1. On horses they dispersed across the dark desert,
Riding the wilderness, plundering the dust.
١. وَرَكبٍ تَفَرّى بَينَهُم قِطَعُ الدُجى
يَسيرُ عَلى البَيداءِ يَنتَهِبُ التُربا
2. They shun the valley's roses and springs,
Their eyes bleary until the sweet sights are drunk.
٢. يَصُدّونَ عَن وِردِ الكَرى وَعُيونُهُم
خَوامِسُ حَتّى تَشرَبُ المَنظَرَ العَذبا
3. If rumors startle and send them packing,
Though awoken from its lids, sleep still weighs down their lids.
٣. إِذا ذَعَرَتهُم نَبأَةٌ غادَرَتهُمُ
وَقَد أَيقَظوا مِن بَينِ أَجفانِها القُضبا
4. They went off leading the steeds of night, a dim host departing
Fleeing with dawn's light still trailing embers behind.
٤. سَرَوا وَخُيولُ اللَيلِ دُهمٌ وَعَرَّسوا
وَقَد غادَروها في طِرادِ الضُحى شُهبا
5. The caravan's trudge moans between their mounts' packs
When the night's breeze stirs and gusts through its robe.
٥. يَضوعُ هَجيرُ السَيرِ بَينَ رِحالِهِم
إِذا ما نَسيمُ اللَيلِ في ثَوبِهِ هَبّا