1. Perhaps time has worn you out,
And made you firmer in resolve and heart.
١. لَعَلَّ الدَهرَ أَمضى مِنكَ غَربا
وَأَقوى في الأُمورِ يَداً وَقَلبا
2. And when your glances fall on swords,
You quiver in awe and overflow with fear.
٢. وَمُقلَتُهُ إِذا لَحَظَت حُسامي
تَغُضُّ مَهابَةً وَتَفيضُ رُعبا
3. How could that be when you are blind to my words?
Had you seen him, you would have seen flames.
٣. فَكَيفَ وَأَنتَ أَعمى عَن مَقالي
وَلَو عايَنتَهُ لَرَأَيتَ شُهبا
4. I excuse you, for you are the basest of men in origin,
And the most despicable in rank, the weakest in side.
٤. عَذَرتُكَ أَنتَ أَردى الناسِ أَصلاً
وَأَخبَثُ مَنصِباً وَأَذَلُّ جَنبا
5. You are, in my eyes, too petty for me to frighten you,
Or to wage war on you.
٥. وَأَنتَ أَقَلُّ في عَينَيَّ مِن أَن
أَروعَكَ أَو أَشُنُّ عَليكَ حَربا
6. Does it astonish me that you assail me and my dedication to God's Messenger?
He who pelted the heavens, no wonder
٦. أَأَعجَبُ مِن خِصامِكَ لي وَجَدّي
رَسولُ اللَهِ يوسَعُ مِنكَ سَبّا
7. That it is said, he spat in the full moon's face.
For if you lampooned, you lampooned a lion,
٧. وَمَن رَجَمَ السَماءَ فَلا عَجيبٌ
يُقالُ حَثا بِوَجهِ البَدرِ تُربا
8. While if I lampoon you, I lampoon a dog.
٨. فَإِنَّكَ إِن هَجَوتَ هَجَوتَ لَيثاً
وَإِنّي إِن هَجَوتُ هَجَوتُ كَلبا