
O Suleiman, had you fulfilled my praise as was its due,

سليمان لو وفيت مدحي حقه

1. O Suleiman, had you fulfilled my praise as was its due,
You would have seen how the means to blessings can succeed.

١. سُلَيمانُ لَو وَفَّيتَ مَدحِيَ حَقَّهُ
أَرَيتُكَ أَسبابَ المُنى كَيفَ تَنجَحُ

2. I stretched out my hand, thinking you were taking
The hand of fate from me, though it was bent on harm.

٢. بَسَطتُ يَدي حَتّى ظَنَنتُكَ قابِضاً
يَدَ الدَهرِ عَنّي وَهوَ أَزوَرُ أَكلَحُ

3. So you frustrated me with despair, until you left me
With my hopes of gaining wealth retreating.

٣. فَأَقصَدتَني بِاليَأسِ حَتّى تَرَكتَني
وَظَنِّيَ عَن نَيلِ الغِنى يَتَزَحزَحُ

4. And after you had eased my way, you made
The gates of kindness, once open, closed and locked.

٤. وَأَصعَبتَ لي مِن بَعدِ ما كُنتَ مُسهِلاً
مَغالِقَ بِرٍّ شارَفَت تَتَفَتَّحُ

5. So how can one whose wealth lies in another's obligation
Find generosity? Or one whose roots are in darkness find praise?

٥. فَمَن مالُهُ في ذِمَّةٍ كَيفَ يَجتَدي
وَمَن أَصلُهُ في ظُلمَةٍ كَيفَ يُمدَحُ