
Do you see the clouds when their evening first appears,

أترى السحاب إذا سرت عشراؤه

1. Do you see the clouds when their evening first appears,
Shedding their water on a grave in Babylon?

١. أَتَرى السَحابَ إِذا سَرَت عُشراؤُهُ
يُمرى عَلى قَبرٍ بِبابِلَ ماؤُهُ

2. O rider, rein in the camel's pace beside that tomb -
For to this dust belonged the cure of his deep pain.

٢. يا حادِيَيهِ قِفا بِبُزلِ مَطيَّهِ
فَإِلى ثَرى ذا القَبرِ كانَ حُداؤُهُ

3. It waters a passion in his heart that has revived,
Though its roots once softened and its winds turned kind.

٣. يَسقي هَوىً لِلقَلبِ فيهِ وَمَعهَداً
رَقَّت مَنابِتُهُ وَرَقَّ هَواؤُهُ

4. He had bound me in kindness, and still I never left,
Nor lost the gentleness that was his way.

٤. قَد كانَ عاقَدَني الصَفاءَ فَلَم أَزُل
عَنهُ وَما بَقّى عَلَيَّ صَفاؤُهُ

5. I kept faith with him, so where is his faith to me?
I was loyal to him, so where is his loyalty?

٥. وَلَقَد حَفِظتُ لَهُ فَأَينَ حِفاظُهُ
وَلَقَد وَفَيتُ لَهُ فَأَينَ وَفاؤُهُ

6. Did he forget my prayers, or were they lost to him
Amid the distance, and never reached his ears?

٦. أَوعى الدُعاءَ فَلَم يُجِبهُ قَطيعَةً
أَم ضَلَّ عَنهُ مِنَ البِعادِ دُعاؤُهُ

7. Alas, now his hearing and sight are under dust -
Veiled by its fog and darkness evermore.

٧. هَيهاتَ أَصبَحَ سَمعُهُ وَعِيانُهُ
في التُربِ قَد حَجَبَتهُما أَقذاؤُهُ

8. By night, pebbles make his resting place uneven;
By day, its gloom is his companion.

٨. يُمسي وَلينُ مِهادِهِ حَصباؤُهُ
فيهِ وَمُؤنِسُ لَيلِهِ ظَلماؤُهُ

9. His features are all changed, his signs effaced,
His lights obscured, their gleam gone dim.

٩. قَد قُلِّبَت أَعيانُهُ وَتَنَكَّرَت
أَعلامُهُ وَتَكَسَّفَت أَضواؤُهُ

10. Insensible though joy was his to claim;
Unheedful though in thought he took delight.

١٠. مُغفٍ وَلَيسَ لِلَذَّةٍ إِغفاؤُهُ
مُغضٍ وَلَيسَ لِفِكرَةٍ إِغضاؤُهُ

11. A face like lightning's flash, once bright then vanished;
A heart like smoldering ashes, quick to flame.

١١. وَجهٌ كَلَمحِ البَرقِ غاضَ وَميضُهُ
قَلبٌ كَصَدرِ العَضبِ فُلَّ مَضاؤُهُ

12. Time ruined him till if his foes had known,
Even his foes would now lament his fall.

١٢. حَكَمَ البِلى فيهِ فَلَو يَلقى بِهِ
أَعداؤُهُ لَرَثى لَهُ أَعداؤُهُ

13. That one whose joy was but the shade of might
Is now abandoned 'neath the naked sky.

١٣. إِنَّ الَّذي كانَ النَعيمُ ظِلالَهُ
أَمسى يُطَنَّبُ بِالعَراءِ خِباؤُهُ

14. Gone from his palace is his stately air,
And from his guard his clamor and parade.

١٤. قَد خَفَّ عَن ذاكَ الرَواقِ حُضورُهُ
أَبَداً وَعَن ذاكَ الحِمى ضَوضاؤُهُ

15. The models of the tasks that were his pride
Were like the sheen those labors would display.

١٥. كانَت سَوابِقُهُ طِرازَ فِنائِهِ
يَجلو جَمالَ رَواؤُهُنَّ رَواؤُهُ

16. His lances were his envoys, swords his guards,
His steeds his boon companions, mounts of war.

١٦. وَرِماحُهُ سُفَراؤُهُ وَسُيوفُهُ
خُفَراؤُهُ وَجِيادُهُ نُدَماؤُهُ

17. Still he would ride out, girded by lances' points
And the unyielding mail those blades would breach.

١٧. ما زالَ يَغدو وَالرِكابُ حُداؤُهُ
بَينَ الصَوارِمِ وَالعَجاجِ رِداؤُهُ

18. Look to these mortal throngs and be admonished -
Do not be fooled by fleeting pomp or show.

١٨. اُنظُر إِلى هَذا الأَنامِ بِعِبرَةٍ
لا يُعجِبَنَّكَ خَلقُهُ وَبَهاؤُهُ

19. See them like withered leaves when branches slough,
As their limbs fail and trunks grow cracked and dry.

١٩. بَيناهُ كَالوَرَقِ النَضيرِ تَقَصَّفَت
أَغصانُهُ وَتَسَلَّبَت شَجَراؤُهُ

20. What saves them from the strokes of death, when life
Blossoms but briefly, while decay spreads long?

٢٠. أَنّى تَحاماهُ المَنونُ وَإِنَّما
خُلِقَت مَراعِيَ لِلرَدى خَضراؤُهُ

21. Or how hope for relief when in their bodies
Only disease and suffering make their home?

٢١. أَم كَيفَ تَأمُلُ فَلتَةً أَجسادُهُ
مِن ذا الزَمانِ وَحَشوُها أَدواؤُهُ

22. Do not be shocked at their decline - natural,
Not odd, their fall, but strange, that they survive.

٢٢. لا تَعجَبَنَّ فَما العَجيبُ فَناؤُهُ
بِيَدِ المَنونِ بَلِ العَجيبُ بَقاؤُهُ

23. We're shocked he stayed well, vanished without ailment,
As fate decreed and sealed his overthrow.

٢٣. إِنّا لَنَعجَبُ كَيفَ حُمَّ حِمامُهُ
عَن صِحَّةٍ وَيَغيبُ عَنّا داؤُهُ

24. They who tread the path their fathers walked
Will see their sons tread the same way again.

٢٤. مَن طاحَ في سُبُلِ الرَدى آباؤُهُ
فَليَسلُكَنَّ طَريقَهُ أَبناؤُهُ

25. Marked men, they're singled out among the crowd -
Among their throngs, outcasts without compare.

٢٥. وَمُؤَمَّرٍ نَزَلوا بِهِ في سوقَةٍ
لا شَكلُهُ فيهِم وَلا قُرَناؤُهُ

26. Once he would eclipse the radiance of peers,
Dimming the brilliance other lords displayed.

٢٦. قَد كانَ يَفرَقُ ظِلَّهُ أَقرانُهُ
وَيَغُضُّ دونَ جَلالِهِ أَكفاؤُهُ

27. Veiled in awe, a dread unknown, resplendent,
His glorious air suffused, outshone all else.

٢٧. وَمُحَجَّبٍ ضُرِبَت عَلَيهِ مَهابَةٌ
يُغشي العُيونَ بَهاؤُهُ وَضِياؤُهُ

28. Then death called from behind the veil - he heard,
Responded: here I am - and met his end.

٢٨. نادَتهُ مِن خَلفِ الحِجابِ مَنيَّةٌ
أَمَمٌ فَكانَ جَوابَها حَوباؤُهُ

29. Swords and lances turned away, slaves and servants
Perished, of no more use to him or joy.

٢٩. شُقَّت إِلَيهِ سُيوفُهُ وَرِماحُهُ
وَأُميتَ عَنهُ عَبيدُهُ وَإِماؤُهُ

30. If one who loved him had, before death came,
Offered himself to ransom life from death,

٣٠. لَم يُغنِهِ مَن كانَ وَدَّ لَوَ اَنَّهُ
قَبلَ المَنونِ مِنَ المَنونِ فِداؤُهُ

31. No use - though dishonor was denied him, ever
Would his great works attest to majesty.

٣١. حَرَمٌ عَلَيهِ الذُلُّ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
أَبَداً لَيَشهَدُ بِالجَلالِ بِناؤُهُ

32. Humbled past familiarity, declining
After greatness fades, its height no more.

٣٢. مُتَخَشِّعٌ بَعدَ الأَنيسِ جَنابُهُ
مُتَضائِلٌ بَعدَ القَطينِ فِناؤُهُ

33. Bare the winds pound him and every gust
Obeys the first, flinging up pebbles and debris.

٣٣. عُريانُ تَطرُدُ كُلُّ ريحٍ تُربَهُ
وَتُطيعُ أَوَّلَ أَمرِها حَصباؤُهُ

34. I passed by death's isthmus and asked of it:
Where are they, the friends its expanse concealed?

٣٤. وَلَقَد مَرَرتُ بِبَرزَخٍ فَسَأَلتُهُ
أَينَ الأُلى ضَمَّتهُمُ أَرجاؤُهُ

35. Like an untethered steed, its saddlebags
Sway and spill their contents back and forth.

٣٥. مِثلِ المَطيِّ بَوارِكاً أَجداثُهُ
تُسفى عَلى جَنَباتِها بَوغاؤُهُ

36. I called out but my words were met with silence -
Just an echo mocking what I cried.

٣٦. نادَيتُهُ فَخَفي عَلَيَّ جَوابُهُ
بِالقَولِ إِلّا ما زَقَت أَصداؤُهُ

37. From a watcher's scornful look, thoughts drifting
Dark, a sufferer's groans, a hater's bile.

٣٧. مِن ناظِرٍ مَطروفَةٍ أَلحاظُهُ
أَو خاطِرٍ مَطلولَةٍ سَوداؤُهُ

38. Prone, stretched out, their bodies listless, as if
Wine had drained their strength and left their limbs to fail,

٣٨. أَو واجِدٍ مَكظومَةٍ زَفَراتُهُ
أَو حاقِدٍ مَنسيَّةٍ شَحناؤُهُ

39. Under dust with no remorse or pity, 'til
On judgment day entombed again in grave-pits.

٣٩. وَمُسَنَّدينَ عَلى الجُنوبِ كَأَنَّهُم
شَربٌ تَخاذَلَ بِالطِلا أَعضاؤُهُ

40. The earth that gave them birth has consumed them -
Prey devoured by a beast's relentless jaws.

٤٠. تَحتَ الصَعيدِ لِغَيرِ إِشفاقٍ إِلى
يَومِ المَعادِ تَضُمُّهُم أَحشاؤُهُ

41. Greetings lively garden, softly exhaling!
Dawn diffusing gentle light in colors pure.

٤١. أَكَلَتهُمُ الأَرضُ الَّتي وَلَدَتهُمُ
أَكلَ الضَروسِ حَلَت لَهُ أَكلاؤُهُ

42. Lovely doe-eyed girls flutter past trailing
Tresses' scent - allure to catch their prey.

٤٢. حَيّاكَ مُعتَلِجُ النَسيمِ وَلا يَزَل
سَحَراً تُفاوِحُ نَورُهُ أَصباؤُهُ

43. Their smooth skin gave you freshest morning dew,
The Pleiades delivered you night rain.

٤٣. يَمري عَلَيكَ مِنَ النُعامى خِلفَه
مِن عارِضٍ مُتَبَزِّلٍ أَنداؤُهُ

44. But to avoid the shameless ways of yore,
I'd shed their lifeblood on your tomb and mourn.

٤٤. فَسَقاكَ ما حَمَلَ الزُلالَ سِجالُهُ
وَنَحاكَ ما جَرَّ الزُحوفَ لِواؤُهُ

45. And every night beneath the sword preserve
Some rebel's neck whose cries persist prolong.

٤٥. لَولا اِتِّقاءُ الجاهِليَّةِ سُقتُهُ
ذَوداً تَمورُ عَلى ثَراكَ دِماؤُهُ

46. But I will leave their slaughtered bodies' stink
To my tears' flood, keening grief and song.

٤٦. وَأَطَرتُ تَحتَ السَيفِ كُلَّ عَشيَّةٍ
عُرقوبَ مُغتَبِطٍ يَطولُ رُغاؤُهُ

47. My sense of shame restrains me - if decorum
Let weeping eyes maintain their modest gaze!

٤٧. لَكِن سَيَخلُفُ عَقرَها وَدِماءَها
أَبَدَ اللَيالي مَدمَعي وَبُكاؤُهُ

48. When the year cycle brings your day anew,
I return, as the well return to health.

٤٨. أَقني الحَياءَ تَجَمُّلاً لَو أَنَّهُ
يَبقى مَعَ الدَمعِ اللَجوجِ حَياؤُهُ

49. A home in my heart no cure can heal -
No remedy avails or brings relief.

٤٩. وَإِذا أَعادَ الحَولُ يَومَكَ عادَني
مِثلَ السَليمِ يَعودُهُ آناؤُهُ

50. Go - time does not stand still, and fate decreed
Its course for you and sealed your destiny.

٥٠. دارٌ بِقَلبي لا يَعودُ طَبيبُهُ
يَأساً إِلَيَّ وَلا يُصابُ دَواؤُهُ

٥١. فَاِذهَب فَلا بَقِيَ الزَمانُ وَقَد هَوى
بِكَ صَرفُهُ وَقَضى عَلَيكَ قَضاؤُهُ