
The yearnings of passion carry them along while leaving me silent,

لواعج الشوق تخطيهم وتصميني

1. The yearnings of passion carry them along while leaving me silent,
And blame in love chastens them yet encourages me.

١. لَواعِجُ الشَوقِ تُخطيهِم وَتُصميني
وَاللَومُ في الحُبِّ يَنهاهُم وَيَغريني

2. Had they known even some of what I've endured for them -
Yet they are safe from what distresses me.

٢. وَلَو لَقوا بَعضَ ما أَلقى نَعِمتُ بِهِم
لَكِنَّهُم سَلِموا مِمّا يُعَنّيني

3. Leaning on the sand hill reaching to the trees,
I clung to a promise not kept.

٣. وَبِالكَثيبِ إِلى الأَجزاعِ نازِلَةٌ
عَلِقتُ مِنها بِوَعدٍ غَيرِ مَضمونِ

4. They didn't let me enjoy the cold water since they prohibited
The chill of night and yearning consumes me.

٤. ما سَوَّغوني بَردَ الماءِ مُذ حَظَروا
عَلَيَّ بَردَ اللَمَي وَالشَوقُ يُظميني

5. O you who peeled the bark and stripped the branches, from Yemen -
I found in you a gazelle that doesn't enliven me.

٥. يا مَنشَظَ الشيحِ وَالحوذانِ مِن يَمَنٍ
حَيَّيتُ فيكَ غَزالاً لا يُحَيِيني

6. Will my beloved who I've stuck with for so long
After me appoint another to fulfill me?

٦. تُرى الغَريمُ الَّذي طالَ اللُزومُ لَهُ
في الحَيِّ مُوِّلَ مِن بَعدي فَيَقضيني

7. On the morning after anguish, my friend came to me
Seduced by the conscience of a heart smitten.

٧. إِنَّ الخَلِيّ غَداةَ الجِزعِ عيدَ بِهِ
إِلى ضَميرِ مُعَنّى اللُبِ مَفتونِ

8. If it weren't for scheming adulterers, we could have
What would not confuse reason or religion.

٨. لَولا ظِباءٌ مَعاطيلٌ سَنَحنَ لَنا
ما كانَ يَذهَلُ عَن عَقلٍ وَعَن دينِ

9. He almost escaped by resolve and determination
But the glances of a flirtatious eyed one confronted him.

٩. قَد كادَ يَنجو بِجِدٍ مِن عَزيمَتِهِ
فَعارَضَتهُ عُيونُ الرَبرَبِ العينِ

10. The water of Nuqayb, even a mouthful,
Is the cure for my love-sickness, nothing else heals me.

١٠. ماءُ النُقَيبِ وَلَو مِقدارُ مَضمَضَةٍ
شِفاءُ وَجدي وَغَيرُ الماءِ يَشفيني

11. A waft from the scent of wet fur that
Wings of the night breeze carried in the sheepfolds.

١١. وَنَشقَةٌ مِن نَسيمِ البانِ فاحَ بِها
جِنحٌ مِنَ اللَيلِ تَجري في العَرانينِ

12. I water my tears when the warbling
Of a housemaid spending the night cheers me.

١٢. أُسقى دُموعي إِذا ما باتَ في سَدَفٍ
صَريرُ أَثلٍ بَداريّا يُغَنّيني

13. I called upon a friend when anxiety bridled him,
And the porch of night shelters me.

١٣. وَصاحِبٍ وَقَذَ التَهويمُ هامَتَهُ
نادَيتُهُ وَرِواقُ اللَيلِ يُؤويني

14. He got up, confusion throbbing in his head -
Marching on despite my plea to join me.

١٤. فَقامَ قَد غَرغَرَت في رَأسِهِ شَدَةٌ
يُمضي عَلى الكُرهِ أَمري أَو يُلَبِّيني

15. Blame not your people - how much sleep on top of heartache,
Though cooled by the zephyrs of the West!

١٥. لا غُرَّ قَومُكَ كَم نَومٍ عَلى ضَمَدٍ
سُقماً وَلَو بَطريرِ الغَربِ مَسنونِ

16. With their cheeks rubbing bony mounts
Emaciated as camels after rain.

١٦. وَضارِباتٍ بِلَحيَيها عَلى أَضَمٍ
مِنَ اللَغوبِ نِحافٍ كَالعَراجينِ

Distance wore them out and they became

١٧. أَبلى أَزِمَّتَها بُعدُ المَدى وَغَدَت
مِنَ الوَجى بَينَ مَعقولٍ وَمَرسونِ

18. Somewhere between sane and delusional.
Drowning in adversity, whenever they look

١٨. مُغرَورِقاتِ المَآقي كُلَّما نَظَرَت
بَرقاً يُضيءُ كِفافَ الغُرِّ وَالجونِ

19. A lightning flash lights up their gloom and darkness.
Alas - how remote is Babylon from Nejd!

١٩. هَيهاتَ بابِلُ مِن نَجدٍ لَقَد بَعُدَت
عَلى المَطِيِّ مَرامي ذَلِكَ البَينِ

20. It is too far for that separation.
Ask me of passion - each dawn

٢٠. سَلني عَنِ الوَجدِ إِنّي كُلُّ شارِقَةٍ
يُريشُني الوَجدُ وَالأَيّامُ تَبريني

21. Passion makes me rise while the days humble me.

٢١. مَن لي بِبُلغَةِ عَيشٍ غَيرِ فاضِلَةٍ
تَكُفُّني عَن قَذى الدُنيا وَتَكفيني

22. Who can provide me an undignified living
That will divert me from the woes of life and suffice me?

٢٢. أُخَيَّ مَن باعَ دُنياهُ وَزُخرُفَها
بِصَونِهِ كانَ عِندي غَيرَ مَغبونِ

23. O brother who sold his world and its vanities
By his chastity he was not shortchanged.

٢٣. قالوا أَتَقنَعُ بِالدونِ الخَسيسِ وَما
قَنِعتُ بِالدونِ بَل قُنِّعتُ بِالدونِ

24. They said, "Will you be content with the deficient and lowly?"
I was not content with the lowly, but I was made content.

٢٤. إِذا ظَنَنّا وَقَدَّرنا جَرى قَدَرٌ
بِنازِلٍ غَيرِ مَوهومٍ وَمَظنونِ

25. When we assume and determine, a preordained fate
Flows to a destination, not imagined or expected.

٢٥. أَعجِب لِمُسكَةِ نَفسٍ بَعدَما رُمِيَت
مِنَ النَوائِبِ بِالأَبكارِ وَالعونِ

26. How strange is the tenacity of a soul after
It's been struck with calamities, disasters, and afflictions!

٢٦. وَمِن نَجائِيَ يَومَ الدارِ حينَ هَوى
غَيري وَلَم أَخلُ مِن حَزمٍ يُنَجّيني

27. On the day when the house fell, as others swooped in,
I did not lack composure that rescued me.

٢٧. مَرَقتُ مِنها مُروقَ النَجمِ مُنكَدِراً
وَقَد تَلاقَت مَصاريعُ الرَدى دوني

28. I fled like a shooting star, brooding -
As destinies collided beneath me.

٢٨. وَكُنتُ أَوَّلَ طَلاّعٍ ثَنِيَّتَها
وَمِن وَرائِيَ شَرٌّ غَيرُ مَأمونِ

29. I was the first to climb its peak,
With harm behind not guaranteed.

٢٩. مِن بَعدِ ما كانَ رَبُّ المُلكِ مُبتَسِماً
إِلَيَّ أَدنوهُ في النَجوى وَيُدنيني

30. After the King of Kings had smiled at me
Drawing me near in private counsel.

٣٠. أَمسَيتُ أَرحَمُ مَن أَصبَحتُ أَغبِطُهُ
لَقَد تَقارَبَ بَينَ العِزِّ وَالهَونِ

I've become more merciful than I used to envy -

٣١. وَمَنظَرٍ كانَ بِالسَرّاءِ يُضحِكُني
ياقُربَ ما عادَ بِالضَرّاءِ يُبكيني

32. So close between might and abasement!
A sight that in ease made me laugh -

٣٢. هَيهاتَ أَغتَرُّ بِالسُلطانِ ثانِيَةً
قَد ضَلَّ وَلّاجُ أَبوابِ السَلاطينِ

33. How close in distress makes me cry!
Alas - I will not again be fooled by power,

٣٣. ما لِلحِمامِ غَدا فَاِعتامَ زافِرَتي
وَاِختارَ ما كانَ يُعطيني وَيُمطيني

34. The gatekeeper of the rulers has strayed.
Why did the pigeon turn from me today, spurning me,

٣٤. خَلّى عَلَيَّ مَراراتِ الحَيا وَمَضَت
أَحداثُهُ بِالمَطاعيمِ المَطاعينِ

35. Choosing what it would grant me and shelter me with before?
It loosed upon me the bitternesses of life and its events

٣٥. يُشَجِّعونَ عَلَيَّ الدَهرَ إِن جَبُنَت
خُطوبُهُ وَتَوَقّى أَن يُناديني

36. Passed me by with piercing stabs.
They goad fate against me if its afflictions cower

٣٦. إِذا رَأوا مَدَّهُ نَحوي يَداً وَضَعوا
فيها عِظامَ جَلاميدٍ لِتَرميني

37. And avoid calling upon me.
When they see it extend a hand toward me, they place

٣٧. أَقارِبٌ لَم يَزَل بي شَرُّ عِرقِهِمُ
عِرقٌ مِنَ اللُؤمِ يُعديهِم وَيَعدوني

38. Bones of skulls for it to pelt me with.
Relatives whose evil lineage has never ceased -

٣٨. تَمَلَّحوا بي كَأَنّي حَمضَةٌ قُطِعَت
لا بُدَّ بَعدَ مَدىً أَن يَستَمِرّوني

39. A lineage of villainy infecting them and chasing me.

٣٩. عَزّوا إِلَيَّ نِصاباً بَعدَ تَشظِيَةٍ
وَأَلصَقوا بي أَديماً بَعدَ تَعيِيني

40. They've become salty toward me as if I'm a fruit picked unripe -
No doubt after some time they will throw me away.

٤٠. هَبوا أُصولَكُمُ أَصلي عَلى مَضَضٍ
ما تَصنَعونَ بِأَخلاقٍ تُنافيني

41. They attributed treason to me after shattering me
And pinned a blemish on me after exhausting me.

٤١. أَعطاكُمُ السَجلَ قَبلَ النَهرِ غَرفَتَهُ
فَاِرضَوا بِرَوقِ جِمامي وَاِستَجِمّوني

42. Disown your origins - my origin is with anguish.
What manners are these opposing me?

٤٢. كَمِ الهَوانُ كَأَنّي بَينَكُم جَمَلٌ
في كُلِّ يَومٍ قَطيعُ الذُلِّ يَحدوني

43. The list gave you the upstream water before the river -
So be content with the bridle of my camel litter and ride me!

٤٣. لا تَأمَنَنَّ عَدوّاً لانَ جانِبُهُ
خُشونَةُ الصِلِّ عُقبى ذَلِكَ اللينِ

44. How much humiliation! Among you I'm a camel
Herded daily by the flock of disgrace.

٤٤. وَاِحذَر شَرارَةَ مَن أَطفَأتَ جَمرَتَهُ
فَالثارُ غَضٌّ وَإِن بُقّي إِلى حينِ

45. Do not feel safe from a foe whose kinship
Is the potency of amity - the result of that softness!

٤٥. أَنّى تَهيبُ بِيَ البُقيا وَأَتبَعُها
فَلَم أُباقِ بِها مَن لا يُباقيني

46. And beware the spark of one whose embers you've extinguished -
For vengeance is hot even if deferred for some time.

٤٦. تَوَقَّعوها فَقَد شَبَّت بَوارِقُها
بِعارِضٍ كَصَريمِ اللَيلِ مَدجونِ

How can I fear vipers and follow them

٤٧. إِذا غَدا الأُفُقُ الغَربِيُّ مُختَمِراً
مِنَ الغُبارِ فَظُنّوا بي وَظُنّوني

48. When I did not live on with those who won't keep me alive?
They anticipated it, for its lightnings have kindled

٤٨. لَتَنظُرَنّي مُشيحاً في أَوائِلِها
يَغيبُ بي النَقعُ أَحياناً وَيُبديني

49. At a passing cloud like the roar of night, hidden.
When the western horizon grows murky

٤٩. لا تَعرِفونِيَ إِلّا بِالطَعانِ إِذا
أَضحى لِثامِيَ مَعصوباً بِعِرنيني

50. With dust, they think of me and imagine me.
You will surely see me searching in its early stages,

٥٠. إِقدامُ غَضبانَ كَظَّتهُ ضَغائِنُهُ
فَمالَ يَخلِطُ مَضروباً بِمَطعونِ

51. My tracks disappear at times, at times show me.
You don't recognize me unless it's with slander, when

٥١. فَإِن أُصَب فَمَقاديرٌ مُحَجَّزَةٌ
وَإِن أُصِب فَعَلى الطَيرِ المَيامينِ