1. For a matter, O Sons of Jusham,
I withheld the water in the water-skin,
١. لِأَمرٍ يا بَني جُشَمِ
حَبَستُ الماءَ في الأَدَمِ
2. And stirred the steeds all night,
Filling their muzzles with the nose-rein.
٢. وَقَلقَلتُ الجِيادَ دَوا
مِيَ الأَشداقِ بِاللُجُمِ
3. And startled the wild cats
With the pictured and figured thong.
٣. وَأَزعَجتُ القَطا الوَسنا
نَ بِالمَخطومَةِ الرُسُمِ
4. I wandered in the blackest dark,
Caring nothing for halter or road.
٤. تَفَلَّتُ في الدَياجي عَن
عُقالِ الأَينِ وَالسَأَمِ
5. And how many a night I spent
Empty of hand, of illness free!
٥. وَتَقرو كُلَّ مَجهَلَةٍ
بِلا نَضَدٍ وَلا عَلَمِ
6. And a fire I kindled whose glowing
Was as the gazing eyes of the beasts.
٦. وَكَم لَيلٍ رَقَدتُ بِهِ
خَلِيّاً مِن يَدِ السَقَمِ
7. I found rest and healing in it
From the pain and ache within.
٧. وَنارٍ بِتُّ أَرمُقُها
كَلِيَّ الريحِ بِالعَلَمِ
8. How little its wounding matters
To the burning anguish in my heart!
٨. أَلِمتُ بِها وَمَوقِدُها
شِفاءُ الداءِ مِن أَلَمي
9. The shining eyes of loved ones are
Fairer than meadows of dreams.
٩. وَأَينَ ضِرامُها مِمّا
بِأَحشائي مِنَ الضَرَمِ
10. Either fortune allows me to see them
Among the shifting walls of the tents,
١٠. قَريرُ العَينِ بِالأَحبا
بِ أَرعى رَوضَةَ الحُلُمِ
11. Or I wander, lost in the desert,
Stuffing the darkness with moans and sighs.
١١. وَإِمّا أَن يَراني العَز
مُ بَينَ ضَمائِرِ الخِيَمِ
12. I ransom my purpose, my honor, all
That is sworn to, accused!
١٢. وَإِمّا شارِداً في البي
دِ حَشوَ حَيازِمِ الظُلَمِ
13. And every frequenter of springs comes to drink
At the ruins that murmur of might-have-been.
١٣. فِدى عَزمي وَصِدقي كُل
لُ مُعتَزِمٍ وَمُتَّهَمِ
14. When words grow distant, to me
Their utterance draws very near.
١٤. وَكُلُّ مُشَيَّعٍ يَصبو
إِلى المَأثورَةِ الخُذُمِ
15. I have two manners that are not fit
Save for the sword and the pen.
١٥. إِذا بَعُدَ الكَلامُ دَنَت
عَلَيَّ مَسافَةُ الكَلِمِ
16. What flowering thicket ever cast
A perfume on days from my brambles?
١٦. وَلي خُلقانِ ما صَلُحا
لِغَيرِ السَيفِ وَالقَلَمِ
17. Blossoms too proud to accept
The bounty of earth or of rain,
١٧. وَأَيُّ خَميلَةٍ شَرَقَت
عَلى الأَيّامِ مِن شِيَمي
18. A wind whose scent was a waft
Of musk drawn over gifts of the dawn.
١٨. أَزاهيرٌ تَرَفَّعُ عَن
قَبولِ مَواهِبِ الدِيَمِ
19. I am the son of the lightning and wind
Of the gazelles, the horses, the sheep.
١٩. نَسيمٌ نَشرُهُ عَبِقٌ
يَجُرُّ سَوالِفَ النِعَمِ
20. My hooves paw wherever the acres
Are joyous and fruitful with life.
٢٠. أَنا اِبنُ البيضِ وَالبيضِ ال
ظُبى وَالخَيلِ وَالنَعَمِ
21. My nature is one that is proud;
I halt where the battle waxes hot.
٢١. وَكُلِّ مُطَهَّمٍ تَنبو
حَوافِرُهُ مِنَ الأَكَمِ
22. My flesh takes on dust and delicious fear
Where the neck and the spine form a crest.
٢٢. وَكُلِّ مُثَقَّفٍ يَحتَل
لُ حَيثُ مَواطِنُ الهِمَمِ
23. And every sweet meadow that casts
A fragrance of summer-my soul there lifts wings.
٢٣. وَكُلِّ مُهَنَّدٍ يَستَن
نُ في الأَعناقِ وَالقِمَمِ
24. A kind where the sword-edge is baffled,
The fangs of its men tarnished, dimmed.
٢٤. وَكُلِّ أَغَرَّ قَد شَرَقَت
خَلائِقُهُ مِنَ الكَرَمِ
25. A stabber whom battle clothes
With a shirt which is crimsoned and dripping.
٢٥. ضَروبٍ حَيثُ تَعثُرُ شَف
رَةُ الصَمصامِ بِاللِمَمِ
26. My people are those who give surety,
Security, when challenges threaten a tribe.
٢٦. وَطَعّانٍ إِذا ما النَق
عُ عُصفِرَ ثَوبُهُ بِدَمِ
27. When terror dismays the dissenter
And quivers through all that he is,
٢٧. وَقَومي الضامِنونَ الأَم
نَ إِن هَجَموا عَلى حُرَمِ
28. They show him a havoc that darkens
The blaze and the edge of the sun
٢٨. إِذا ما خائِفٌ غَلَبَت
عَلَيهِ سَطوَةُ العَدَمِ
29. Until truth can unveil for the dreamer
The falsehood and lie of suspicion.
٢٩. قَرَوهُ بَعدَما عَقَدوا
عَلَيهِ تَمائِمَ الذِمَمِ
30. Until he who spread terror
Comes to them, in his error, with shame.
٣٠. إِلى أَن تَكشِفَ المَكتو
مَ عَن خَدّاعَةِ التُهَمِ
31. Until the most reckless of slanderers
Changes and sinks to regret.
٣١. وَأَصبَحَ مَن أَسَرَّ الغَي
يَ مُعتَذِراً مِنَ الجَرَمِ
32. Until every rash judge swears again
That he never will question or doubt.
٣٢. وَصارَت غايَةُ المُغتَر
رِ جانِحَةً إِلى النَدَمِ
33. Each shrouded in silence, withdrawn,
Enduring the furnace of pain.
٣٣. وَصَرَّحَ كُلُّ قَولٍ عَن
غُرورِ الحِلفِ وَالقَسَمِ
34. Your name in protection by me
Is enclosed as by utmost endeavor.
٣٤. أَمانِيُّ اِستَرَكَّت كُل
لَ صَبّارٍ عَلى الأَلَمِ
35. And that is preserved by my care
Against the rude spears that assail.
٣٥. كَفاكَ بِأَنَّ عِرضَكَ مِن
طُروقِ العارِ في ذِمَمي
36. And enough that the rashness of youth
Should slacken in insulting your fame!
٣٦. وَذَلِكَ عِصمَةٌ مِنّي
بِحَبلٍ غَيرِ مُنجَذِمِ
37. My hope folded wings and crouched low
In the powerful sweep of misfortune.
٣٧. وَحَسبُكَ أَن يَفُلَّ شَبا
ةَ هَجوِكَ أَشعَرُ الأُمَمِ