
Oh, for the zeal of students for Allah,

ألا لله بادرة الطلاب

1. Oh, for the zeal of students for Allah,
And determination undeterred by blame!

١. أَلا لِلَّهِ بادِرَةُ الطِلابِ
وَعَزمٌ لا يُرَوَّعُ بِالعِتابِ

2. All who roll up their sleeves take the plunge,
Plunging from minarets to the necks below.

٢. وَكُلُّ مُشَمِّرِ البُردَينِ يَهوي
هُويَّ المُصلَتاتِ إِلى الرِقابِ

3. I blame him for keeping his distance,
While he faults me for returning so soon.

٣. أُعاتِبُهُ عَلى بُعدِ التَنائي
وَيَعذُلُني عَلى قُربِ الإِيابِ

4. I've seen weakness submit to the nights
And be content with their blows of misfortune.

٤. رَأَيتُ العَجزَ يَخضَعُ لِلَّيالي
وَيَرضى عَن نَوائِبِها الغِضابِ

5. Were it not for the audacity of the days against me
I would have attacked the heights from every side.

٥. وَلَولا صَولَةُ الأَيّامِ دوني
هَجَمتُ عَلى العُلى مِن كُلِّ بابِ

6. It is the way of the Arab youth among us
To join white swords and steeds from the desert.

٦. وَمِن شِيَمِ الفَتى العَرَبيِّ فينا
وِصالُ البيضِ وَالخَيلِ العِرابِ

7. He has the lie of threats against enemies
And truthfulness is his way with blows.

٧. لَهُ كِذبُ الوَعيدِ مِنَ الأَعادي
وَمِن عاداتِهِ صِدقُ الضَرابِ

8. I will put on coat of mail and fine blades
Though I have not cast off the garb of youth.

٨. سَأَدَّرِعُ الصَوارِمَ وَالعَوالي
وَما عُرّيتُ مِن خِلَعِ الشَبابِ

9. I will wrap myself in the darkness while the caravan moves on,
Like an unsheathed sword detached from its scabbard.

٩. وَأَشتَمِلُ الدُجى وَالرَكبُ يَمضي
مَضاءَ السَيفِ شَذَّ عَنِ القِرابِ

10. How many a night have I prepared the stallions for him
With sparks from the flint of the lively fire?

١٠. وَكَم لَيلٍ عَبَأتُ لَهُ المَطايا
وَنارُ الحَيِّ حائِرَةُ الشِهابِ

11. I met the earth, her cheeks gone pale,
Toying with wolves and hyenas.

١١. لَقيتُ الأَرضَ شاحِبَةَ المُحَيّا
تَلاعَبُ بِالضَراغِمِ وَالذِئابِ

12. I sped to grayness though I was untrammeled,
As grayness hurried to dye itself black.

١٢. فَزِعتُ إِلى الشُحوبِ وَكُنتُ طَلقاً
كَما فَزِعَ المَشيبُ إِلى الخِضابِ

13. Never did we see one so white of temples
Tormented by one so black of turban.

١٣. وَلَم نَرَ مِثلَ مُبيَضَّ النَواحي
تُعَذِّبُهُ بِمُسوَدِّ الإِهابِ

14. I refused to share my hopes though I saw
Hopes to be most wretched for riders.

١٤. أَبيتُ مُضاجِعاً أَمَلي وَإِنّي
أَرى الآمالَ أَشقى لِلرِكابِ

15. When despair has disappointed our hopes,
Hope encourages us again to seek.

١٥. إِذا ما اليَأسُ خَيَّبَنا رَجَونا
فَشَجَّعَنا الرَجاءُ عَلى الطِلابِ

16. I say, when downpours have overflowed from the clouds,
The rain's pitter-patter on hilltops,

١٦. أَقولُ إِذا اِستَطارَ مِنَ السَواري
زَفونُ القَطرِ رَقّاصُ الحَبابِ

17. It's as if the sky, though angry at the rain,
Beckons it to pelt the mountain peaks.

١٧. كَأَنَّ الجَوَّ غَضَّ بِهِ فَأَومى
لِيَقذِفَهُ عَلى قِمَمِ الشِعابِ

18. Worthy is it to clasp hands with the open desert,
And trail over it the gentle musical wind.

١٨. جَديرٌ أَن تُصافِحَهُ الفَيافي
وَيَسحَبُ فَوقَها عَذَبَ الرَبابِ

19. When the slopes are receptive, you see
Ripples in the folds of the hillocks.

١٩. إِذا هَتَمَ التِلاعَ رَأَيتَ مِنهُ
رُضاباً في ثَنيّاتِ الهِضابِ

20. May God water the city from a source
Of pure, delicate, delightful water.

٢٠. سَقى اللَهُ المَدينَةَ مِن مَحَلٍّ
لُبابَ الماءِ وَالنُطَفِ العِذابِ

21. And be generous to the Baqee and its inhabitants
With plentiful, long-trailing trains.

٢١. وَجادَ عَلى البَقيعِ وَساكِنيهِ
رَخيُّ الذَيلِ مَلآنُ الوِطابِ

22. The standards of glory - and how much
Worth has been despoiled by time!

٢٢. وَأَعلامُ الغَريِّ وَما اِستَباحَت
مَعالِمُها مِنَ الحَسَبِ اللُبابِ

23. A grave in Taff which contains a form
Quenched of thirst by the cold drink.

٢٣. وَقَبراً بِالطُفوفِ يَضُمُّ شِلواً
قَضى ظَمَأً إِلى بَردِ الشَرابِ

24. Samarra, Baghdad, and Tus -
The season of rainfall with red clouds.

٢٤. وَسامَرّا وَبَغداداً وَطوساً
هُطولَ الوَدقِ مُنحَرِقَ العُبابِ

25. Tombs where teardrops fall
As the Pleiades did on the hilltops.

٢٥. قُبورٌ تَنطُفُ العَبَراتُ فيها
كَما نَطَفَ الصَبيرُ عَلى الرَوابي

26. If the clouds were miserly with their rain,
The mirages would melt above them.

٢٦. فَلَو بَخِلَ السَحابُ عَلى ثَراها
لَذابَت فَوقَها قِطَعُ السَرابِ

27. May it slake the thirst I have long felt for you,
Despite my home and nearness to you.

٢٧. سَقاكَ فَكَم ظَمِئتُ إِلَيكَ شَوقاً
عَلى عُدَواءِ داري وَاِقتِرابي

28. Keep your cold, O south wind, from me
And protect me from anything of yours.

٢٨. تَجافي يا جَنوبَ الريحِ عَنّي
وَصوني فَضلَ بُردِكِ عَن جَنابي

29. Bring me no nights and what I loathe
Of your soil.

٢٩. وَلا تَسري إِلَيَّ مَعَ اللَيالي
وَما اِستَحقَبتُ مِن ذاكَ التُرابِ

30. It's little to drive the camels to it
And slaughter the necks of clouds over it.

٣٠. قَليلٌ أَن تُقادَ لَهُ الغَوادي
وَتُنحَرَ فيهِ أَعناقُ السَحابِ

31. Does its soil scorn its inhabitants
And spew them out to luxury?

٣١. أَما شَرِقَ التُرابُ بِساكِنيهِ
فَيَلفَظَهُم إِلى النِعَمِ الرُغابِ

32. How wine turns enmities to drunkenness
And serves them the cup of misfortune!

٣٢. فَكَم غَدَتِ الضَغائِنُ وَهيَ سَكرى
تُديرُ عَلَيهِمُ كَأسَ المُصابِ

33. Every day, prayers to Allah flutter
Over those sanctuaries and domes.

٣٣. صَلاةُ اللَهِ تَخفُقُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
عَلى تِلكَ المَعالِمِ وَالقِبابِ

34. Still I strengthen my resolve
Though few stand by to help me.

٣٤. وَإِنّي لا أَزالُ أَكُرُّ عَزمي
وَإِن قَلَّت مُساعَدَةُ الصِحابِ

35. I will cleave the winds to a soft breath
I craved from the soil of Abu Turab.

٣٥. وَأَختَرِقُ الرِياحَ إِلى نَسيمٍ
تَطَلَّعَ مِن تُرابِ أَبي تُرابِ

36. I wish the nights would favor me
And my victory and purpose take root.

٣٦. بِوَدّي أَن تُطاوِعَني اللَيالي
وَيَنشَبَ في المُنى ظِفري وَنابي

37. Then I will loose my arrows toward you
To penetrate deep in the hilltops,

٣٧. فَأَرمي العيسَ نَحوَكُمُ سِهاماً
تَغَلغَلُ بَينَ أَحشاءِ الرَوابي

38. Casting spearheads at the heights
As rain poured from the mountain peaks.

٣٨. تَرامى بِاللُغامِ عَلى طُلاها
كَما اِنحَدَرَ الغُثاءُ عَنِ العُقابِ

39. And I will rend apart the tents
To fill the encampments with spears.

٣٩. وَأَجنُبُ بَينَها خُرقَ المَذاكي
فَأَملي بِاللُغامِ عَلى اللُغابِ

40. Maybe I can earn some solace from you
That penetrates my heart and veil.

٤٠. لَعَلّي أَن أَبُلَّ بِكُم غَليلاً
تَغَلغَلَ بَينَ قَلبي وَالحِجابِ

41. For meeting you is just a sign
Of treasure and reward.

٤١. فَما لُقياكُمُ إِلّا دَليلٌ
عَلى كَنزِ الغَنيمَةِ وَالثَوابِ

42. I have two graves in Zorah that heal
My troubles and grief when I draw near.

٤٢. وَلي قَبرانِ بِالزَوراءِ أَشفي
بِقُربِهِما نِزاعي وَاِكتِئابي

43. I guide myself to them and send
Greetings that unerringly find an answer.

٤٣. أَقودُ إِلَيهِما نَفسي وَأُهدي
سَلاماً لا يَحيدُ عَنِ الجَوابِ

44. To visit them cleanses my soul
And wards off any stain from my gown.

٤٤. لِقاؤُهُما يُطَهِّرُ مِن جَناني
وَيَدرَأُ عَن رِدائي كُلَّ عابِ

45. The one who will share hellfire, my grandfather,
When the gate of salvation from torment opens.

٤٥. قَسيمُ النارِ جَدّي يَومَ يُلقى
بِهِ بابُ النَجاةِ مِنَ العَذابِ

46. The server of all creation with vessels -
How hot they became! - and the Opener

٤٦. وَساقي الخَلقِ وَالمُهَجاتُ حَرّى
وَفاتِحَةُ الصِراطِ إِلى الحِسابِ

47. Of the path over the narrow bridge to judgment.
The one whose ring was kissed by a hand

٤٧. وَمَن سَمَحَت بِخاتَمِهِ يَمينٌ
تَضَنُّ بِكُلِّ عالِيَةِ الكِعابِ

48. That bestows every lofty grace.
Were there not miracles at Khaybar's gate

٤٨. أَما في بابِ خَيبَرَ مُعجِزاتٌ
تُصَدَّقُ أَو مُناجاةُ الحِبابِ

49. To be believed, or the cry of the lover?
They meant him ill, but God refused,

٤٩. أَرادَت كَيدَهُ وَاللَهُ يَأبى
فَجاءَ النَصرُ مِن قِبَلِ الغُرابِ

50. So victory came from the crow's side.
Can this moon be eclipsed by clouds

٥٠. أَهَذا البَدرُ يُكسَفُ بِالدَياجي
وَهَذي الشَمسُ تُطمَسُ بِالضَبابِ

51. And this sun be erased by mist?
Whenever a rebel pressed him hard

٥١. وَكانَ إِذا اِستَطالَ عَلَيهِ جانٍ
يَرى تَركَ العِقابِ مِنَ العِقابِ

52. He saw leaving punishment as punishment.
I see Shaaban reminding me of my longing -

٥٢. أَرى شَعبانَ يُذكِرُني اِشتِياقي
فَمَن لي أَن يُذَكِّرَكُم ثَوابي

53. Who will remind you of what I hope for?
Through you my pride in poetry, not my poetry,

٥٣. بِكُم في الشِعرِ فَخري لا بِشِعري
وَعَنكُم طالَ باعي في الخِطابِ

54. And through you my wares have sold well.
I refrain from ugly words, yet I

٥٤. أُجَلُّ عَنِ القَبائِحِ غَيرَ أَنّي
لَكُم أَرمي وَأُرمى بِالسِبابِ

55. Aim arrows of abuse at you.
I openly profess loyalty and do not dissemble,

٥٥. فَأَجهَرُ بِالوَلاءِ وَلا أُوَرّي
وَأَنطِقُ بِالبَراءِ وَلا أُحابي

56. I speak of disavowal and do not compromise.
Who has more right to you as a loyal friend than I

٥٦. وَمَن أَولى بِكُم مِنّي وَليّاً
وَفي أَيديكُمُ طَرَفُ اِنتِسابي

57. When you hold the hem of my lineage?
Lover of you, even if my life should hate me,

٥٧. مُحِبُّكُمُ وَلَو بَغِضَت حَياتي
وَزائِرُكُم وَلَو عُقِرَت رِكابي

58. Visitor to you, even if my riding beasts are hobbled.
Only the nights keep us apart,

٥٨. تُباعِدُ بَينَنا غَيرُ اللَيالي
وَمَرجِعُنا إِلى النَسَبِ القَرابُ