1. He told me of the strange things and said
Your mind was tricked by the cunning of traitors
١. وَنَمى إِلَيَّ مِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّهُ
لَعِبَت بِعَقلِكَ حيلَةُ الخَوّانِ
2. And you were captured by the deceit of one who makes false oaths
With misleading vows and false promises
٢. وَتَمَلَّكَتكَ خَديعَةٌ مِن قَولَةٍ
غَرّارَةِ الأَقسامِ وَالأَيمانِ
3. Indeed I heard, though my wakeful eyes see for themselves
Replacing what my ears convey
٣. حَقّاً سَمِعتُ وَرُبَّ عَيني ناظِرٍ
يَقِظٍ تَقومُ مَقامَها الأُذُنانِ
4. Where is what I felt of my hatred for him
That I kept secret and made public
٤. أَينَ الَّذي أَضمَرتُهُ مِن بُغضِهِ
وَعَقَدتَهُ بِالسِرِّ وَالإِعلانِ
5. Or where is my opinion to keep him away
Out of resentment? And where is the zeal of the angry?
٥. أَم أَينَ ذاكَ الرَأيُ في إِبعادِهِ
حَنَقاً وَأَينَ حَمِيَّةُ الغَضبانِ
6. Glory to the Creator of every wondrous thing
So much diversity among you
٦. سُبحانَ خالِقِ كُلَّ شَيءٍ مُعجِبٍ
ما فيكُمُ مِن كَثرَةِ الأَلوانِ
7. One day belongs to this, the next to that
Varying strengths among peers
٧. يَومٌ لِذا وَغَدٌ لِذاكَ وَهَذِهِ
شِيَمٌ مُقَطِّعَةٌ قُوى الأَقرانِ
8. Now from you comes the despair that deflates my pride
And despair cuts off the thirst of the thirsty
٨. فَالآنَ مِنكَ اليَأسُ يَنقَعُ غُلَّتي
وَاليَأسُ يَقطَعُ غُلَّةَ الظَمآنِ
9. So go, as the hoped-for clouds went away
Lightning flashed and rumbled with thunder
٩. فَاِذهَب كَما ذَهَبَ الغَمامُ رَجَوتُهُ
فَطَوى البُروقَ وَضَنَّ بِالهَتّانِ
10. Or after praising you bruised my dignity
With polished words or lyrical meanings
١٠. أَو بَعدَ أَن أَدمى مَديحُكَ خاطِري
بِصِقالِ لَفظٍ أَو طِلابِ مَعاني
11. May the Merciful not bless wealth used
To harm the near from afar
١١. لا بارَكَ الرَحمَنُ في مالٍ بِهِ
يُعدى البَعيدُ عَلى القَريبِ الداني
12. If I obeyed, I would have wealth like yours
And turbans like those with crowns
١٢. لي مِثلُ مُلكِكَ لَو أَطَعتُ تَقَنُّعي
وَذوو العَمائِمِ مِن ذَوي التيجانِ
13. Perhaps my state will reach heights
Palms grow from shoots
١٣. وَلَعَلَّ حالي أَن يَصيرَ إِلى عُلىً
فَالدَوحُ مَنبِتُها مِنَ القُضبانِ
14. So beware the consequences of your crimes
Often a crime wounds the heart of the criminal
١٤. فَاِحذَر عَواقِبَ ما جَنَيتَ فَرُبَّما
رَمَتِ الجِنايَةُ عُرضَ قَلبِ الجاني
15. I gave you candid advice, the rest
Babbles foam without clarity
١٥. أَعطَيتُكَ الرَأيَ الصَريحَ وَغَيرُهُ
تَنسابُ رَغوَتُهُ بِغَيرِ بَيانِ
16. I presented my advice; accepting is approving
If you refuse, I will pull my reins from you
١٦. وَعَرَضتُ نُصحي وَالقَبولُ إِجازَةٌ
فَإِذا أَبَيتَ لَوَيتُ عَنكَ عِناني
17. It would be hard for me to listen to
Talk of you or my tongue praise you
١٧. وَلَقَد يَطولُ عَليكَ أَن أُصغي إِلى
ذِكراكَ أَو يُثني عَليكَ لِساني