
I have cast nobility from my shoulders,

حططت المكارم عن عاتقي

1. I have cast nobility from my shoulders,
And humiliation has stripped me of my pride.

١. حَطَطتُ المَكارِمَ عَن عاتِقي
وَجَرَّدَني الذُلُّ عَن مَحتِدي

2. Neither have the settled given me security,
Nor has the resolute pioneer called upon me.

٢. وَإِلّا فَلا أَمَّني النازِلونَ
وَلا جاءَني الطارِقُ المُجتَدي

3. I have not said that I am with the eminent,
Except for one other than my father Ahmad.

٣. وَلا قُلتُ إِنّي عِندَ الفَخا
رِ إِلّا لِغَيرِ أَبي أَحمَدِ

4. When will I be free from your love, O Mustafa,
And fail to keep the promise of my birth?

٤. مَتى حُلتُ عَن وِدِّكَ المُصطَفى
وَأَخلَفَ ما رُمتُهُ مَولِدي

5. I will meet you with the covenant at the disappointment,
Yet here I am in the raiment of the everlasting.

٥. سَأَلقاكَ بِالعَهدِ عِندَ المَخيبِ
وَها أَنا في حِليَةِ الأَمرَد

6. If I do not find a supporter,
I will find you a greater support for me than my own hand.

٦. وَإِنّي إِذا لَم أَجِد ناصِراً
وَجَدتُكَ أَنصَرَ لي مِن يَدي

7. Take your time and know that the intelligent one
Takes from his day for tomorrow.

٧. خُذِ الوَقتَ وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّ اللَبيبَ
يَأخُذُ مِن يَومِهِ لِلغَدِ

8. For when one passes into death,
The lamentations of the wailers are of no benefit nor avail.

٨. فَما يَنفَعُ المَرءَ بَعدَ المَنونِ
قَولُ النَوادِبِ لا تَبعَدِ

9. Yet I am a gift for the friend,
Who will whisper my secrets or transgress.

٩. عَلى أَنَّني تُحفَةٌ لِلصَديقِ
يَروحُ بِنَجوايَ أَو يَغتَدي

10. The visitors are cheered by me
Like eyes are cheered by collyrium.

١٠. وَإِنّي لَيَأنَسُ بي الزائِرونَ
أَنيسَ النَواظِرِ بِالأُثمُدِ

11. The eyes of the envious are narrowed at me
Like the sun in the eyes of the blind.

١١. تُغَمَّضُ لي أَعيُنُ الحاسِدينَ
كَالشَمسِ في ناظِرِ الأَرمَدِ

12. Neither has distance come between us
Nor a hand pulled away from hand.

١٢. فَلا دَخَلَ البُعدُ ما بَينَنا
ولا فَكَّ مِنّا يَداً عَن يَدِ

13. And may our days be lengthened with dwelling
In the shade of a delicate, tender life.

١٣. وَطُوِّلَ أَيّامُنا بِالمُقامِ
في ظِلِّ عَيشٍ رَقيقٍ نَدي