!

١٩. فَخارٌ لَوَ اَنَّ النَجمَ أُعطِيَ مِثلَهُ
تَرَفَّعَ أَن يَأوي أَديمَ سَماءِ

20. A face - if the moon bore its resemblance
It would illuminate the nights, days and years!

٢٠. وَوَجهٌ لَوَ اَنَّ البَدرَ يَحمِلُ شُبهَهُ
أَضاءَ اللَيالي مِن سَنىً وَسَناءِ

21. Lineages whose roots drink deep of the nurture of glory,
Meeting in the prophets and caliphs of God.

٢١. مَغارِسُ طالَت في رُبى المَجدِ وَاِلتَقَت
عَلى أَنبِياءِ اللَهِ وَالخُلَفاءِ

22. And how many a screamer called out to you when
Drunkenness overcame him, devoid of reason.

٢٢. وَكَم صارِخٍ ناداكَ لَمّا تَلَبَّبَت
بِهِ السُمرُ في يَومٍ بِغَيرِ ذُكاءِ

23. You returned his soul to him, and the sun, so he recoiled
With the greatest spirit, in deepest light.

٢٣. رَدَدتَ عَلَيهِ النَفسَ وَالشَمسَ فَاِنثَنى
بِأَنعَمِ روحٍ في أَعَمِّ ضِياءِ

24. And how many resentful breasts boxed within,
Churning words of contention from the tongue.

٢٤. وَكَم صَدرِ مَوتورٍ تَطَلَّعَ غَيظُهُ
وَقَلَّبَ قَولاً عَن لِسانِ مِراءِ

25. He hides his grudges with hypocrisy,
Like the deadly snake hides its back with camouflage.

٢٥. يُغَطّي عَلى أَضغانِهِ بِنِفاقِهِ
كَذي العَقرِ غَطّى ظَهرَهُ بِكَفاءِ

26. You returned his waywardness with forbearance, until you slew him
Without piercing, in the fray's turmoil and chaos.

٢٦. كَرَرتَ عَلَيهِ الحِلمَ حَتّى قَتَلتَهُ
بِغَيرِ طِعانٍ في الوَغى وَرِماءِ

27. When people carry the banners as tokens
It suffices that the tips of spears are all the banner's shade.

٢٧. إِذا حَمَلَ الناسُ اللِواءَ عَلامَةً
كَفاكَ مَثارُ النَقعِ كُلَّ لِواءِ

28. An army of Mudar is like torrents in the wasteland,
Their necks like flood-waves, their bodies like landmarks.

٢٨. وَجَيشٍ مُضِرٍّ بِالفَلاةِ كَأَنَّهُ
رِقابُ سُيولٍ أَو مُتونُ نِهاءِ

29. As if the meadow showered them its rains,
And warded off their want with its cloak.

٢٩. كَأَنَّ الرُبى زَرَّت عَلَيهِ جُيوبَها
وَرَدَّتهُ مِن بَوغائِها بِرِداءِ

30. Horses prancing in armor as if they are
Stallions' chests or flasks from the Pleiades.

٣٠. وَخَيلٌ تَغالى في السُروجِ كَأَنَّها
صُدورُ عَوالٍ أَو قِداحُ سَراءِ

31. Theirs are the improvised raids and theirs are the cheeks -
When shaded by their strikes - the darkest gloom.

٣١. لَها السَبقُ في الضَمّاتِ وَالسَبقُ وَخدُها
إِذا غُطِّيَت مِن نَقعِها بِغِطاءِ

32. None can claim might alone if his might lacks
Felicity, and none is valiant bereft of munificence.

٣٢. وَلَيسَ فَتىً مَن يَدَّعي البَأسَ وَحدَه
إِذا لَم يُعَوِّذ بَأسَهُ بِسَخاءِ

33. You are not destined for a meager share of glory,
Nor content in life with but a mouthful.

٣٣. وَما أَنتَ بِالمَبخوسِ حَظّاً مِنَ العُلى
وَلا قانِعاً مِن عَيشِهِ بِكِفاءِ

34. Your portion of this world is like you - abundant,
Your fortune in it foretells eternity.

٣٤. نَصيبُكَ مِن ذا العيدِ مِثلُكَ وافِرٌ
وَسَعدُكَ فيهِ مُؤذِنٌ بِبَقاءِ

35. If all were allotted as much as their souls desire
The world would be yours without contention.

٣٥. وَلَو كانَ كُلٌّ آخِذاً قَدرَ نَفسِهِ
لَكانَت لَكَ الدُنيا بِغَيرِ مِراءِ

36. These days are but stars that wane and leave us
For a brief respite after their visitation.

٣٦. وَما هَذِهِ الأَعيادُ إِلّا كَواكِبٌ
تَغورُ وَتولينا قَليلَ ثَواءِ

37. Take then of joy what you are able, and profit thereby,
For the people are fated times of ease and of stress.

٣٧. فَخُذ مِن سُرورٍ ما اِستَطَعتَ وَفُز بِهِ
فَلِلناسِ قِسماً شِدَّةٍ وَرَخاءِ

38. Hasten to luxuries, for fate is disposed
To poison bliss and darken splendor.

٣٨. وَبادِر إِلى اللَذّاتِ فَالدَهرُ مولَعٌ
بِتَنغيصِ عَيشٍ وَاِصطِلامِ عَلاءِ

39. I advise you sincerely, without pretense,
And please you with counsel, no hypocrisy.

٣٩. أَبُثُّكَ مِن وُدّي بِغَيرِ تَكَلُّفٍ
وَأُرضيكَ مِن نُصحي بِغَيرِ رِياءِ

40. I remember what you have granted me of grace,
And so repay my debt to you in obedience and loyalty.

٤٠. وَأَذكُرُما أَولَيتَني مِن صَنيعَةٍ
فَأُصفيكَ رَهنَي طاعَةٍ وَوَفاءِ

41. Help me against a fate that assays me in its crucible,
And jerks my reins while engulfed in darkness.

٤١. أَعِنّي عَلى دَهرٍ رَماني بِصَرفِهِ
وَرَدَّ عِناني وَهوَ في الغُلَواءِ

42. It has distanced me from those whose enmity is my ruin,
And nearness to them is my remedy.

٤٢. وَحَلَّأَني عَمَّن أَعُدُّ بَعادَهُ
سَقامي وَمِن قُربي إِلَيهِ شِفائي

43. So I have lost in losing loved ones,
And parting from those I love is the greatest bane.

٤٣. فَقَدتُ وَفي فَقدِ الأَحِبَّةِ غُربَةٌ
وَهِجرانُ مَن أَحبَبتُ أَعظَمُ داءِ

44. Do not presume to possess me, oh fate,
For my haven from what has pained me is my shield.

٤٤. فَلا تَطمَعَن يا دَهرُ فيَّ فَإِنَّهُ
مَلاذِيَ مِما راعَني وَوِقائي

45. With it I parry the hands of foes from every side,
And evade the blows of harm and tribulation.

٤٥. أَرُدُّ بِهِ أَيدي الأَعادي وَأَتَّقي
نَوافِذَ شَتّى مِن أَذىً وَبَلاءِ

46. I delight my heart beyond what would content it,
And better than my riches is my abstinence.

٤٦. أَلَذُّ بِقَلبي مِن مُنايَ تَقَنُّعي
وَأَحسَنُ عِندي مِن غِنايَ غَنائِيَ

47. One whose soul obeys the call of frugality
Is satisfied with little of abundant means.

٤٧. وَمَن كانَ ذا نَفسٍ تُطيعُ قَنوعَةً
رَضي بِقَليلٍ مِن كَثيرِ ثَراءِ

48. They trotted on the day the valley thundered with their hooves,
And the day their riders were wary with pleading.

٤٨. حَدَوا بِالمَطايا يَومَ جالَت غُروضُها
وَيَومَ اِتَّقَت رُكبانُها بِرُغاءِ

49. Do not mislead them to every pasture
Where their herd calls out, lighting the dark.

٤٩. تَأُمُّكَ لا تَلوِي عَلى كُلِّ رَوضَةٍ
يَصيحُ بِها حَوذانُها وَأَضاءِ

50. Drink only enough water to survive,
If their hooves stumble into a stream.

٥٠. وَلا تَشرَبُ الأَمواهَ إِلّا تَعِلَّةً
إِذا عَثَرَت أَخفافُهُنَّ بِماءِ

51. They have a herder who dominates them with his whip
And sings to their tracks with fervent prodding.

٥١. لَها سائِقٌ يَطغى عَلَيها بِسَوطِهِ
وَيَشدو عَلى آثارِها بِحَداءِ

52. A boy nimble as the brace of the bridle,
Whom the breasts of the Pleiades nourish in every open expanse.

٥٢. غُلامٌ كَأَخلاءِ اللِجامِ تُجيزُهُ
صُدورُ القَنا وَالبيضُ كُلَّ فَضاءِ

53. When your call reaches them, their company attains
Ample reward for prolonged praise.

٥٣. إِذا بَلَغَت ناديكَ نالَ رِفاقُها
عَريضَ عَطاءٍ مِن طَويلِ ثَناءِ

54. And one like you is feasted by the glow of his fire,
And finds the encampments at every ruin.

٥٤. وَمِثلُكَ مَن يُعشى إِلى ضَوءِ نارِه
وَيُلفى قِراهُ عِندَ كُلِّ خِباءِ

55. Not all who perform great deeds are thereby equal,
Nor are all seekers of glory the same.

٥٥. وَما كُلُّ فُعّالِ النَدى بِشِبائِهِ
وَلا كُلُّ طُلّابِ العُلى بِسَواءِ