
The contented sat in humiliation, so arise!

قعد الراضون بالذل فقم

1. The contented sat in humiliation, so arise!
Only the resolute doer accomplishes when he intends.

١. قَعَدَ الراضونَ بِالذُلِّ فَقُم
إِنَّما الماضي إِذا هَمَّ عَزَم

2. My place is naught but going forth with resolve;
I constantly roar like a ragged old lion.

٢. ما مُقامي غَيرُ مُمضي نِيَّةٍ
دائِباً أَهدُرُ كَالفَحلِ السَدِم

3. I turn my hopes aside, obsessed with them,
Then forget them when adversity pains.

٣. أَعرِضُ الآمالَ مَشفوفاً بِها
ثُمَّ أَنساها إِذا الخَطبُ أَلَمّ

4. Long has my stay been, wandering in gloom,
Yet long ago I was the lamp lighter of glooms.

٤. طالَ لَبثي سادِراً في غُمَّةٍ
وَقَديماً كُنتُ فَرّاجَ الغُمَم

5. I do not blame care if it clings to me,
For a man's worries rouse his strength and zeal.

٥. لا أَلومُ الهَمَّ إِن لازَمَني
فَهُمومُ المَرءِ يَبعَثنَ الهِمَم

6. I am not weak, but a man whom
Misfortunes have wronged, so he is wronged.

٦. لَستُ بِالواني وَلَكِنّي فَتىً
ظَلَمَتهُ نائِباتٌ فَاِنظَلَم

7. And Time has bared its fangs,
Perennially making us sweat blood.

٧. وَزَمانٌ شُرَّعٌ أَنيابُهُ
أَبَداً يَعرُقُنا عَرقَ السَلَم

8. Sinful revels are honorable to it,
And admonitions like gibberish.

٨. المَعازيلُ كِرامٌ عِندَهُ
وَالمَناجيبُ كَمَلفوظِ العَجَم

9. Fate humbled itself before us, then rebelled,
Thus is the wont of fate, should it grow harsh.

٩. خَضَعَ الدَهرُ لَنا ثُمَّ نَبا
وَكَذا الدَهرُ إِذا سافَ عَذَم

10. I am one of its sons, among a folk
Who plot to subdue lofty souls.

١٠. أَنا مِن أَبنائِهِ في مَعشَرٍ
يَتَواصونَ بِإِخفارِ الذِمَم

11. If absence has veiled me from their eyes,
They shred my honor like shreds of skin.

١١. إِن طَواني الغَيبُ عَن أَلحاظِهِم
مَزَقّوا عِرضِيَ تَمزيقَ الأَدَم

12. They meet me only argumentative,
Mouthing insults, and I am muzzled.

١٢. لا يُلاقونِيَ إِلّا خائِضاً
أَخطُمُ الأَقوالَ مِنهُم وَأَزُمّ

13. If you see me silent and aloof,
Like cooling embers, I smolder and glow.

١٣. إِن تَراني مُطرِقاً عَن سَورَةٍ
كَقُبوعِ الصِلِّ أُغضي وَأُرِمّ

14. My cares are ever active, their effort
Not every day a forward step.

١٤. فَهُمومي ساعِياتٌ جُهدَها
لَيسَ كُلُّ السَعيِ يَوماً بِالقَدَم

15. Glory may answer one it has laid low,
Fear and lack bar seekers of glory.

١٥. قَد يُجيبُ العِزُّ مَن أَقعَدَهُ
عَن طِلابِ العِزِّ خَوفٌ وَعَدَم

16. Yet the insistent seeker may attain it,
Or one whose vigor rivals the elderly's.

١٦. وَيُجيبُ الطالِبَ المُثري وَقَد
يُدرِكُ الشَأوَ أَخو العَجزِ الهَرِم

17. Time has left in me a mettle
That turns back the un-Arabic speaker if he's un-Arabic.

١٧. أَبقَتِ الأَيّامُ مِنّي صَعدَةً
تَزبُنُ العاجِمَ عَنها إِن عَجَم

18. And if Fate shakes it, it will grow
Supple, lengthening with the stretches of Time.

١٨. وَإِذا زَعزَعَها الدَهرُ سَمَت
لَدنَةً تَنمي عَلى طولِ القِدَم

19. You are no man for the blossoms if you have not seen them
Like the roar of plateau winds confusing the thickets.

١٩. لَستَ لِلزَهراءِ إِن لَم تَرَها
كَوُعولِ الهَضبِ يَعجُمنَ اللُجُم

20. The land is emptied of its horsemen,
From Baghdad to the sacred precincts.

٢٠. تُستَجَنُّ البيدُ مِن فُرسانِها
بَينَ بَغدادٍ إِلى أَرضِ الحَرَم

21. With neighs filling the horizon with darkness
And spear-thrusts dyeing the earth with blood.

٢١. بِعَجاجٍ يَملَأُ الأُفقَ دُجىً
وَطِعانٍ يَخضُبُ الأَرضَ بِدَم

22. With heads tossing off the summits,
And flanks shaking off the robe's hem.

٢٢. شُرَّعاً تَفتَرُّ عَن أَعناقِها
قُلَلُ القورِ وَغيطانُ الأَكَم

23. They came like calamity, and the rain poured down,
The darkness gathered, and the torrents rushed.

٢٣. كَالرَدى أَقدَمَ وَالغَيثُ هَمى
وَالدُجى طَبَّقَ وَالسَيلُ هَجَم

24. Bearing every enraged man
With a burning glance and twisted lips.

٢٤. حامِلاتٍ كُلَّ غَضبانٍ بِهِ
مِن لِمامِ الغَيظِ مَسٌّ وَلَمَم

25. Their glances like hungry falcons -
Gleaming behind the visors.

٢٥. كَالصُقورِ الغُلبِ أَلحاظُهُمُ
كَالجُذى يَلمَعنَ مِن خَلفِ اللُثَم

26. They demolished what the valiant horde had built
With lofty pillars and generosity.

٢٦. بَدَّدوا ما جَمَعَ البَأسُ لَهُم
بِأَنابيبِ العَوالي في الكَرَم

27. I will not offer excuses, ardently in love,
My ancestors the highest of nations.

٢٧. لَستُ بِالعاذِرِ جَدّي إِن هَوى
وَجُدودي في العُلى أَعلى الأُمَم

28. My fingers were created to flank
The spearpoint as well as the pen.

٢٨. وَبَناني خُلِقَت أَطرافُها
عَقِباً لِلرُمحِ طَوراً وَالقَلَم

29. None are seen like me but either seeking
The dais' pinnacle or the pit's depth.

٢٩. لا يُرى مِثلِيَ إِلّا طالِباً
ذُروَةَ المِنبَرِ أَو قَعرَ الرَجَم

30. Aiming at the heads atop its poles,
Or the tall spearshafts' points.

٣٠. طامِحَ الرَأسِ عَلى أَعوادِهِ
أَو عَلى عالِيَةِ الرُمحِ الأَصَمّ

31. A strategy - either glorious or repelled,
My white hairs urging me to regret.

٣١. خُطَّةٌ إِمّا عَلاءً أَو رَدىً
مُعجِلي أَن أَقرَعَ السِنَّ النَدَم

32. I was born of men with glory and eminence-
Tomorrow their equals will be rubble.

٣٢. بِن مِنَ الناسِ بِعِزٍّ وَعُلىً
سَتُساويهِم غَداً بَينَ الرِمَم

33. It brought me the spear in the grip of a horseman,
A hero who forced me until I broke.

٣٣. هَبنِيَ الرُمحَ بِكَفَّي فارِسٍ
بَطَلٍ أَكرَهَهُ حَتّى اِنحَطَم

34. It brought me the supple blade whose edge
Has slit the egg with its blows and split it open.

٣٤. هَبنِيَ العَضبَ ذَليقاً حَدُّهُ
ثَلَّمَ البيضَ ضِراباً وَاِنثَلَم

35. Can you see me, except as one who sought the heights
On nights that have passed since `Ad and Iram?

٣٥. أَتُراني دونَ مَن رامَ العُلى
في اللَيالي مِنذُ عادٍ وَإِرَم

36. I am near, contending for my right,
Seizing the Arabs' diadems for myself.

٣٦. وَدَنيٌّ ضارِعٌ عَن أَمرِهِ
أَخَذَ العُربَ بِتيجانِ العَجَم

37. How many fathers have I, ancestors who burned
To win it, their sons and nephews!

٣٧. كَم أَبٍ لي جَدَّ في إِحرازِها
يَحرُقُ النابَ عَليها وَاِبنِ عَمّ

38. Some craved it and were abased,
Some aspired to it and triumphed.

٣٨. طَلَبوها فَهَوى بَعضُهُمُ
وَرَمى بَعضٌ إِلَيها فَغَنِم

39. They were patient under every harm because of it,
And met all agony apart from it.

٣٩. صَبَروا فيها عَلى كُلِّ أَذى
وَلَقوا مِن دونِها كُلَّ أَلَم

40. If it be a kingdom, then one like me has gained it;
If it be death, then I have not felt pain.

٤٠. إِن يَكُن مُلكٌ فَمِثلي نالَهُ
أَو يَكُن حَتفٌ فَإِنّي لَم أُلَم

41. Only a death in glory destroys me -
One who reddens the swords' blades with delight.

٤١. إِنَّما يَهلِكُ مِنّي ماجِدٌ
يولِغُ السَيفَ عَراقيبَ النَعَم

42. Lavish, expending generosities,
Ever rising to the summits' ridge.

٤٢. ناقِصُ الأَموالِ في بَذلِ النَدى
زائِدُ الخَطوِ إِلى ضَربِ القِمَم

43. We are a people whom God allotted
Humiliations, and we consented to the decree.

٤٣. نَحنُ قَومٌ قَسَمَ اللَهُ لَنا
بِالرَزايا وَرَضينا بِالقَسَم

44. Only our lifespans fell short
Because we disdain to die of old age.

٤٤. إِنَّما قَصَّرَ مِن آجالِنا
أَنَّنا نَأنَفُ مِن مَوتِ الهَرَم

45. Half a person's life is dream, and the
Reasonable man realizes it's like a dream.

٤٥. نِصفُ عَيشِ المَرءِ حُلمٌ وَالَّذي
يَعقِلُ العاقِلُ مِنهُ كَالحُلُم