1. Between me and the swords of ambition
No helper in the fray, no foot
١. بَيني وَبَينَ الصَوارِمِ الهِمَمُ
لا ساعِدٌ في الوَغى وَلا قَدَمُ
2. Reproach me not for your westerly estrangement
For my wound feels no dew of healing
٢. لا تَسبِريني بِغَربِ عَذلِكِ لي
فَما لِجُرحي مِنَ النَدى أَلَمُ
3. In shelter's dread I said to him
Every abode I trod is forbidden
٣. وَخائِفٍ في حِمايَ قُلتُ لَهُ
كُلُّ دِيارٍ وَطِئتُها حَرَمُ
4. I admire each one steadfast of will
Who covets not the fruit of gray hairs' regret
٤. يُعجِبُني كُلُّ حازِمِ الرَأيِ لا
يَطمَعُ في قَرعِ سِنِّهِ النَدَمُ
5. If he stands, graces veil his features
If he walks, graces veil his tread
٥. إِن قامَ خَفَّت بِهِ شَمائِلُهُ
أَو سارَ خَفَّت بِوَطئِهِ القَدَمُ
6. I love not the boy of ill repute
Who rends his cloak of secret words
٦. وَلا أُحِبُّ الغُلامَ مُتَّهَماً
يَشُقُّ جِلبابَ سِرِّهِ الكَلِمُ
7. A breast like the scabbards of swords has not
A secret bleeding from the shedding of bloods
٧. صَدرٌ كَصَدرِ الحُسامِ لَيسَ لَهُ
سِرٌّ بِنَضحِ الدِماءِ مُنكَتِمُ
8. The stars of fortune ranked up so I said to them
What blessings have you brought to our lands?
٨. صُفَّت نِطافُ المُنى فَقُلتُ لَها
ما أَجنَت في دِيارِنا النِعَمُ
9. The nights race on our dominion
And in time are boons and banes
٩. تَجري اللَيالي عَلى حُكومَتِنا
وَفي الزَمانِ النَعيمُ وَالنِقَمُ
10. Our souls toy with the vicissitudes
As if they are in our palms a plaything
١٠. تَلعَبُ بِالنائِباتِ أَنفُسُنا
كَأَنَّها في أَكُفِّنا زَلَمُ
11. By night I plunged in hurriedly
Its morn embraced in darkness clinging
١١. وَلَيلَةٍ خُضتُها عَلى عَجَلٍ
وَصُبحُها بِالظَلامِ مُعتَصِمُ
12. The dawn peeped out from its fringes
And night slipped out of its fetters darkening
١٢. تَطَلَّعَ الفَجرُ مِن جَوانِبِها
وَاِنفَلَتَت مِن عِقالِها الظُلَمُ
13. As if the darkness in its jostling
Were steeds whose lightning flashed bright glows
١٣. كَأَنَّما الدَجنُ في تَزاحُمِهِ
خَيلٌ لَها مِن بُروقِهِ لُجُمُ
14. The Pleiades cease not to rise over us
As the night in the prime of dawn glooms
١٤. ما زالَتِ العيسُ تَستَهِلُّ بِنا
وَاللَيلُ في غُرَّةِ الضُحى غَمَمُ
15. So there poured on night's hue upon us
A grey of morn and pasture's verdure dimming
١٥. فاضَ عَلى صِبغَةِ الظَلامِ بِنا
شَيبٌ مِنَ الصُبحِ وَالرُبى لِمَمُ
16. O flower of the valley, you're stingy with glad tidings
And ruin has not touched your soil
١٦. يا زَهرَةَ الغَوطَتَينِ تَبخُلُ بِالبِش
رِ وَما مَسَّ أَرضَكِ العَدَمُ
17. In you, how many tormented gazelles
Whose yearning with the breeze collides
١٧. كَم فيكِ مِن مُهجَةٍ مُعَذَّبَةٍ
هَجيرُها بِالنَسيمِ يَلتَطِمُ
18. Branches whose pendant drops
Slide on the garden floors and blood
١٨. وَمِن غُصونٍ عَلى ذَوائِبِها
يَزلَقُ طَلُّ الرِياضِ وَالدِيَمُ
19. Youth who taught wine ferment
So of your guests is the relaxed and bold
١٩. وَفِتيَةٍ عَلَّموا القَنا كَرَماً
فَأَصبَحَت مِن ضُيوفِها الرَخَمُ
20. Were their brows to rise lofty
Their hair would shine and glitter
٢٠. تَكادُ إِن أَشرَفَت جِباهُهُمُ
تُضيءُ مِنها الشُعورُ وَاللِمَمُ
21. How can darkness hide them when
Among night hosts are their piercing blades?
٢١. وَكَيفَ يُخفيهِمُ الظَلامُ وَفي
جَحافِلِ اللَيلِ مِنهُمُ رَثَمُ
22. Al-Husayn's right hand brings me justice
If his enemies oppress and do wrong
٢٢. إِنَّ يَمينَ الحُسَينِ تُنصِفُني
إِن جارَ أَعداؤُها وَإِن ظَلَموا
23. Degradation covets not the adjacency of a man
In whom sharp swords flash bright
٢٣. لا يَطمَعُ الذُلُّ في جِوارِ فَتىً
تَلمَعُ فيهِ الصَوارِمُ الخُذُمُ
24. In his grip the sword stands fixed
As in others' the staff trips
٢٤. يَثبُتُ في كَفِّهِ الحُسامُ كَما
يَعثُرُ في غَيرِ كَفِّهِ الكَرَمُ
25. When a bump he grandly surmounted
His judgments and the spears took flight
٢٥. إِذا تَخَطّى عَجاجَةً زَحَفاً
آراؤُهُ وَالرِماحُ تَنهَزِمُ
26. From his face darkness' misfortunes smile
As if a new moon he wore beaming
٢٦. تَضحَكُ عَن وَجهِهِ غَياهِبُها
كَأَنَّهُ بِالهِلالِ مُلتَثِمُ
27. He rent it as the iron charges forth
And plunged as the strikes spread flaming
٢٧. فَشَقَّها وَالحَديدُ مُطَّرِدٌ
وَخاضَها وَالضِرابُ مُضطَرِمُ
28. When the withering of lips persevered
The retainers and endurance took over
٢٨. وَاِستَلَّ أَسيافَهُ مُحَرَّشَةً
فَاِستَلَبَتها الرِقابُ وَالقِمَمُ
29. From his mouth he belittled his smiles
As if in frowning he wore a smile
٢٩. إِذا المَذاكي باحَت مَحازِمُها
وَاِضطَرَمَت في شُدوقِها اللُجُمُ
30. When night's veil kissed him
His garment's folds fell from his shoulders
٣٠. وَقَرَّها وَالرِماحُ طائِشَةٌ
وَكَفَّها وَالسُيوفُ تَزدَحِمُ
31. As if from the joy of his watchful waking
Good tidings of praise the dreams brought him
٣١. إِذا ذُبولُ الشِفاهِ شَمَّرَها
في الغَمَراتِ الحِفاظُ وَالسَأَمُ
32. When his concerns stretched long
The whites of his hands sobered and the pen frolicked
٣٢. قَلَّصَ عَن ثَغرِهِ مَضاحِكَهُ
كَأَنَّهُ في العُبوسِ مُبتَسِمُ
33. If he walked, his swords shone bare
And the anklets round his feet clamored
٣٣. إِذا خِمارُ الظَلامِ لَثَّمَهُ
تَساقَطَت عَن قَميصِهِ التُهَمُ
34. No hopes grew restless from his gaze's length
Nor did the cycles and covenants complain
٣٤. كَأَنَّهُ مِن سُرورِ يَقظَتِهِ
بَشَّرَهُ بِالمَدائِحِ الحُلُمُ
35. Had the beasts sensed his horses
No cattle would walk beneath his delegation
٣٥. إِذا اِستَطالَت هُمومُهُ سَكِرَت
في كَفِّهِ البيضُ وَاِنتَشى القَلَمُ
36. He rivals horses in their chestnut hues
An old camel seeking to rend their meat aged
٣٦. وَإِن سَرى أَسفَرَت صَوارِمُهُ
وَاِلتَثَمَت بِالحَوافِرِ الأَكَمُ
37. Spacious is the rending of his conscience wherein desires flowed
As if his open palms were lanterns
٣٧. ما ضَجَّ مِن طولِ مَطلِهِ أَمَلٌ
وَلا اِشتَكَتهُ العُهودُ وَالذِمَمُ
38. Whose flames in the dark thickets flared
He would not have sipped the wine and it poured from him
٣٨. لَو فَطَنَت بِالقِرى سَوائِمُهُ
لَما مَشَت تَحتَ وَفدِهِ النَعَمُ
39. Had what the cups concealed been blood
Lo! The foes at his setting did rise
٣٩. يُعارِضُ الخَيلَ في عَرَضنَتِها
قَرمٌ إِلى نَهبِ لَحمِها قَرِمُ
40. And after his sword darkened they flourished
They hurt not in you the threats of spears
٤٠. واسِعُ خَرقِ الضَميرِ حَيثُ سَرى
تَبَحبَحَت في مُرادِهِ الهِمَمُ
41. And after tribulations, no pains
O silent one of time, from its discourse
٤١. كَأَنَّما بيضُهُ ضَراغِمَةٌ
غُمودُها في الكَتائِبِ الأَحَمُ
42. Every era towards you stands accused
You are a symbol in the face of every conqueror
٤٢. لَاِرتَشَفَ الخَمرَ وَهوَ يَلفِظُها
لَوَ اِنَّ ما تُضمِرُ الكُؤوسُ دَمُ
43. A dawn, and in every unknown, a flag
Unto Ahmad's father I unfurled it
٤٣. إِنَّ العِدا عَن غُروبِهِ طَلَعوا
وَبَعدَما غارَ سَيفُهُ نَجَموا
44. As the darkness and the soul kindled
I surpassed Zuhair in my poetry, and here I am
٤٤. ما أَلِموا لِلوَعيدِ فيكَ شَبا ال
طَعنِ وَبَعدَ المَصائِبِ الأَلَمُ
45. I am not pleased that it is aged
٤٥. يا مُخرِسَ الدَهرِ عَن مَقالَتِهِ
كُلُّ زَمانٍ عَلَيكَ مُتَّهَمُ
٤٦. شَخصُكَ في وَجهِ كُلِّ داجِيَةٍ
ضُحىً وَفي كُلِّ مَجهَلٍ عَلَمُ
٤٧. إِلى أَبي أَحمَدٍ صَدَعتُ بِها
قَلبَ الدُجى وَالضَميرُ يَضطَرِمُ
٤٨. بَزَّ زُهَيراً شِعري وَها أَنا ذا
لَم أَرضَ في المَجدِ أَنَّهُ هَرِمُ