
Had you been there on the day when spears dripped blood,

ولو كنت فيها يوم ذا الأثل لم تؤب

1. Had you been there on the day when spears dripped blood,
You would not have turned away, and nothing but the trysting-places of Wadaqin overflowing would have increased you.

١. وَلَو كُنتَ فيها يَومَ ذا الأَثلِ لَم تَؤُب
وَزادُكَ إِلّا ذاتُ وَدقَينِ تَنضَحُ

2. When the ostrich eggs of Samhara are excited
by our oaths, and egg strikes on egg.

٢. غَداةَ ذُبالُ السَمهَرِيَةِ يَلتَظي
بِأَيمانِنا وَالبيضُ بِالبيضِ تُقدَحُ

3. Stations that make one forget what went before,
Where you see the ignorant boast to ulcers.

٣. مَواقِفُ تُنسي المَرءَ ما كانَ قَبلَها
تَرى الجَذَعَ العامِيَّ فيهِنَّ يَقرَحُ

4. As though the falling of the eggs down, then the rising up of them
Were the opening and shutting of the doors of a darkened house.

٤. كَأَنَّ سِقاطَ البيضِ ثُمَّ اِرتِفاعَها
مَصاريعُ أَبوابٍ تُجافُ وَتُفتَحُ

5. If you have been given a drink from her cup like me,
Why then, O snapper-up of trifles, do you not stagger?

٥. فَإِن تَكُ قَد سُقِّيتَ مِثلي بِكاسِها
فَما لَكَ يا ذا الضَبِّ لا تَتَرَنَّحُ

6. You were set up as the guarantee of a ruinous dwelling,
To which some providing visitor comes every day.

٦. جُعِلتَ صَحيحاً مِثلَ ضامِنِ نُقبَةٍ
لَهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ جالِبٌ يَتَقَرَّحُ