1. One day, God quenched our thirst, as generous cups overflowed,
At a time when fortune smiled on us, making our lives joyful.
١. سَقى اللَهُ يَوماً ساعَدَتنا كُؤوسُهُ
عَلى حينَ ما جادَ الزَمانُ بِمُسعِدِ
2. We poured the wine ceaselessly, till it was unveiled,
Revealing its rosy complexion in sheer delight.
٢. جَلَونا عَليهِ الخَمرَ حَتّى تَكَشَّفَت
فَواقِعُها عَن لَونِها المُتَوَرِّدِ
3. We shook off its bubbles as though they were motes,
Dancing between the lashes of bleary eyes.
٣. نَفُضُّ لَنا عَنها حَباباً كَأَنَّهُ
قَذىً يَتَمَشّى بَينَ أَجفانِ أَرمَدِ
4. And in our truthful intoxication, the wind robbed our minds,
As it robbed the cheeks of their rosy blush.
٤. وَنَدمانِ صِدقٍ تَسلُبُ الراحُ عَقلَهُ
وَتَسلُبُها خَداهُ حُسنَ التَوَرُّدِ
5. So the days continued to pass with their changing tides,
Bringing us a life of pure joy and eternal bliss.
٥. فَلا زالَتِ الأَيامُ تَجري صُروفُها
عَلينا بِمَغبوطٍ مِنَ العَيشِ سَرمَدَ