
Quench my thirst, for today is delight

اسقني فاليوم نشوان

1. Quench my thirst, for today is delight
And the meadows lush and verdant bright

١. اِسقِني فَاليَومُ نَشوانُ
وَالرُبى صادٍ وَرَيّانُ

2. The playful one fulfilled her vow
With flutes and lutes and pipes so light

٢. كَفَلَت بِاللَهوِ وافِيَةً
لَكَ ناياتٌ وَعيدانُ

3. The wind swept by in joyous flight
Leaving but branches swaying, dancing in sight

٣. حازَ وَفدَ الريحِ فَالتَطَمَت
مِنهُ أَوراقٌ وَأَغصانُ

4. Each bough leaned aside
As if the trunk was drunk with delight

٤. كُلُّ فَرعٍ مالَ جانِبُهُ
فَكَأَنَّ الأَصلَ سَكرانُ

5. And each branch was arrayed
In gardens of dangling jewels bright

٥. وَكَأَنَّ الغُصنَ مُكتَسِياً
مِن رِياضِ الطَلِّ عُريانُ

6. Whenever I kissed its flowers
I felt its drops were not the same trite

٦. كُلَّما قَبَّلتُ زَهرَتَها
خِلتُ أَنَّ القَطرَ غَيرانُ

7. At a camp ‘twixt low shrubs one night
I spied it, though the living were out of sight

٧. وَمَقيلٍ بَينَ أَخبِيَةٍ
قِلتُهُ وَالحَيُّ قَد بانوا

8. In a resting place, where those who lie
Were pure and sand dunes white

٨. في أُصَيحابٍ مَفارِشُهُم
ثَمَّ أَنقاءٌ وَكُثبانُ

9. The clouds did camp there as if to alight
In the desert, a caravan in flight

٩. عَسكَرَت فيها السَحابُ كَما
حَطَّ بِالبَيداءِ رُكبانُ

10. We sipped the saliva of a doe
Where all the land was a perilous plight

١٠. فَاِرتَشَفنا ريقَ سارِيَةٍ
حَيثُ كُلَّ الأَرضِ غُدرانُ

11. So quench me, for company makes loving right
When apart, the heart knows blight

١١. فَاِسقِني فَالوَصلُ يَألَفُني
إِنَّ يَومَ البَينِ قَرحانُ

12. Coffee that did cease to roil
From its perfume, musk and beans bright

١٢. قَهوَةً ما زالَ يَقلَقُ مِن
مُجتَناها المِسكُ وَالبانُ

13. My hearing deaf to blame should it loudly cry
The singing cup, a flute recite

١٣. غَيرُ سَمعي لِلمَلامِ إِذا
ضَجَّ ساجي الصَوتِ مِرنانُ

14. The full moon visiting in the night
While the moon itself was delight

١٤. رُبَّ بَدرٍ بِتُّ أَلثُمُهُ
صاحِياً وَالبَدرُ نَشوانُ

15. I drove the steeds of union towards her
Where that cheek was a racecourse site

١٥. قُدتُ خَيلَ اللَثمِ أَصرِفُها
حَيثُ ذاكَ الخَدُّ مَيدانُ

16. From her kiss I have a pond
And gardens in her cheeks so bright

١٦. لي غَديرٌ مِن مُقَبَّلِهِ
وَمِنَ الصُدغَينِ بُستانُ

17. In the shirt of night, the scent of one
Who thought union was hidden from sight

١٧. في قَميصِ اللَيلِ عَبقَةُ مَن
ظَنَّ أَنَّ الوَصلَ كِتمانُ

18. Why wouldn't her tresses fray and come undone
When he is the moon and she cotton white

١٨. كَيفَ لا تَبلى غَلائِلُهُ
وَهوَ بَدرٌ وَهيَ كَتّانُ

19. Passion like stars did ascend
With wishes, while time was a spite

١٩. وَنَدامى كَالنُجومِ سَطوا
بِالمُنى وَالدَهرُ جَذلانُ

20. How many minds were rid of their thoughts
Then honey and brains took flight

٢٠. كَم تَخَلَّت مِن ضَمائِرِهِم
ثُمَّ أَلبانٌ وَأَذهانُ

21. They wandered while wine did shake them
And the people's tails were shorn of might

٢١. خَطَروا وَالخَمرُ تَنفُضُهُم
وَذُيولُ القَومِ أَردانُ

22. Each sober thought was lost
Bewildered in cups aright

٢٢. كُلَّ عَقلٍ ضاعَ مِن يَقظٍ
فَهوَ في الكاساتِ حَيرانُ

23. Only their minds were misled
Where ecstasy did inhibit sight

٢٣. إِنَّما ضَلَّت عُقولُهُمُ
حَيثُ يُعييهِنَّ وُجدانُ

24. So steal the blow of time with her
For the days are peers in plight

٢٤. فَاِختَلِس طَعنَ الزَمانِ بِها
إِنَّما الأَيّامُ أَقرانُ