1. O garden of graceful branches in the east of Kadhimah
My heart has returned again and again to the remembrance of you
١. يا رَوضَ ذي الأَثلِ مِن شَرقَيِّ كاظِمَةٍ
قَد عاوَدَ القَلبُ مِن ذِكراكَ أَديانا
2. I pass by the caravan at Dhi Salam
If only I had not made you alternately homelands!
٢. أَمُرُّ بِالرَكبِ مُجتازاً بِذي سَلَمٍ
لَو ما شَرَيتُكَ بِالأَوطانِ أَوطانا
3. You preoccupied my eyes with tears and seared my breast
How then did you accustom them to love and passion?
٣. شَغَلتَ عَيني دُموعاً وَالحَشى حُرَقاً
فَكَيفَ أَلَّفتَ أَمواهاً وَنيرانا
4. I scent from you a breeze I do not recognize
I fancy the north wind blew through you myrrh
٤. أَشُمُّ مِنكَ نَسيماً لَستُ أَعرِفُهُ
أَظُنُّ شَمياءَ جَرَّت فيكَ أَردانا
5. You resembled the most aromatic places in Yemen
With perfume, beauty, branches and sand dunes
٥. أَشبَهتَ أَظعانَ ذاكَ الحَيِّ مِن يَمَنٍ
طيباً وَحُسناً وَأَغصاناً وَكُثبانا
6. If I were able, neither traveller nor dashing youth would visit you
I met you with a heart cleansed of the filth of passion
٦. لَو أَستَطيعُ لَما سافَتكَ سائِفَةٌ
وَلا جَناكَ فَتىً رَنداً وَلا بانا
7. And desire made me twist and bend in longing for you
I took no cure for the wounds that pierced my liver
٧. أَلقاكَ وَالقَلبُ صافٍ مِن رَجيعِ هَوىً
وَأَنثَني عَنكَ بِالأَشواقِ نَشوانا
8. Nor did the healer of life give me a potion to drink
My friends say, wearied by my disturbance:
٨. وَلا تَداوَيتُ مِن قَرحٍ فَرى كَبِدي
وَلا سَقانِيَ راقي الحَيِّ سُلوانا
9. “He loved only a mortal, some of the sorrow was for a human's sake”
Where are the tents we used to take refuge in
٩. يَقولُ صَحبي وَقَد أَعياهُمُ طَرَبي
بَعضَ الأُسى إِنَّما أَحبَبتَ إِنسانا
10. By Al-Abraqayn? And where is the camp since it was struck?
I stir up no prey for myself after being apart from them
١٠. أَينَ الخِيامُ الَّتي كُنّا نَلوذُ بِها
بِالأَبرَقَينِ وَأَينَ الحَيُّ مُذ بانا
11. Nor did I shy from hill-tops or fawns there
You made me forget people when you reminded me of them
١١. لا هِجتُ لي قَنَصاً مِن بَعدِ بَينِهِمُ
وَلا ذَعَرتُ عَنِ الأَطلاءِ غِزلانا
12. O you who guided me alternately to remembrance and forgetfulness!
١٢. أَنسَيتَني الناسَ إِذ أَذكَرتَني بِهِمُ
يا مُهدِياً لِيَ تَذكاراً وَنِسيانا