
My days have become both an adversary and an intercessor for me

خصيم من الأيام لي وشفيع

1. My days have become both an adversary and an intercessor for me
Thus time defies once and obeys another time

١. خَصيمٌ مِنَ الأَيّامِ لي وَشَفيعُ
كَذا الدَهرُ يَعصي مَرَّةً وَيُطيعُ

2. Thirst has overwhelmed me, else, I would not have wetted it
In every heart there is an obstruction and a leaning

٢. وَبي ظَمَأٌ لَولا العُلى ما بَلَلتُهُ
وَفي كُلِّ قَلبٍ غُلَّةٌ وَنُزوعُ

3. And I am not of those who seek water for echo
And meeting place of all comers brings me together with them

٣. وَما أَنا مِمَّن يَطلُبُ الماءَ لِلصَدى
وَيَجمَعُني وَالوارِدينَ شُروعُ

4. My weaning from this life is death, while its suckling
Neither does the streaming breast satisfy the weaned

٤. رَضاعي مِنَ الدُنيا المَماتُ فِطامُهُ
وَما نَزَحَ الثَديَ الغَزيرَ رَضيعُ

5. We refused but no harm befell our honor
And we have in the land a place to rest and a spring

٥. أَبَينا وَلا ضَيمٌ أَصابَ أُنوفَنا
وَفي الأَرضِ مُصطافٌ لَنا وَرَبيعُ

6. If the coward's soul betrays its patience
Our arms, polished and armored, defend us

٦. إِذا غَدَرَت نَفسُ الجَبانِ بِصَبرِهِ
حَمَتنا ذُروعٌ طَلقَةٌ وَدُروعُ

7. And a homestead in the desert sufficed us that it is no dwelling place
And what there is between the hands of doers is expansive

٧. وَأَقنَعَنا بِالبيدِ أَن لَيسَ مَنزِلٌ
وَما بَينَ أَيدي اليَعمُلاتِ وَسيعُ

8. Shall I denounce to you that wealth brings dishonor to a young man?
Wealth is nothing but chastity and contentment

٨. أَبُثُّكَ أَنَّ المالَ عارٌ عَلى الفَتى
وَما المالُ إِلّا عِفَّةٌ وَقُنوعُ

9. Does a firm resolution rise in me towards what I want?
And the confidant of my secret among men is a blabber

٩. أَيَطلُعُ لي عَزمٌ إِلى ما أُريدُهُ
وَصاحِبُ سِرّي في الرِجالِ مُذيعُ

10. And my soul yearns for a state after a state
And I restrain it, for I am, when solitary, content

١٠. وَتَشتاقُ نَفسي حالَةً بَعدَ حالَةٍ
وَأَزجُرُها إِنّي إِذا لَقَنوعُ

11. And I am tempted by the blowing wind when it flows
And I admire, in it, the alternation of lightning

١١. وَإِنّي لَأَغرى بِالنَسيمِ إِذا سَرى
وَيُعجِبُني بِالأَبرَقَينِ رُبوعُ

12. And longing bows upon me, the misery of rain in Al-Hejaz and its lightning that flashes on the outskirts
And I know not ecstasy until a dove in the valley coos

١٢. وَيَحني عَلَيَّ الشَوقَ نَجدِيُّ مُزنَةٍ
وَبَرقٌ بِأَطرافِ الحِجازِ لَموعُ

13. And were it not for passion, I would have been nothing but a toiler
Who defies passion and obeys

١٣. وَلا أَعرِفُ الأَشجانَ حَتّى يَشوقَني
حَمامٌ بِبَطنِ الواديّينِ سَجوعُ

14. When dawn shines, the steed is my companion
And when night comes, the sword is my bedmate

١٤. وَلَولا الهَوى ما كُنتُ إِلّا مُشَمِّراً
أُطاعُ عَلى رُغمَ الهَوى وَأُطيعُ

15. I left the nights behind me hated
And the overwhelming swarms of insects accompanied me

١٥. إِذا راقَ صُبحٌ فَالحِصانُ مُصاحِبٌ
وَإِن عاقَ لَيلٌ فَالحُسامُ ضَجيعُ

16. I ventured fascinated by what I seek
I traverse the darkness while the seekers are asleep

١٦. تَرَكتُ اللَيالي خَلفَ ظَهري رَذِيَّةً
وَصاحَبَني طاغي الذُبابِ قَطوعُ

17. Be informed that a spear whose attack is not piercing is useless
And a sword that does not strike violently is blunt

١٧. وَخاطَرتُ مَشغوفاً بِما أَنا طالِبٌ
أَجوبُ الدُجى وَالطالِبونَ هُجوعُ

18. And I left behind me men from Qais and Khindif
Without my chest provoking them to war

١٨. أَلا إِنَّ رُمحاً لا يَصولُ لَنَبعَةٌ
وَإِنَّ حُساماً لا يَقُدُّ قَطيعُ

19. I left them calling while my tears were streaming
But my eyes did not allow them to shed tears on me

١٩. وَفارَقتُ مِن أَبناءِ قَيسٍ وَخِندِفٍ
رِجالاً وَلَم تَنفُر عَلَيَّ ضُلوعُ

20. A farewell heart cautioned them against me
And a resolute determination to meet the men head-on

٢٠. تَرَكتُهُمُ يَدعونَ وَالدَمعُ ناشِزٌ
وَما مَلَكَت طَرفي عَلَيَّ دُموعُ

21. And a soul free in confronting catastrophes
And a heart obedient in the war of time

٢١. وَحَذَّرَهُم مِنّي فُؤادٌ مُشَيَّعٌ
وَعَزمٌ لِأَقانِ الرِجالِ قَطوعُ

22. And I said: Accepting oppression is the greatest fault
And the free man in the land is not lost

٢٢. وَنَفسٌ عَلى كَرِّ النَوائِبِ حُرَّةٌ
وَقَلبٌ عَلى حَربِ الزَمانِ مُطيعُ

23. So when I saw humiliation among the people was common
I left and no return was possible to me

٢٣. وَقُلتُ قَبولُ الضَيمِ أَعظَمُ خَطَّةٍ
وَما الحُرُّ في رَحبِ البِلادِ مَضيعُ

24. Lo, my night in Iraq is as if
It is an emaciated camel avoided by men

٢٤. فَلَمّا رَأَيتُ الذُلَّ في القَومِ سُبَّةً
ذَهَبتُ فَلَم يُقدَر عَلَيَّ رُجوعُ

25. Resident who brings me worries and my watcher
Is preoccupied with the backs of the stars and burning

٢٥. أَلا إِنَّ لَيلي بِالعِراقِ كَأَنَّهُ
طَليحٌ تَجافاهُ الرِجالُ ظَليعُ

26. And horse(s) whose purity we shattered in the darkness of night
Their hooves make the pebbles quiver and frightened

٢٦. مُقيمٌ يُعاطيني الهُمومَ وَناظِري
مُعَنىً بِأَعجازِ النُجومِ وَلَوعُ

27. Until dawn rises and the night departs dejectedly
Abandoning its horrors, and the planets are gazing

٢٧. وَخَيلٍ أَبَحناها السَماوَةَ وَالوَجى
تُنَفِّرُ أَيديها الحَصى وَتَروعُ

28. And by God I survived a day in Iraq
Though the hands of death were about to fall

٢٨. إِلى أَن تَسامى الصُبحُ وَاللَيلُ لافِظٌ
حُشاشَتَهُ وَالطالِعاتُ تَريعُ

29. I slipped away from it, slipped like a smooth pocket
And it bent inside the pockets of oath-breakers

٢٩. وَلِلَّهِ يَومٌ بِالعِراقِ نَجَوتُهُ
وَأَيدي المَنايا بِالنَجاءِ وُقوعُ

30. Mouths vie over it, in every arena
And every tradition in which I was the innovator

٣٠. تَمَلَّستُ مِنُه أَملَسَ الجَيبِ وَاِنثَنى
لَهُ في جُيوبِ الناكِثينَ رُدوعُ

31. We tasted it, and we let our spears drink from its blood
And hopes of men were cloven by its gaping wounds

٣١. تَنازَعُهُ الأَفواهُ في كُلِّ مَشهَدٍ
وَكُلُّ حَدِيٍّ كُنتُ فيهِ بَديعُ

32. And our hands conceal the bases of our spears
While their tips roam between hearts

٣٢. طَعِمنا وَأَطعَمنا القَنا مِن دِمائِهِ
وَسارَت بِآمالِ الرِجالِ صُدوعُ

33. My greed is to own all the glory
And every boy aspires to the heights

٣٣. وَتَحفَظُ أَيدينا كُعوبَ رِماحِنا
وَأَطرافُها بَينَ القُلوبِ تَضيعُ

34. And a friend who hands me cups as a courtesy
And he wished the mint were copious

٣٤. طَماعِيَتي أَن أَملِكَ المَجدَ كُلَّهُ
وَكُلُّ غُلامٍ في العَلاءِ طَموعُ

35. I hid in my ribs a deadly assault for him
On the day of traitors, it will startle him

٣٥. وَمَولىً يُعاطيني الكُؤوسَ تَجَمُّلاً
وَقَد وَدَّ لَو أَنَّ العُقارَ نَجيعُ

36. Since no day lasts whose loyalty endures
Then loyalty in time is a wonder

٣٦. خَبَأتُ لَهُ ما بَينَ جَنبيَّ فَتكَةً
دَهَتهُ وَيَومُ الغادِرينَ شَنيعُ

37. Some sayings of speakers are falsified
And some visitors of relatives are deceivers

٣٧. فَلا كانَ يَومٌ لا يَدومُ وَفاؤُهُ
فَإِنَّ وَفاءً في الزَمانِ بَديعُ

38. I see a guided one listening while none is speaking
And one seeking guidance calling while none can hear

٣٨. وَبَوضُ مَقالِ القائِلينَ مُكَذَّبٌ
وَبَعضُ وِرادِ الأَقرَبينَ خَدوعُ

39. People are nothing but a pretentious eulogizer
And another, the train of whose cloak is vile

٣٩. أَرى راشِداً يُصغي وَليسَ مُكَلَّمٌ
وَمُستَرشَدٌ يَدعو وَليسَ سَميعُ

40. Time is naught but blessings and tribulations
And creatures are naught but secure and terrified

٤٠. وَما الناسُ إِلا ماجِدٌ مُتَلَثِّمٌ
وَآخَرُ مَجرورُ العِطافِ خَليعُ

41. The day of soft steps, hand-clapping
And the speech of creaky sandals braying

٤١. وَما الدَهرُ إِلّا نِعمَةٌ وَمُصيبَةٌ
وَما الخَلقُ إِلّا آمَنٌ وَجَزوعُ

42. It astonished me — it moves with us while standing still
It eats from our lifetimes and is ravenous

٤٢. وَيَومُ رَقيقِ الطُرَّتينِ مُصَفِّقٌ
وَخَطبُ جُرازِ المَضرَبَينِ قَطيعُ

43. Which man of Saʿd's offspring did I befriend
That did not debase those roots with branches?

٤٣. عَجِبتُ لَهُ يَسري بِنا وَهوَ واقِفٌ
وَيَأكُلُ مِن أَعمارِنا وَيَجوعُ

44. Lightweight on the back of the noble that shakes him
Poems on his shoulders and short poetry

٤٤. وَأَيُّن فَتىً مِن فَرعِ سَعدٍ صَحِبتُه
وَما هَجَنَت تِلكَ الأُصولَ فُروعُ

45. When one day is obscured, his honor's face rises
And for us the full moon has setting and rising

٤٥. خَفيفٌ عَلى ظَهرِ النَجيبِ تَهُزُّهُ
عُروضٌ عَلى أَعطافِهِ وَقُطوعُ

46. I will pounce from the night of disorder and escape
To an abode where time is submissive

٤٦. إِذا غابَ يَومٌ أَطلَعَ العِزُّ وَجهَهُ
وَلِلبَدرِ فينا مَغرِبٌ وَطُلوعُ

47. I see the stallion whose lips the bridle has chafed
And without him is the rugged, firm ground

٤٧. سَأَنقُضُ مِن لَيلِ الثَوِيَّةِ وَفرَتي
إِلى مَنزِلٍ لِلدَهرِ فيهِ خُضوعُ

48. When crisis seizes him, deliverance takes him
And the legs of the steed bound forth

٤٨. أَرى العيسَ قَد خاطَ اللُغامُ شِفاهَها
وَمِن دونِها صَعبُ الضِرابِ مَنيعُ

49. As for us, when the whips wave boastfully
We bow down on its withers and kneel

٤٩. إِذا أَخَذَت مِنها الأَزِمَّةُ حَثَّها
نَجاءٌ وَأَعضادُ المَطِيِّ تَبوعُ

50. I do not accept satisfaction from time
And my resolve is taken while time is prevented

٥٠. وَنَحنُ إِذا طارَ السِياطُ بِشَأوِها
سُجودٌ عَلى أَكوارِها وَرُكوعُ

51. In life, the suckling of the udder is speckled
And on earth, the pasturing plain is verdant

٥١. وَإِنِّيَ لا أَرضى مِنَ الدَهرِ بِالرِضا
وَعَزمي أَخوذٌ وَالزَمانُ مَنوعُ

٥٢. وَفي العَيشِ مَشمولُ النِطافِ مُرَقرَقٌ
وَفي الأَرضِ مُخضَرُّ الجَنابِ مَريعُ