
We have organized our bond with affection and friendship

نظمنا نظام العقد ودا وألفة

1. We have organized our bond with affection and friendship
And Al-Battiy has strung together our system of pearls

١. نُظِمنا نِظامَ العِقدِ وُدّاً وَأُلفَةً
وَكانَ لَنا البَتِّيُّ سِلكَ نِظامِ

2. My brother, cousin, and son of Hamad - he is
The delight of my heart, my intimate friend, and my love

٢. أَخي وَاِبنُ عَمّي وَاِبنُ حَمدٍ فَإِنَّهُ
تَباريحُ قَلبي خاّلِياً وَغَرامي

3. And our sixth, the Azdi - whatever father you wish
Generous and of noble ancestry - has inspired ambition

٣. وَسادِسُنا الأَزدِيُّ ما شِئتَ مِن أَبٍ
جَوادٍ وَمِن جَدٍّأَغَرَّ هُمامِ

4. Our conversations invite dignity to youthfulness
And dress the wise one of the people in the garb of nudity

٤. أَحاديثُ تَستَدعي الوَقورَ إِلى الصِبا
وَتَكسو حَليمَ القَومِ ثَوبَ عُرامِ

5. So we sacrifice the morning for it without singing
And we intoxicate ourselves for it without wine

٥. فَنُضحي لَها طَربى بِغَيرِ تَرَنُّمٍ
وَنُمسي لَها سَكرى بِغَيرِ مُدامِ

6. Come let us oppose the blamers with determination
And rebel against the days and all faultfinders

٦. تَعالَوا نُوَلِّ اللائِمينَ تَصامُماً
وَنَعصِ عَلى الأَيّامِ كُلَّ مُلامِ

7. And let us seize the moments - their remaining
Is like the passing of clouds or a dream's fantasy

٧. وَنَغتَنِمِ الأَوقاتَ إِنَّ بَقاءَها
كَمَرِّ غَمامٍ أَو كَحِلمِ مَنامِ

8. From God I seek to maintain a serenity that unites us
And obedience to the days and an abode of settlement

٨. مِنَ اللَهِ أَستَبقي صَفاءً يَضُمُّنا
وَطاعَةَ أَيّامٍ وَدارِ مُقامِ

9. And I divert the enemies from us, for we
Henceforth are the goal of every purpose

٩. وَأَستَصرِفُ الأَعداءَ عَنّا فَإِنَّنا
مُذُ اليَومِ أَغراضٌ لِكُلِّ مَرامِ