1. Abu Nizar, you corrupt a prosperous people,
Neglect has made you heedless, but privation has sharpened me.
١. أَبا نِزارٍ تُفسِدُ القَومَ النِعَم
غَفَّلَكَ الوَجدُ وَزَكّاني العَدَم
2. You mend your money, but at the cost of a breach,
When bounty flows in my district, eulogy and nobility flow in my house.
٢. تُرَمِّمُ المالَ وَبِالقَرضِ ثُلَم
إِنّي إِذا راحَت عَلى الحَيِّ النَعَم
3. Wealth is not secure when honor is lost,
I used to call you, but now the matter is resolved.
٣. راحَ عَلى بَيتي الثَناءُ وَالكَرَم
لا سَلِمَ المالُ إِذا العِرضُ سَلِم
4. Don't you see that after the darkness of the valleys comes dawn
The first light of morning crowns the heights of the banner.
٤. قَد كُنتُ نادَيتُكَ وَالأَمرُ أَمَم
أَما تَرى خَلفُ عَقابيلَ الظُلُم
5. Take care of yourself - the horses belong to the tribe.
Withdraw from your misleading folly, break off your blind lance.
٥. لَوثُ خِمارِ الصُبحِ في رَأسِ العَلَم
نَفسَكَ إِنَّ الخَيلَ بِالقَومِ زِيَم
6. I adjure you by God and the cherishing of kin
And say: leave off from a path that is not straight.
٦. اِنجُ فَعَن لَفتَتِكَ الرُمحُ الأَصَم
ناشَذتُكَ اللَهَ وَتَحنانَ الرَحِم
7. But you did not obey me, like a suspect in judgment.
Your hearing was heedful, but in your mind - deafness.
٧. وَقُلتُ حِد عَن مَنهَجٍ غَيرِ لَقَم
فَلَم تُطِعني رُبَّ رَأيٍ مُتَّهَم
8. Until you met the sudden swoop of the fast gazelle
Mother of Duhaym, carrying the daughter of Raqam,
٨. سَمعُكَ واعٍ وَبِعَقلِكَ الصَمَمَ
حَتّى لَقيتَ خَطفَةَ البازي الضَرِم
9. Destiny made her pass to bring you down,
You escaped after your feet were entangled.
٩. أُمَّ الدُهَيمِ حامِلاً بِنتَ الرَقَم
أَمَرَّها المِقدارُ إِمرارَ الوَذَم
10. And when the press became too narrow for you,
You slipped out while the claws were still caught in the hide.
١٠. أُفلِتَّ مِنها بَعدَ إِنشابِ القَدَم
وَبَعدَما ضاقَ عَلَيكَ المُزدَحَم
11. I swear by the sacred house and the holy precinct,
And by the throngs circling in soiled robes
١١. مُنفَلِتَ الأُظفورِ مِن شَقِّ الجَلَم
أَقسَمتُ بِالبَيتِ الحَرامِ وَالحُرُم
12. On pleasure for me and relief from care,
That there will come forth from the mountains of Radwa and Kheyam,
١٢. وَبِالمُلَبّينَ غَدَوا شُعثَ اللِمَم
عَلى رَذايا مِن وَجىً وَمِن سَأَم
13. After the stain, dignity, honor and calm,
And whatever tears flowed in anguish and blood
١٣. يَطلَعنَ مِن أَجبالِ رَضوى وَخِيَم
بِها وَقارٌ بَعدَما كانَ لَمَم
14. The day men will fly like the ravens of carrion
Wherever you see those plateaus and peaks
١٤. وَما جَرى بِالخَيفِ مِن دَمعٍ وَدَم
يَومَ يَطيرُ الناسُ غِربانَ الجُمَم
15. At evening they will become ravens and at dawn - vultures,
While the supplicant, then and thereafter, will be doomed.
١٥. حَيثُ تَرى تِلكَ المَجالي وَالقِمَم
يُمسينَ غِرباناً وَيَغدونَ رَخَم
16. You will meet with tribe after tribe
Parted, not joined to a tribe or group.
١٦. وَالمُستَجارُ بَعدَ ذا وَالمُلتَزَم
تَلقى بِهِ لِأُمَمٍ بَعدَ أُمَم
17. The straight branch broke off branch after branch
I will burst your rib with a cleavage that cannot be mended,
١٧. مُفتَرِقاً لا عَن قِلىً وَمُصطَدَم
صَكَّ المُجيلِ زَلَماً بَعدَ زَلَم
18. Like the splitting by the tribesman Al-Adamm in revenge.
Sparks of fire from the flint flew up in the live coal,
١٨. لَأَصدَعَن عِرضَكَ صَدعاً لا يُلَم
عَطّاً كَما عَطَّ الفَزارِيُّ الأَدَم
19. I plunge into it with the stab of censure and blame.
I shake the water skin until the water mixes with blood,
١٩. دَبيبُ نارِ القَينِ طارَت في الفَحَم
أَقرَعُ فيهِ بِشَبا طَعنٍ وَذَم
20. Woe, then, on the day of butting, to the doomed!
How long can the stock last under the blow of misfortune?
٢٠. نَهزُ الدِلاءِ تَلتَقي وَالماءُ جَم
وَيلٌ إِذاً يَومَ النِطاحِ لِلأَجَم
21. You exposed me to one who sees what is right.
A guardian of honor, burning hot when branded,
٢١. كَم يَلبَثُ الأَصلُ عَلى ضَربِ القُدُم
عُرِّضتَ مِنّي لِبَصيرٍ بِالقِيَم
22. Swift to visit deadly pains that torment,
Who cuts short the ills of the veins and so decides,
٢٢. حامي الأُوارِ مُنضِجٌ إِذا وَسَم
آسي الحَفيظاتِ إِذا الداءُ أَلَم
23. Like the snarling of the wolf or the bellow of the bull.
Who senses weakness in a breath of wind and hastens on,
٢٣. عاجَلَ أَدواءِ العُروقِ فَحَسَم
حَثحَثَةَ الذِئبِ عَوى مِنَ القَرَم
24. Advancing in the night without seeing the darkness.
He who makes men sick is pelted with sickness,
٢٤. آنَسَ وَهناً نَسمَ ريحٍ فَنَسَم
ماضٍ عَلى اللَيلِ إِذا لَم يَرَ شَم
25. And he who is hit with reminders does not sleep.
How many laden with care have lodged with you,
٢٥. مَن أَسقَمَ الناسَ رَمَوهُ بِالسَقَم
وَمَن رُمِي بِالموقِظاتِ لَم يَنَم
26. While I bite my lips and frown for them.
The lion dreaded and was suspicious of the skulls,
٢٦. كَم ضافَ رَحلي مِنكُمُ طارِقَ هَم
بِتُّ لَهُ أَخطِمُ دائي وَأَزُم
27. So I put away the creaking of the notched stick,
Until I was struck down, though I said not a word.
٢٧. تَوَجُّسَ اللَيثِ اِستَرابَ بِالأَجَم
أَهدُرُ عَن شِقشِقَةِ العَودِ القَطِم
28. Cares of the heart are allies of resolves,
A man may wound himself though he is a cousin,
٢٨. حَتّى رُميتُ رُبَّ نَبلٍ عَن كَلِم
إِنَّ هُمومَ القلَبِ أَعوانُ الهِمَم
29. And cut off the precious limb because of the pain.
Unless oblivion overtakes you, I will force you
٢٩. قَد يَقدَعُ المَرءُ وَإِن كانَ اِبنَ عَم
وَيَقطَعُ العُضوَ الكَريمَ لِلأَلَم
30. To taste the humiliation of defeat from me.
Your blood will flow unavenged and you have done no wrong.
٣٠. لَأُلزِمن إِن لَم يُغَيِّبَكَ الرَجَم
لِهزِمَتَيكَ عاقِراً مِنَ اللُجُم
31. The springs of ignorance are the sources of regret,
A whiff of disgrace is like the breath of poison,
٣١. يَسيلُ ذِفراكَ دَماً وَما ظَلَم
مَوارِدَ الجَهلِ مَصادِرُ النَدَم
32. Which a happy man smells without knowing its danger.
He fears it though he has neither sinned nor done wrong.
٣٢. نَفحَةَ عارٍ مِثلُها نَفثَةُ سَم
تَشُمُّها بِمارِنٍ غَيرِ أَشَم
33. Take it as war, like the war of the blood-letter,
None of us today have honor if we make peace.
٣٣. إِذا وَعاها ضاحِكُ القَومِ وَجَم
يَخافُها وَما جَنى وَلا جَرَم
34. If you are free, not debased in your nature,
Then tell us, who are the slaves and the dwarfs?
٣٤. خُذها حُروباً كَأَهاضيبِ الدِيَم
لا عَزَّ مِنّا اليَومَ مَن أَلقى السَلَم
35. She came with you, not concealing her purpose,
Hers are intrigues, and her womb - barrenness.
٣٥. إِن كُنتَ حُرّاً غَيرَ مَغموزِ الشِيَم
فَقُل لَنا مَنِ العَبيدِ وَالقَزَم
٣٦. جاءَت بِهِ مِخداجَةٌ غَيرَ مُتَم
لَها الرَزايا وَلِبَطنِها العَقَم