
My aspirations to glory are greater than my desire for seeking,

أبرا إلى المجد من حرصي على الطلب

1. My aspirations to glory are greater than my desire for seeking,
And my knocks on the doors of livelihood and rank.

١. أَبرا إِلى المَجدِ مِن حَرصي عَلى الطَلَبِ
وَمِن قِراعي عَلى الأَرزاقِ وَالرُتَبِ

2. If fate had been just, its mysteries would have guided me,
To the heights, with the light of reason and pedigree.

٢. لَو أَنصَفَ الدَهرُ دَلَّتني غِياهِبُهُ
عَلى العُلى بِضِياءِ العَقلِ وَالحَسبِ

3. Of no benefit to a man are pedigrees without effort,
Is this not the limit of my fortune, and that of my father?

٣. ما يَنفَعُ المَرءَ أَحسابٌ بِلا جِدَةٍ
أَلَيسَ ذا مُنتَهى حَظّي وَذاكَ أَبي

4. Now I seek to avenge myself with an intimate friend,
Whom I deceived away from the deep valley and grass.

٤. الآنَ أَطلُبُ ثاراتي بِمَقرَبَةٍ
خَدَعتُها عَن غَميرِ النَورِ وَالعُشُبِ

5. The breast of dawn roams in the horizon of its glades,
While this day amongst the hilltops is narrow in expanse.

٥. يَجولُ صَدرُ الضُحى في أُفُقِ قَسطَلِها
وَاليَومُ بَينَ العَوالي ضَيِّقُ اللَبَبِ

6. I have lived sixty and ten years, in which I have gained,
Nothing but wishes, while roaming, but from knowledge.

٦. أَنضَيتُ سِتّاً وَعَشراً ما قَضَيتُ بِها
سِوى المُنى وَطَراً إِلّا مِنَ الأَدَبِ