1. We find fault, but are not without fault;
We share wrongfully, but are not robbed.
١. إِنّا نَعيبُ وَلانُعابُ
وَنُصيبُ مِنكَ وَلا نُصابُ
2. The family of the Prophet and those who memorized
The Quran reside in their hearts.
٢. آلُ النَبيِّ وَمَن تَقَل
لَبَ في حُجورِهِمُ الكِتابُ
3. Dark-lipped maidens and Arabian steeds were created for them,
So, excuse me, for life's days are booty to seize or debt to incur.
٣. خُلِقَت لَهُم سُمرُ القَنا
وَالبيضُ وَالخَيلُ العُرابُ
4. He who tastes the draft of death will never again enjoy a drink.
And you see the clouds hung, while fate and destiny decide between hope and punishment,
٤. فاقَني حَياؤُكَ إِن
نَما الأَيّامُ غُنمٌ أَو نِهابُ
5. Where the longing one hopes for reward, and the sinner fears retribution.
A people, when time frowns at them, they show patience and respond gracefully,
٥. مَن لَذَّ وِردَ المَوتِ لا
يَصفو لَهُ أَبَداً شَرابُ
6. And when called upon for help, on horseback they are valiant.
You race down the heights, O sons of ‘Adi; it is as if
٦. وَتَطَرَّفي حَيثُ السَما
حُ الغَمرُ وَالحَسَبُ اللُبابُ
7. Swords in your midst have been sharpened.
You were only crows croaking over decayed remains,
٧. في حَيثُ لِلراجي الثَوا
بُ نَدىً وَلِلجاني العِقابُ
8. Pecking away until the youth were wasted.
And today swords unsheathed spar with you,
٨. قَومٌ إِذا غَمَزَ الزَما
نُ قُنيَّهُم كَرُموا وَطابوا
9. And necks and heads are slashed.
Your blood hides in the darkness of tombs,
٩. وَإِذا دَعَوا وَالخَيلُ في الإِج
فالِ ثابوا أَو أَجابوا
10. Concealed, like gray hair disguised with henna.
You contended for the darkness of wrong, but the angry lion took hold of it,
١٠. أَبَني عَديٍّ إِنَّما
سالَت بِخَيلِكُمُ الشِعابُ
11. And you learned that dawn shows the substrata, and the night conceals.
There is no peace until the horses' hooves calm,
١١. وَشَرُفتُمُ بِالطَعنِ وَالدُن
يا ضِرامٌ أَو ضِرابُ
12. And cease their pounding, and hearts find rest.
Till the sun's face shines again, with no stain upon it and no mist,
١٢. وَما كُنتُمُ إِلّا البُحو
رَ تَوالَغَت فيها الذِئابُ
13. Till the hyena reins in the onager, and the old vulture swoops down.
Till liberties are abundant in the houses, and clans restrain their envy,
١٣. وَقَرَعتُمُ بِالبيضِ حَت
تى ضاعَ في اللِمَمِ الشَبابُ
14. Till arms with bracelets adorned are entwined by the sand grouse.
Till the meadows and valleys sprout forth from their cloud cover,
١٤. وَاليَومَ تُستَلُّ السُيو
فُ بِهِ وَتَنسَلُّ الرِقابُ
15. Whatever the torrents' downpour has demolished, time can't wash away.
Stars of the night concealed by the darkness' mantle,
١٥. كَتَمَت دِماءَكُمُ الظُبى
كَالشَيبِ يَكتُمُهُ الخِضابُ
16. Now the moon gleams openly in the sky, veil lifted.
Now to their lairs the great birds retreat, and talons sheathe,
١٦. فَتَنازَعوا شَمَطَ الظَلا
مِ فَخَلفَهُ الأُسدُ الغِضابُ
17. Return to that chivalry and scarce has perfidy stirred.
Seize those dwellings while protected, those tents while tranquility prevails,
١٧. وَتَعَلَّموا أَنَّ الصَبا
حَ ضُبارِمٌ وَاللَيلَ غابُ
18. Rush to defend those pastures while between you is only kinship.
As if your days of love and freedom were shimmering lights,
١٨. لا صُلحَ حَتّى تَطمَئِن
نَ إِلى مَناسِمِها الرِكابُ
19. Adorned in necklaces from which pendants sway.
I do not blame nor find fault,
١٩. وَيَعودَ وَجهُ الشَمسِ
لا نَقعٌ عَلَيهِ وَلا ضَبابُ
20. For me, life's path is smooth and wide.
None ever tied me down, desirous or expecting reward.
٢٠. حَتّى تَشَبَّثَ بِالظُبى الأَغ
مادُ وَالجُردُ الرِحابُ
21. Who can bear the blame of a companion who won't accept advice?
None ever fought time but that it conquers him,
٢١. وَتُمَدَّ أَطنابُ البُيو
تِ وَتُضمِرَ القَومَ القِبابُ
22. And for every saying there is one who listens, for every call, a response.
Alas! How I long for one who is past, for days gone by!
٢٢. وَتَرَدَّفُ الأَدراعُ مُش
رَجَةً عَلَيهِنَّ العِيابُ
23. Friendship is scarce when fortunes shine.
Yet when hardship comes, friends mass around you,
٢٣. وَتَرى الرُبى وَالرَوضَ يُن
شَرُ مِن مَطارِفِها السَحابُ
24. While adversity disperses even brothers bound by lineage.
We suckled milk from the same breasts,
٢٤. ما كانَ فَضَّضَهُ فَضي
ضُ الطَلِّ أَذهَبَهُ الذِهابُ
25. Yet sweet water cannot bring us together.
A lonely one picks up loose threads when clothes tear and fall apart.
٢٥. كانَت نُجومُ اللَيلِ يَك
تُمُها مِنَ النَقعِ الغَيابُ
26. To him flock partridges, hares, and grazing cattle.
He scarcely can bear his belongings, only wolves and hyenas do.
٢٦. فَالآنَ أَصحَرَ في السَما
ءِ البَدرُ وَاِنكَشَفَ النِقابُ
27. He cups his hands imploringly so that tears may flow.
A barefoot pauper collects crumbs when food falls.
٢٧. وَعَلَت إِلى أَوكارِها العِق
بانُ وَاِنحَطَّ العُقابُ
28. To him incline the aged and the young lambs.
As if the mantle over his hut at night were a shooting star.
٢٨. عودوا إِلى ذاكَ الغَدي
رِ وَقَلَّ ما غَدَرَ الرُبابُ
29. Who do I have, O Fate, but days that elicit fury?
A friend escorts even when matters intensify and speech becomes charged.
٢٩. وَتَغَنَّموا تِلكَ المَنا
زِلَ وَهيَ آمِنَةٌ رِغابُ
30. He gives himself for you while war makes shields rattle.
And a brother from whom affection has been deprived, though our lineage is common.
٣٠. وَتَدارَكوا ذَودَ المَسا
رِحِ وَهيَ بَينَكُمُ سِقابُ
31. A disputatious man unlike a neighbor who won't compromise his honor,
Who finds even a distant home hospitable, though the distance spans far.
٣١. وَكَأَنَّ أَيّامَ الهَوى
فيكُم نَشاوى أَو طِرابُ
32. The borders of his abode crumble from the brush of mirage.
None bears his gear but prey and desolate ruins.
٣٢. مُتَمَنطِقاتٌ بِالحُلّي
وَفي قَلائِدِها المَلابُ
33. He is awoken by the clamor of specters or phantom visitors in the night.
A person who is not made anxious by blame or censure,
٣٣. إِنّي عَلى لينِ النَقي
بَةِ لا أُعابُ وَلا أُحابُ
34. Great is his affliction. He reaps from his neighbors until insulted.
My lot in days is to remain while youths visit me.
٣٤. ما شُدَّ لي يَوماً عَلى
ذُلٍّ وَلا طَمَعٍ حِقابُ
٣٥. مَن لي بِغُرَّةِ صاحِبٍ
لا يَستَطيلُ عَلَيهِ عابُ
٣٦. ما حارَبَ الأَيّامَ إِل
لا كانَ لي وَلَهُ الغِلابُ
٣٧. وَلِكُلِّ قَولٍ سامِعٌ
وَلِكُلِّ داعِيَةٍ جَوابُ
٣٨. هَيهاتَ أَطلُبُ ما يَطو
لُ بِهِ بِعادٌ وَاِقتِرابُ
٣٩. قَلَّ الصِحابُ فَإِن ظَفِر
تَ بِنِعمَةٍ كَثُرَ الصِحابُ
٤٠. مَن لي بِهِ سَمحاً إِذا
صَفِرَت مِنَ القَومِ الوِطابُ
٤١. غَيرانَ دونَ الجارِ لا
يَطوي عَزايِمَهُ الحِجابُ
٤٢. يَستَعذِبُ المَوماةَ مَنزِلَةً
وَإِن بَعُدَ الإِيابُ
٤٣. رَقَّت حَواشي بَيتِهِ
مِمّا يُلاطِمُها السَرابُ
٤٤. لا يَستَقِلُّ بِرَحلِهِ
إِلّا الذَوائِبُ وَالهِضابُ
٤٥. تَهفو بِكَفَّيهِ الصَوا
رِمُ أَو تَسيلُ بِها الكِعابُ
٤٦. جَذلانُ يَلتَقِطُ النَسي
مَ إِذا تَساقَطَتِ الثِيابُ
٤٧. يُنمى إِلَيهِ الشيحُ وَال
حَوذانُ وَالإِبِلُ الجِرابُ
٤٨. وَكَأَنَّ غُرَّتَهُ وَراءَ لِ
ثامِ لَيلَتِهِ شِهابُ
٤٩. مَن لي بِهِ يا دَهرُ وَالأَي
يامُ كالِحَةٌ غِضابُ
٥٠. إِنَّ الصَديقَ مُشَيَّعٌ
إِن جَلَّ خَطبٌ أَو خِطابُ
٥١. وَيَجودُ عَنكَ بِنَفسِهِ
وَالحَربُ تَقرَعُها الحِرابُ
٥٢. وَأَخٍ حُرِمتُ الوِدَّ مِن
هُ وَبَينَنا نَسَبٌ قَرابُ
٥٣. نازَعتُهُ ثَديَ الرَضاعِ
وَما يَلَذُّ لَنا الشَرابُ
٥٤. يا سَعدُ أَعظَمُ مِحنَةً
مَن لا يُرَوِّعُهُ العِتابُ
٥٥. يَجني عَلى جيرانِهِ
حَتّى يُعاقِبَهُ السِبابُ
٥٦. حَسبي مِنَ الأَيّامِ أَن
أَبقى وَيُسعِدُني الطِلابُ