
Where are your maidens, O abandoned white ruins,

أين بانوك أيها الحيرة البيضاء

1. Where are your maidens, O abandoned white ruins,
Whose dwellers have worn you down and channeled rivers through you?

١. أَينَ بانوكِ أَيُّها الحيرَةُ البَي
ضاءُ وَالموطِئونَ مِنكِ الدِيارا

2. They who would host guests when the north winds blew
And kindle fires when evening drew near.

٢. وَالأولى شَقَّقوا ثَراكِ مِن العُش
بِ وَأَجروا خِلالَكِ الأَنهارا

3. Whenever its embers died down they revived it
With bowls of dried butter and branches of thorn trees.

٣. المُهيبونَ بِالضُيوفِ إِذا هَبَّ
ت شَمالاً وَالموقِدونَ النارا

4. Around you they tethered their steeds and marked out for you
Trails from the highlands as gifts.

٤. كُلَّما باخَ ضَوؤُها أَقضَموها
بِالقُبَيباتِ مَندَليّاً وَغارا

5. Their horses' hooves trampled your soil until
They named your land's cheeks the cheeks of maidens.

٥. رَبَطوا حَولَكِ الجِيادَ وَخَطّوا
لَكِ مِن مَركَزِ العَوالي عِذارا

6. Time has left you nothing but lessons for eyes
And matter to wonder about.

٦. وَحَموا أَرضَكِ الحَوافِرَ حَتّى
لَقَّبوا أَرضَها خُدودَ العَذارى

7. Remnants of palaces of long-departed nights
Have told us news of their people.

٧. لَم يَدَع مِنكَ حادِثُ الدَهرِ إِلّا
عِبراً لِلعُيونِ وَاِستِعبارا

8. Scents of the land as if fluttering scent-sellers
Were shaking perfumes on it.

٨. وَبَقايا مِن دارِساتِ طُلولٍ
خَبَّرَتنا عَن أَهلِها الأَخبارا

9. Domes as though they had raised from it
Lighthouses for the lost in darkness.

٩. عَبِقاتِ الثَرى كَأَنَّ عَلَيها
لَطمَيّينِ يَنفُضونَ العِطارا

10. They calculated between them and the stars of the horizon
A kinship from nights of yore.

١٠. وَقِبابٍ كَأَنَّما رَفَعوا مِن
ها لِمُستَرشِدِ الظَلامِ مَنارا

11. Where are your swooping eagles who lodged
And made their nests their abode?

١١. عَقَدوا بَينَها وَبَينَ نُجومِ ال
أُفقِ مِن سالِفِ اللَيالي جِوارا

12. Men, like lions, walked your ground,
Summoning their pillars and comrades.

١٢. أَينَ عِقبانُكِ الخَواطِفُ حَلَّق
نَ وَأَبقَينَ عِندَكِ الأَوكارا

13. How fine, the day your people came into being!
How fine, the day your abode became a home!

١٣. وَرِجالٌ مِثلُ الأُسودِ مَشوا في
كِ تَداعوا قَوائِماً وَشِفارا

14. They were only like riders who lingered awhile
At their camp, then departed.

١٤. حَبَّذا أَهلُكِ المُحِلّونَ أَهلاً
يَومَ بانوا وَحَبَّذا الدارُ دارا

١٥. لَم يَكونوا إِلا كَرَكبٍ تَأَنّى
بُرهَةً في مُناخِهِ ثُمَّ سارا