
Who are the riders between the young camels and the she-camels,

من الركب ما بين النقا والأناعم

1. Who are the riders between the young camels and the she-camels,
Their faces veiled riding slowly towards the west?

١. مَنِ الرَكبُ ما بَينَ النَقا وَالأَناعِمِ
نَشاوى مِنَ الإِدلاجِ ميلَ العَمائِمِ

2. Their faces like golden coins unveiled,
Appearing from behind the clouds of melancholy.

٢. وُجوهٌ كَتَخطيطِ الدَنانيرِ لاحَها
مَعَ البيدِ إِضبابُ الهُمومِ اللَوازِمِ

3. As though they were statues upon their saddles,
Except they refuse any food but milk.

٣. كَأَنَّ القَطامِيّاتِ فَوقَ رِحالِهِم
سِوى أَنَّها تَأبى دَنِيَّ المَطاعِمِ

4. Upon she-camels weakened by travel,
Their necks stretched forward between the packs.

٤. عَلى مُصغِياتٍ لِلأَزِمَّةِ ساقَطَت
مِنَ النَيِّ ما بَينَ الذُرى وَالمَناسِمِ

5. We remembered you as the evening came down,
Our oaths soaked with tears.

٥. ذَكَرناكُمُ وَالعيسُ تَهوي رِقابُها
وَأَيمانُنا مَبلولَةٌ بِالقَوائِمِ

6. Love has weakened us, we cannot bear our swords,
It has demolished our firm resolutions.

٦. فَأَضعَفَنا عَن حَملِ أَسيافِنا الهَوى
وَنَقَّضَ مِنّا مُبرَماتِ العَزائِمِ

7. When longing shakes us we tremble,
Like numbers on dice when they are thrown.

٧. إِذا هَزَّنا الشَوقُ اِضطَرَبنا لِهَزِّهِ
عَلى شُعَبِ الرَحلِ اِضطِرابَ الأَراقِمِ

8. And hearts of warriors swoon
At daybreak like the wings of startled birds.

٨. وَخَفَّت قُلوبٌ مِن رِجالٍ كَما هَفَت
نَزائِعُ طَيرٍ غُدوَةً بِالقَوادِمِ

9. Some stand straight being inclined,
Others flee though asleep.

٩. فَمِن صَبَواتٍ تَستَقيمُ لِمائِلٍ
وَمِن أَريَحِيّاتٍ تَهُبُّ بِنائِمِ

10. All the veiled girls watch us
Gesturing beyond their smiling lips.

١٠. وَفي الجيرَةِ الغادينَ كُلُّ مُمَنَّعٍ
يُشيرُ إِلَينا عَن بُروقِ المَباسِمِ

11. The lightning flashes for us and the clouds promise rain,
But where can we find generous clouds?

١١. وَيَجلو لَنا لَمعَ الغَمامِ وَبِشرَهُ
وَأَينَ لَنا مِنهُ بِجَودِ الغَمائِمِ

12. They smile to us from moist cheeks,
Their mouths close to ours.

١٢. صَفَحنَ إِلينَ عَن خُدودٍ أَسيلَةٍ
دُنوَّ العَواطي مِن ظِباءِ الصَرائِمِ

13. They lift the curtains of sadness and so reveal
The sickness of hearts that conceal their passion.

١٣. وَرَفَّعنَ أَطرافَ السُجوفِ فَصَرَّحَت
عَنِ الوَجدِ أَدواءُ القُلوبِ الكَواتِمِ

14. How can their eyes engage with us
When floods of tears engage them?

١٤. وَكَيفَ تَراهُنَّ العُيونُ وَإِنَّما
شَغَلنَ المَآقي بِالدُموعِ السَواجِمِ

15. They treat us with the coquetry of the submissive, greedily,
And repel us like restive steeds called to ride.

١٥. يُعاطينَ إِعطاءَ الذَلولِ طَماعَةً
وَيَصدونَ صَدّاتِ الجِيادِ القَوادِمِ

16. They have taken from us hearts and minds,
And they have left in us for passion only shredded palms.

١٦. تَزَوَّدنَ مِنّا كُلَّ قَلبٍ وَمُهجَةٍ
وَزَوَّدنَنا لِلوَجدِ عَضَّ الأَباهِمِ

17. My friend, have the sheltering sands gone since
The twisting necks of the sand grouse have yellowed?

١٧. خَليلَيَّ هَل زالَ الأَراكُ وَقَد عَفَت
مَغارِزُ أَعناقِ اللَوى وَالمَخارِمِ

18. How are the high sands where you camped
When the frog croaked through the rain clouds?

١٨. وَكَيفَ أَعالي الرَملِ مُنذُ تَحَدَّبتَ
عَليها الزَباني بِالغَمامِ الرَوائِمِ

19. I love the land where my beloved stayed
Though it does not suit me.

١٩. أُحِبُّ ثَرى أَرضٍ أَقامَ بِجَوِّها
حَبيبٌ إِلى قَلبي وَإِن لَم يُلائِمِ

20. I sniff the winds coming to me
So that they tell me of its perfume.

٢٠. وَأَستَشرِفُ الأَعلامَ حَتّى تَدُلَّني
عَلى طَيبِها مَرُّ الرِياحِ الهَواجِمِ

21. I give my soul to the winds
For they pass over those dwelling places.

٢١. وَما أَنسِمُ الأَرواحَ إِلّا لِأَنَّها
تَجوزُ عَلى تِلكَ الرُبى وَالمَعالِمِ

22. Though I have lowered my love before an opponent
And though I have kept faith with one inconstant.

٢٢. بِرُغمِيَ أَنزَلتُ الهَوى عِندَ مانِعٍ
وَدُمتُ عَلى عَهدِ اِمرِئٍ غَيرِ دائِمِ

23. It is as if I am charming an untamed Arab mare
Who always bolts away from my rein.

٢٣. كَأَنّي أُداري مُهرَةً عَرَبِيَةً
تَحايَدُ عَنّي مِن مَناطِ الشَكائِمِ

24. And that was before my hair went white,
How will it be when age makes a turban of my hair?

٢٤. وَهَذا وَما اِبيَضَّ السَوادُ فَكيفَ بي
إِذا الشَيبُ أَمسى لَيلَةً مِن عَمائِمي

25. I used to think that youth would be a way
To the bright cheeks of beautiful women.

٢٥. وَكُنتُ أَرى أَنَّ الشَبابَ وَسيلَةٌ
لِمِثلي إِلى بيضِ الخُدودِ النَواعِمِ

26. I am the son of heroes; if they called one day for volunteers
They stretched their necks through the millstones of death.

٢٦. أَنا اِبنُ الأُلى إِن ما دَعوا يَومَ مَعرَكٍ
أَمَدّوا أَنابيبَ القَنا بِالمَعاصِمِ

27. The chiefs among them in battle
Raise their heads above the press like pillars.

٢٧. مِنَ القَومِ تَعلو في المَجامِعِ مِنهُمُ
مَناصِبُ أَعناقٍ رِزانِ الجَماجِمِ

28. On the day of doom when they are roused
They sever the knots of complex problems.

٢٨. مَليئونَ في يَومِ القَضاءِ إِذا اِنتَدوا
بِجَدعِ القَضايا مِن أُنوفِ المَظالِمِ

29. If they are denied a thing they take it,
Seizing the whole with outstretched arms.

٢٩. وَإِن مَنَعوا النَصفَ اِقتَضَوهُ وَأَفضَلوا
عَلى النَصفِ بِالأَيدي الطِوالِ الغَواشِمِ

30. When they camp their dwellings grow,
They are the offspring of high-bred dams.

٣٠. إِذا نَزَلوا بِالماحِلِ اِستَنبَتوا الرُبى
وَكانوا نِتاجاً لِلبُطونِ العَقائِمِ

31. They were nursed in the bosom of glory, they have sucked
Ambition to the milk of sultans and despots.

٣١. قَروا في حِياضِ المَجدِ وَاِستَدرَعوا القَنا
إِلى نَيلِ أَعناقِ المُلوكِ القَماقِمِ

32. They advance by inspiration not by footsteps,
And they ascend to high places, not by ladders.

٣٢. يَسيرونَ بِالمَسعاةِ لا السَعيُ بِالخُطى
وَيَرقونَ بِالعَلياءِ لا بِالسَلالِمِ

33. All were youths nurtured
In the tradition of the noble sons of Hashim,

٣٣. وَما مِنهُمُ إِلّا اِمرُؤٌ شَبَّ ناشِئاً
عَلى نَمَطَي بَيضاءَ مِن آلِ هاشِمِ

34. No slaves have jurisdiction over them,
Nor foreigners partaken of their sustenance.

٣٤. فَتىً لَم تُوَرِّكهُ الإِماءُ وَلَم تَكُن
أَعاريبَهُ مَدخولَةً بِالأَعاجِمِ

35. Whenever one has determined on a course,
He knocks loud on the doors of mighty deeds.

٣٥. إِذا هَمَّ أَعطى نَفسَهُ كُلَّ مُنيَةٍ
وَقَعقَعَ أَبوابَ الأُمورُ العَظائِمِ

36. They have used only spears as dwellings,
And have taken illumination only from gleaming blades.

٣٦. وَما اِتَّخَذوا إِلّا الرِماحَ سُرادِقاً
وَلا اِستَنوَروا إِلّا بِضَوءِ اللَهاذِمِ

37. None shares command among them,
Nor pliant one to be led by the halter.

٣٧. وَما فيهِمُ مَن يَقسِمُ القَومُ أَمرَهُ
وَلا ضارِعٌ يَنقادُ طَوعَ الخَزائِمِ

38. No weakling among them, when events perplex him,
Takes refuge in the badge of humiliation.

٣٨. وَلا واهِنٌ إِن عَضَّهُ الأَمرُ هابَهُ
وَأَلقى مَقاليدَ الذَليلِ المُسالِمِ

39. Some pass the night watching their horses,
While others spend it on excellent chargers.

٣٩. يَبيتُ عَلى خورِ الحَشايا وَغَيرُهُ
عَلى ظَهرِ جَمّاحٍ مِنَ اللَيلِ عارِمِ

40. Our horses can race to any watering place,
Mares of heroes visiting the valley pools.

٤٠. لَنا عَفَواتُ الماءِ مِن كِلِّ مَنهَلٍ
مَوارِدُ آسادِ العَرينِ الضَراغِمِ

41. Their spirit refuses all but a bounding gallop
When their necks are weighted with spoils.

٤١. أَبى العَزمُ إِلّا وَثبَةً في ظُهورِها
إِذا أُثقِلَت أَعناقُها بِالمَغارِمِ

42. Grim when roused for any goal,
The dwellings and ruins are moved by their neighing.

٤٢. عَوابِسُ إِن قُلِّقنَ يَوماً لِغايَةٍ
هَتَمنَ بِنا روقَ الرُبى وَالمَخارِمِ

43. Why should I fear the night when I ride it
With the whiteness of swords between me and the dark?

٤٣. وَكَيفَ أَخافُ اللَيلَ أَنّى رَكِبتُهُ
وَبَيني وَبَينَ اللَيلِ بيضُ الصَوارِمِ

44. A band that when they shake the standard,
Its edges quiver with people from Zaml and Zamzim.

٤٤. وَجَمعٍ إِذا هَزّوا اللِواءَ تَجاوَبَت
جَوانِبَهُ مِن أَزمَلٍ وَزَمازِمِ

45. From their clashing spears comes a splendor
Like the yapping of foreigners speaking Greek.

٤٥. لَهُ لَغَطٌ مِنِ اِصطِكاكِ رِماحِهِ
تَنِقُّ عَواليها نَقيقَ العَلاجِمِ

46. You would think them stalled in formation
Yet not one horse returns restive from the line.

٤٦. وَتَحسَبُهُ مِمّا تَضايَقَ واقِفاً
وَما رَدَّ مِن غَربِ الجِيادِ الصَلادِمِ

47. With them every horseman in a stripped gown
Becomes a hero with noble birth.

٤٧. بِهِ كُلُّ هَفّافِ القَميصِ شَمَردَلٍ
تَفَرَّجَ عَن وَجهٍ نَقِيِّ المَقادِمِ

48. They stab with a stab from which the leather quivers
And busy are the hands of the mail-clad warriors.

٤٨. بِطَعنٍ كَما اِنعَطَّ الأَديمُ أَرَقَّهُ
تَعاوُرُ أَيدي الخارِزاتِ الحَوازِمِ

49. You can recognize glory in their whinny,
Victorious, or not yet victorious.

٤٩. وَتَعرِفُ في عِرنينِهِ المَجدَ ساهِماً
عَلى عَقِبِ الإِدلاجِ أَو غَيرَ ساهِمِ

50. I wish I might return to the love of my tribe,
Curing profound ills that fester between us,

٥٠. لَوَيتُ إِلى وُدِّ العَشيرَةِ جانِبي
عَلى عُظمِ داءٍ بَينَنا مُتَفاقِمِ

51. And sleep, until those ancient wounds
Are joined and heal into seamless scars.

٥١. وَنِمتُ عَنِ الأَضغانِ حَتّى تَلاحَمَت
جَوائِفُ هاتيكَ النُدوبِ القَدائِمِ

52. I have blunted the slanderers' sharp tongues
That pierce the most armoured reputations.

٥٢. وَقَلَّمتُ أَظفاري وَكُنتُ أَعِدُّها
لِتَمزيقِ قُربى بَينَنا وَالمَحارِمِ

53. I used to extend my claws, preparing them
To rip apart dear kinship's law.

٥٣. وَرَوَّحتُ حِلمي بَعدَما غَرَّبَت بِهِ
ذُنوبُ بَني عَمّي غُروبَ السَوائِمِ

54. I have tamed my forbearance since it was maddened
By the misdeeds of my paternal cousins.

٥٤. وَأَوطَأتُ أَقوالَ الوُشاةِ أَخامِصي
وَقَد كانَ سَمعي مَدرَجاً لِلنَمائِمِ

55. I have trodden down the words of the backbiters
Though I used to incline my ear to gossip.

٥٥. وَسالَمتُ لَمّا طالَتِ الحَربُ بَينَنا
إِذا لَم تُظَفِّركَ الحُروبُ فَسالِمِ

56. I have made peace when war between us grew long,
When war will not make you victorious then make peace.

٥٦. وَقَد كُنتُ أُصميهِم بُعورٍ نَوافِذٍ
تَئِنُّ لَها الأَعراضِ يَومَ الخَصائِمِ

57. I used to aim at them polished arrows
That would wound the sheltering heroic mail.

٥٧. صَوائِبَ مِن نَبلِ العَداوَةِ لَم تَزَل
تَعُطُّ قُلوباً مِن وَراءِ الحِيازِمِ

58. True arrows that pierced hearts
From behind the stoutest castle walls.

٥٨. سَيَرضَونَ مِنّي عَن أَيادٍ كَوامِلِ
وَمِن قَبلِ ما نيلوا بِأَيدٍ كَوالِمِ

59. Now they will be pleased I have held back
My hands from their complete capacity.

٥٩. قَضَيتُ بِهِم حَقَّ الحَفائِظِ مُدَّةً
وَلا بُدَّ أَن أَقضي حُقوقَ المَكارِمِ

60. For a time, I was the prisoner of their safety,
Now I must fulfil the demands of nobility.

٦٠. فَإِن عاوَدوا رَجمي بِغَيبٍ فَإِنَّها
جَنادِلُ عِندي مِلءُ كَفِّ المُراجِمِ

61. If they speak ill of me in my absence
Their gossip to me is like a handful of pebbles.

٦١. وَكَم عَجَموني فَاِنسَلَلتُ مُهَذَّباً
وَأَثَّرَ عودي في النُيوبِ العَواجِمِ

62. Often they spoke in Persian to insult me
Yet I replied to them in eloquent Arabic whose effect pierced their thick skins,

٦٢. وَبي يَستَسيغُ الريقَ قَومٌ وَإِنَّني
إِذا شِئتُ مِن قَومٍ شَجاً في الحَلاقِمِ

63. My saliva is too delicate for some people, yet if I wish
I can be as harsh as any Persian in repartee.

٦٣. إِذا لَم يَكُن إِلّا الحِمامُ فَإِنَّني
سَأُكرِمُ سَمعي عَن مَقالِ اللَوائِمِ

64. If there is nothing left but pigeons then
I shall honour my ears by ignoring slander.

٦٤. وَأَلبَسُها حَمراءَ تَضفو ذُيولُها
مِنَ الدَمِ بُعداً عَن لِباسِ المَلاوِمِ

65. I will dress the pigeons in red, with hems
Dyed from their blood far from their familiar nests.

٦٥. فَمِن قَبلِ ما اِختارَ اِبنُ الاَشعَثِ عَيشَهُ
عَلى شَرَفٍ باقٍ رَفيعِ الدَعائِمِ

66. Since the son of Ash'ath prefers his way of life
To lasting glory built on firm foundations,

٦٦. فَطارَ ذَميماً قَد تَقَلَّدَ عارَها
بِشَرِّ جَناحٍ يَومَ دَيرِ الجَماجِمِ

67. He has shamefully fled, assuming upon himself
The worst of disgrace the day of the skulls.

٦٧. وَجاءَهُمُ يَجري البَريدُ بِرَأسِهِ
وَلَم يُغنِ إيغالٌ بِهِ في الهَزائِمِ

68. He came to them with the mail upon his neck,
But fleeing did not save him from defeat.

٦٨. وَقَد حاصَ مِن خَوفِ الرَدى كُلَّ حيصَةٍ
فَلَم يَنجُ وَالأَقدارُ ضَربَةُ لازِمِ

69. Then did Omayya suffer in the wake of flight
A rupture from some worthless children of Darim.

٦٩. وَهَذا يَزيدُ بنُ المُهَلَّبِ نافَرَت
بِهِ الذُلَّ أَعراقُ الجُدودِ الأَكارِمِ

70. And for them did the tall Sa'al son of Ma'mar
Let loose his deadly lance upon their flying heels.

٧٠. وَقالَ وَقَد عَنَّ الفِرارُ أَوِ الرَدى
لَحى اللَهُ أَخزى ذِكرَةً في المَواسِمِ

71. My name has filled every barren desert,
And my fear has silenced every rebel and oppressor.

٧١. وَما غَمَراتُ المَوتِ إِلّا اِنغِماسَةٌ
وَلا ذي المَنايا غَيرُ تَهويمِ نائِمِ

72. My enemies threatened me in the cradle but
My time to rise had not come, nor my full strength.

٧٢. رَأى أَنَّ هَذا السَيفَ أَهوَنُ مَحمَلاً
مِنَ العارِ يَبقى وَسمُهُ في المَخاطِمِ

73. I have a day that if Yazid and Muslim meet
They will think little of the battle of Ohod.

٧٣. وَما قَلَّدَ البيضَ المَباتيرَ عُنقَهُ
سِوى الخَوفِ مِن تَقليدِها بِالأَداهِمِ

74. I die not an abject death but on honour,
Disdaining the world with a turn of the nostril.

٧٤. فَعافَ الدَنايا وَاِمتَطى المَوتَ شامِخاً
بِمارِنِ عِزٍّ لا يَذِلُّ لِخاطِمِ

75. With the daring of Ibn Hurra I dare
If mighty events require, then be daring.

٧٥. وَقَد حَلَّقَت خَوفَ الهَوانِ بِمُصعَبٍ
قَوادِمُ أَبّاءٍ كَريمِ المَقاوِمِ

76. Let us travel the deserts, visiting all the dwelling places,
Searching for the shelter of the worn tents,

٧٦. عَلى حينَ أَعطوهُ الأَمانَ فَعافَه
وَخُيِّرَ فَاِختارَ الرَدى غَيرَ نادِمِ

77. Those dear open spaces, the crowded encampments,
The loved landmarks that bring to life the past.

٧٧. وَفي خِدرِهِ غَرّاءُ مِن آلِ طَلحَةٍ
عَلاقَةُ قَلبٍ لِلنَديمِ المُخالِمِ

78. With good will we pardon their misdeeds,
Erase all their crimes from our records.

٧٨. تُحَسِّبُ أَيّامَ الحَياةِ وَإِنَّها
لَأَعذَبُ مِن طَعمِ الخُلودِ لِطاعِمِ

79. What care we if they speak ill of us in our absence,
Their mockery we count only as handfuls of pebbles.

٧٩. فَفارَقَها وَالمُلكَ لَمّا رَآهُما
يَجُرّانِ إِذلالَ النُفوسِ الكَرائِمِ

80. Often they insulted us in Persian,
Yet gently we replied in eloquent Arabic.

٨٠. وَلَمّا أَلاحَ الحَوفَزانُ مِنَ الرَدى
حَداهُ المَخازي رُمحُ قَيسِ بنِ عاصِمِ

81. My saliva is delicate to some, yet if I wish,
I am harsher in retort than any Persian.

٨١. وَغادَرَها شَنعاءَ إِن ذُكِرَت لَهُ
مِنَ العارِ طاطا رَأسَ خَزيانَ واجِمِ

82. If there is only exile, I shall refrain
From heeding the vices others speak of me.

٨٢. لِذاكَ مُني بَعدَ الفِرارِ أُمَيَّةٌ
بِشِقشِقَةٍ لَوثاءَ مِن آلِ دارِمِ

83. I will dress my words in red, hemmed
With the blood of far wanderings.

٨٣. وَسَلَّ لَها سَلَّ الحُسامِ اِبنُ مَعمَرٍ
فَكَرَّ عَلى أَعقابِ نابٍ بِصارِمِ

84. Since Ibn Ash'ath prefers the life he leads,
To glory lasting on mighty pillars raised,

٨٤. تَوَرَّدَ ذِكري كُلَّ نَجدٍ وَغائِرِ
وَأَلجَمَ خَوفي كُلَّ باغٍ وَظالِمِ

85. In shame he fled, he hurried away,
Bearing disgrace the day of skulls.

٨٥. وَهَدَّدَ بي الأَعداءُ في المَهدِ لَم يَحِن
نُهوضي وَلَم أَقطَع عُقودَ تَمائِمي

86. He came to them the mail about his neck,
But in the rout, the armor did not save.

٨٦. وَعِندِيَ يَومٌ لَو يَزيدُ وَمُسلِمٌ
بَدا لَهُما لَاِستَصغَرا يَومَ واقِمِ

87. After his flight, Omayya suffered then
A rift from some worthless louts, some sons of Darim.

٨٧. عَلى العِزِّ مُت لا مَيتَةً مُستَكينَةً
تُزيلُ عَنِ الدُنيا بِشُمِّ المَراغِمِ

88. For them did Sa'al's tall son, Qays ibn Ma'mar,
Unleash his deadly lance on their receding heels.

٨٨. وَخاطِر عَلى الجُلّى خِطارَ اِبنِ حُرَّةٍ
وَإِن زاحَمَ الأَمرُ العَظيمُ فَزاحِمِ