
Marvels, the slightest of them momentous,

رائعات أخفهن ثقيل

1. Marvels, the slightest of them momentous,
And catastrophes, the finest of them grave,

١. رائِعاتٌ أَخُفُّهُنَّ ثَقيلُ
وَخُطوبٌ أَدَقُّهُنَّ جَليلُ

2. And calamities from which recoil souls,
Firmly rooted, though minds become dislodged.

٢. وَرَزايا تَهفو لَهُنَّ حُلومٌ
راسِياتٌ وَتَستَزِلُّ عُقولُ