
Whose are the abodes, so tall and lofty,

لمن الديار طلولها وقص

1. Whose are the abodes, so tall and lofty,
While by their corner the wild beasts lie?

١. لِمَنِ الدِيارُ طُلولُها وُقصُ
ما لِلقَطينِ بِعُقرِها شَخصُ

2. A mixed tribe in them has residences,
A trace that has no story to relate.

٢. أَبقى الخَليطُ بِها مَعاهِدَهُ
أَثَرٌ لَعَمرُكَ ما لَهُ قَصُّ

3. And damsels there are wont to visit them,
Thirsting to drink, though to all there is enough.

٣. وَلَقَد تَحِلُّ بِها مُرَبَّبَةٌ
ظَمَأى الوِشاحِ وَلِلبُرى غَصَّ

4. They won beauty's tenderness through lore and grace,
Not through delicate cheeks or fawnlike eyes.

٤. غَنِيَت بِحَليِ الحُسنِ عاطِلَةٌ
ما لِلنُضارِ بِجيدِها وَبَصُ

5. A shepherdess, when she rises to her need,
Makes her staff quick but her milking slow.

٥. فَرَعاءُ إِن نَهَضَت لِحاجَتِها
عَجِلَ القَضيبُ وَأَبطَأَ الدِعصُ

6. A curly-haired, smooth-cheeked youth of pedigree
Could rob hearts by a glance from his doe eyes.

٦. وَمُرَجَّلٍ جَعدٍ يَنوءُ بِهِ
جيدُ الغَزالِ وَناعِمٌ رَخصُ

7. They have sworn by the dust the cavalry raised,
And by the morning squadrons in close ranks,

٧. سَرَقَت بِطَرفِ الريمِ مُهجَتَهُ
وَمِنَ النَواظِرِ قاطِعٌ لُصُّ

8. Stabbing the dark with every bright sword,
And in every gloom a flashing glance.

٨. قَسماً بِشُعثٍ جَعجَعَت لَهُمُ
بِالمَأزِمَينِ ظَوالِعٌ خُصًّ

9. The darkness is pelted with starry lights
That make it seem like a quilted gown.

٩. طَعَنوا الظَلامَ بِكُلِّ ناجِيَةٍ
في موقِ كُلِّ دُجىً لَها بَحصُ

10. They raced to the stoning without pause for rest,
Neither taking belts off nor tightening.

١٠. تَرمي الإِكامَ بِمَنسِمٍ عَمَمٍ
دامي الأَظَلَّ كَأَنَّهُ قُرصُ

11. Bare of pilgrim's robes in the bright morn,
The girdles were loose and hymns unsung.

١١. وَالراجِمَينَ جِمارَها بِمِنىً
غَدواً وَما حَلَقوا وَما قَصّوا

12. I will make you drink a draught so sharp
That neither game nor jest can relieve.

١٢. مُتَجَرِّدينَ مِنَ الرِياضِ ضُحىً
حُلَّ النِطاقُ وَأُطلِقَ العَقصُ

13. With deadly, poisoned tips among its feathers,
The arrows make even the dancers retire.

١٣. لَأُسَقِّيَنَّكَ كَأسَ لاذِعَةٍ
لا العَبُّ يُنفِدُها وَلا المَصُّ

14. Their distant hiss makes wounds forget their hurt,
The freed are apt to forget their chains.

١٤. بِقَوارِعٍ يُمسي الرَمِيُّ بِها
مِن غَيرِ ما طَرَبٍ لَهُ رَقصُ

15. Have you climbed a lofty dune, O camel,
Where did the driver chance to send you?

١٥. تُنسي جَرائِحُها قَوارِصَها
وَالطَلقُ يُنسى عِندَهُ المَغصُ

16. From the howdah to the soft sands quickly,
Swift moves the piebald camel with clipped hump!

١٦. أَإِلى مَعَدٍّ جِئتَ مُرتَقِياً
يا عَيرُ أَينَ رَمى بِكَ القَمصُ

17. Did you attach your plumes among their vanguard?
The advance will wear them out threadbare.

١٧. أَمِنَ الوِهادِ إِلى الرُبى عَجِلاً
سُرعانَ ذا الذَملانُ وَالنَصُّ

18. If you add to them in number, you lessen them;
Increase by mixing brings but decrease.

١٨. أَلحَقتَ ريشَكَ في قَوادِمِهِم
عَجلانَ تُلصِقُهُ وَيَنحَصُّ

19. You left it desolate, an empty ruin,
That neither life colors, nor plumb makes smooth.

١٩. إِن زِدتَهُم فَلَقَد نَقَصتَهُمُ
إِنَّ الزِيادَةَ بِالشَغا نَقصُ

20. And part of the ruins the wearer conceals
Are covered by neither cloak nor shirt.

٢٠. غادَرتَها شَنعاءَ ضاحِيَةً
لا النَفسُ يَصبُغُها وَلا الحُصُّ

21. O you who prick me with his needle claw,
The mosquito's sting is but a nip and bite!

٢١. وَمِنَ المَخازي عِندَ لابِسِها
ما لا تُواري الأُزرُ وَالقُمصُ

22. Envy no man his wealth,
For the linings of purses are ever lean.

٢٢. يا موعِدي بِذِنابِ مِخلَبِهِ
إِنَّ البَعوضَ أَذاتُهُ القَرصُ

23. And fear overtaking those you've outstripped,
To climb high invites but a sudden fall.

٢٣. لا تَحسُدَنَّ المَرءَ ثَروَتَهُ
إِنَّ البِطانَ إِلى غَدٍ خُمصُ

24. And knot your hands with the twist of generosity,
No shame in stock, or bitter blame.

٢٤. وَخَفِ السِقاطَ عَلى الَّذينَ عَلَوا
وَمِنَ العُلُوِّ يُحاذِرُ الوَقصُ

25. When a lion is seen by men,
Talk grows hushed, and figures stand still,

٢٥. وَاِعقُد يَدَيكَ بِمُجتَني كَرَمٍ
لا قَدحُ في حَسَبٍ وَلا غَمصُ

26. Of a tribe whose best rode on at the outset,
The noblest on thoroughbred steeds like night,

٢٦. أَسَدٍ إِذا بَصُرَ الرِجالُ بِهِ
خُفِضَ الكَلامُ وَطومَنَ الشَخصُ

27. When they do good they include all their people,
When they pelt aacterless wretch they aim true.

٢٧. مِن مَعشَرٍ رَكِبَت أَوائِلُهُم
أولى العُلى وَجِيادُها شُمصُ

28. The number of generous deeds in their homes
Is countless, heaped up and running over.

٢٨. إِن أَحسَنوا عَمّوا بِنائِلِهِم
وَإِذَ رَموا بِجَريرَةٍ خَصّوا

29. They have raised their strivings from the foundations,
High rise the walls built new from the base.

٢٩. عَدَدُ المَكارِمِ في بُيوتِهِمُ
وَالجامِلُ القَبقابُ وَالقَبصُ

30. Until they are settled in the highest part,
And on the hilltops they place their forts,

٣٠. رَفَعوا المَساعي مِن قَواعِدِها
يَعلو بِهِنَّ الرَضمُ وَالرَصُّ

31. They wiped out the enemy host, nor are they
Harmed by the shifting sands of wind-blown dunes.

٣١. حَتّى اِنتَموا في رَأسِ أَشرَفِها
وَعَلى الكُعوبِ يُوَقَّعُ الخُرصُ

٣٢. أَفنى العَدُوَّ وَليسَ يَنقُصُهُم
مِن رَملِ مُنقَطِعِ اللَوى القَبصُ