
I saw ambitions shaken by the rebel,

رأيت المنى نهزة الثائر

1. I saw ambitions shaken by the rebel,
And the arrow of glory in the gambler's hand.

١. رَأَيتُ المُنى نَهزَةَ الثَائِرِ
وَسَهمَ العُلى في يَدِ القامِرِ

2. The glorious never lacked an attacker,
Who sheds his blood till it flows.

٢. وَما عَدِمَ المَجدَ مُستَأسِدٌ
يَبُلُّ القَنا بِالدَمِ المائِرِ

3. Had glory ensured virility to some men,
Their hands would have clung to the bird of prey.

٣. وَلَو ضَمِنَ العِزُّ بَعضَ الوُكورِ
أَغارَت يَداهُ عَلى الطَائِرِ

4. If the wolf wears its garments,
It rends the lion's skin.

٤. وَإِن وَلَجَ الضِغنُ أَثوابَهُ
نَضا لِبدَةَ الأَسَدِ الحادِرِ

5. It makes light of frights in attending the battle,
And rests content with a broken sword.

٥. يُسَفِّهُ في الرَوعِ فِعلَ القَنا
وَيَرضى عَنِ المِقضَبِ الباتِرِ

6. So gird for a darkness that remains opaque,
Though the sharp-sighted continues to stare.

٦. فَشَمَّر لِمُظلِمَةٍ ما تَزا
لُ تَقبِضُ مِن بَطشَةِ الناظِرِ

7. Thrust glory amid the lances,
And forbid water to the stone dam.

٧. وَرِد غَمرَةَ العِزِّ بَينَ الرِماحِ
وَاِحجُر عَلى الماءِ في الحاجِرِ

8. I saw you praying by the cooking pots,
As if you prayed by the roasting spits.

٨. رَأَيتُكَ تَصلى بِحَرَّ الطِعا
نِ كَما صَلِيَت شَحمَةُ الصاهِرِ

9. I give you news that I have cut across time,
To seek glory or a helper.

٩. أَبُثُّكَ أَنّي قَطَعتُ الزَما
نَ أَطلُبُ عِزِّيَ أَو ناصِري

10. So my care found no friend to rest by,
Nor did my resolve sleep to a keeper.

١٠. فَما اِرتاحَ هَمّي إِلى صاحِبٍ
وَلا نامَ عَزمي عَلى سامِرِ

11. When night ties the steps of ambitions,
Slumber walks into the eyes of the sleepless.

١١. إِذا قَيَّدَ اللَيلُ خَطوَ المُنى
مَشى النَومُ في مُقلَةِ الساهِرِ

12. And I fear revealing to the ears
The delusions of my racing thoughts.

١٢. وَإِنّي أَخِفُّ إِلى المُسمِعا
تِ عَن خَطرَةِ الشَغَفِ الخاطِرِ

13. Not out of ignorance I do this,
But from the pulling of the steed to the whistler.

١٣. وَما ذاكَ جَهلاً وَلَكِنَّهُ
نِزاعُ الجَوادِ إِلى الصافِرِ

14. Were it not for poetry and its concerns,
I would have busied my thoughts away from wishes.

١٤. وَلَولا القَريضُ وَأَشغالُهُ
شَغَلتُ بِغَيرِ المُنى خاطِري

15. Poetry is no boast of mine,
But by it I raise the aims of the excellent.

١٥. وَما الشِعرُ فَخري وَلَكِنَّهُ
أَطولُ بِهِ هِمَّةَ الفاخِرِ

16. I keep it away from meeting with people,
And make it a delight for the visitor.

١٦. أُنَزِّهُهُ عَن لِقاءِ الرِجالِ
وَأَجعَلُهُ تُحفَةَ الزائِرِ

17. So kings approach it only
Through the current parable.

١٧. فَما يَتَهَدّى إِلَيهِ المُلو
كُ إِلّا مِنَ المَثَلِ السائِرِ

18. Though I am one of its people,
The craft of the poet disowns me.

١٨. وَإِنّي وَإِن كُنتُ مِن أَهلِهِ
لَتُنكِرُني حِرفَةُ الشاعِرِ

19. Fate has yoked me in the fetters of verse,
So now I ridicule the deterrer.

١٩. وَطَوَّقَني الدَهرُ ثِنيَ الزِما
مِ فَالآنَ أَهزَأُ بِالزاجِرِ

20. And I meet with adversities
Like the noble meets the righteous.

٢٠. وَإِنّي لَأَلقى مِنَ النائِبا
تِ مَلقى الأَشاءِ مِنَ الآبِرِ

21. I befriend desolation in this wide, open land,
The place of blessings that fled.

٢١. أُؤانِسُ وَحشيَّ هَذا البَرو
قِ في مَوطِنِ النَعَمِ النافِرِ

22. And seek the company of the cups' companions,
Who fled the land of settlements.

٢٢. وَأَصحَبُ فيها رِفاقَ السَحا
بِ تَنبو عَنِ البَلَدِ العامِرِ

23. Maybe I will meet the friendly one,
Who rinsed his mouth and spoke out.

٢٣. لَعَلِّيَ أَلقى عِصِيَّ النَوى
تَأَوَّبَ ذي اللِبَدِ الصادِرِ

24. When kings gifted me sprinkles from their bounty,
The little I refused but sent the drops back to the rain.

٢٤. وَكُنتُ إِذا مَنَحَتني المُلوكُ
نَزازاً مِنَ النائِلِ الغامِرِ

25. No glory in fruits of effortless culture,
That's attributed to a barren goal!

٢٥. أَبيتُ القَليلَ وَلَكِنَّني
رَدَدتُ الرَذاذَ عَلى الماطِرِ

26. How I often loudly stood up at events,
Hatefully to the attendees.

٢٦. وَما الفَخرُ في أَدَبٍ ناتِجٍ
يُضافُ إِلى مَطلَبٍ عاقِرِ

27. I parry misfortunes with the Psalms,
And grant wishes by al-Nasseri.

٢٧. وَكَم قُمتُ في مَشهَدٍ لِلخُطوبِ
قِياماً بَغيضاً إِلى الحاضِرِ

28. Were it not for Husayn I would give up hope,
And overlook his burning lightning.

٢٨. أَرُدُّ النَوائِبَ بِالموسَوِيِّ
وَأُعطي الرَغائِبَ بِالناصِرِي

29. I gloat over the hands of Time being near,
While I chance the stumbling of hope.

٢٩. وَلَولا الحُسَينُ عَصَبتُ الرَجاءَ
وَأَغضَيتُ عَن بَرقِهِ النائِرِ

30. When it threatens to exchange endurance for strength,
And stop the struggle with the rebel.

٣٠. وَأَشمَتُّ بِالقُربِ أَيدي النَوى
وَخاطَرتُ بِالطَمَعِ العاثِرِ

31. As if the darkness, once contestant,
Is clad in departing moonlight.

٣١. إِذا هَمَّ باعَ الطُلى بِالظُبى
وَكَفَّ المُعاقِرَ بِالثائِرِ

32. It sees glory as the greatest possession,
When the sword's edge cuts the drawing hand.

٣٢. كَأَنَّ الظَلامَ إِذا خاضَهُ
تَلَثَّمَ بِالقَمَرِ السافِرِ

33. So it charges until it gains the spears,
Surely the spoils are for the victor.

٣٣. رَأى المَجدَ أَعظَمَ ما يُقتَنى
إِذا السَيفُ عَقَّ يَدَ الشاهِرِ

34. It flings at the panting steeds,
Above the power of the hopeful aspirant.

٣٤. فَطاعَنَ حَتّى اِستَباحَ الرَما
حَ إِنَّ الغَنيمَةَ لِلظافِرِ

35. It leads the short home,
And gifts the bright a retreat.

٣٥. رَمى بِالجِيادِ صُدورَ الرَكا
بِ عَن قُدرَةِ الآمِلِ القادِرِ

36. It wakes while behind the horses,
Playing with the fettered prey.

٣٦. فَقادَ الجَديلَ إِلى لاحِقٍ
وَأَهدى الوَجيهَ إِلى داعِرِ

37. When it walks atop the sandal,
Stamping them with hooves.

٣٧. وَأَصبَحَ وَهوَ وَراءَ المَطِي
يِ يَلعَبُ بِالأَجرَدِ الضامِرِ

38. Stamping with glances, while determination
Glances with listless eyes.

٣٨. إِذا مَشَقَ الخِفَّ فَوقَ البِطا
حِ وَقَّعَ فيهِنَّ بِالحافِرِ

39. If the first exceeds its patience,
Surely zeal is in the last.

٣٩. يُوَقِّعُ أَلحاظَهُ وَالشَجا
عُ يَلحَظُ عَن ناظِرٍ فاتِرِ

40. Never has time been relieved of his like;
When awe rages against the patient one.

٤٠. إِذا عَزَّ عَن حِلمِهِ أَوَّلٌ
فَإِنَّ الحَمِيَّةَ في الآخِرِ

41. It hastened plunging into the thrusting swords,
And forgave the fault of the stumbler.

٤١. فَما اِنفَرَجَ الدَهرُ عَن مِثلِهِ
إِذا عَصَفَ الرَوعُ بِالصابِرِ

42. And it was worthiest if overwhelmed by an ambush,
To return affairs to the commander.

٤٢. أَحَدَّ عَلى الطَعنِ مِن صارِمِ
وَأَصفَحَ عَن زَلَّةِ العاثِرِ

43. O Abu Ahmad, fruits of praise
Are protected through your flourishing branch.

٤٣. وَأَجدَرَ إِن نابَهُ نائِبٌ
بِرَدِّ الأُمورِ إِلى الآمِرِ

44. When frustration lowers the high glories,
They attack the halo of the shining moon.

٤٤. أَبا أَحمَدٍ ثَمَراتُ المَدي
حِ تُحرَزُ عَن فَرعِكَ الناضِرُ

45. You continue justice with the betrayers,
Until you gain your right from the unjust.

٤٥. إِذا العَجزُ حَطَّ المَعالي هَجَم
تَ عَلى هالَةِ القَمَرِ الباهِرِ

46. The heart of the youth came to you,
As the sorcerer's breath tore apart the fox.

٤٦. وَما زِلتَ تَعدِلُ في الغادِرِي
نَ حَتّى اِنتَصَفتَ مِنَ الجائِرِ

٤٧. أَتَتكَ تُشَبَّبُ لُبَّ الفَتى
كَما مَزَّقَت نَفثَةَ الساحِرِ