1. Say to the one who aspires for glory with a glance
Of a fiery warrior who hastens prey with a snatch
١. قُل لَأَقنى يَرمي إِلى المَجدِ طَرفا
ضَرِمٍ يُعجِلُ الطَرائِدَ خَطفا
2. He soared surveying positions until
He found glory a position so he regretted
٢. طارَ يَستَشرِفُ المَواقِعَ حَتّى
وَجَدَ العِزَّ مَوقِعاً فَأَسَفّا
3. O pillar of the religion who raised glory
And it leaned on the two pillars out of weakness
٣. يا عِمادَ الدينِ الَّذي رَفَعَ المَج
دَ وَقَد مالَ بِالعِمادَينِ ضُعفا
4. And savior of the people, and son of the savior of
Creation, a towering mountain that was firm and a mountain that folded
٤. وَمُغيثُ الأَنامِ وَاِبنَ مُغيثِ ال
خَلقِ طَودٌ رَسا وَطَودٌ تَعَفّى
5. And flowing with the eras, disaster after disaster
Preceding its step and evading disaster after disaster
٥. وَمُجاري الزَمانِ خَطباً فَخَطباً
سابِقاً خَطوَهُ وَصَرفاً فَصَرفا
6. You are the second wing on a day when
No palm can restrain the ferocity of disasters
٦. أَنتَ ثاني جِماحِها يَومَ لا يَم
لِكُ كَفٌّ لِجامِحِ الخَطبِ كَفّا
7. In corridors made of reeds where nothing can be seen
Except whiteness and pillars as ceilings
٧. في رِواقٍ مِنَ القَنا لا تُرى في
هِ سِوى البيضِ وَالعَوامِلِ سَقفا
8. Its land rewarded the sky for rain
And gifted it rainwater and showers
٨. كافَأَت أَرضُهُ السَماءَ عَلى المُز
نِ وَأَهدَت لَها قَساطِلَ وُطفا
9. If you criticize it, spears follow on the necks
And the hits continue as continuous strikes
٩. تُتبِعُ الطَعنَ فيهِ طَعناً عَلى الأَع
ناقِ شَزراً وَالضَربَ ضَرباً طِلَحفا
10. Its three heroes wore white turbans
And wore under them soft Yemeni shawls
١٠. لاثَ أَبطالُهُ عَمائِمَ بيضاً
لَبِسوا تَحتَها قَتيراً وَزَغفا
11. They waded into its darkness, and if
The towering mountains were inclined by it, they would have bent and knelt
١١. رَسَبوا في غِمارِها وَلَوَ اِنَّ ال
طَودَ يُمنى بِها لَذَلَّ وَخَفّا
12. You have been spared the long fatigue and glory refuses
To see any laziness or standing still from you
١٢. قَد كُفيتَ السَعيَ الطَويلَ وَتَأبى
أَن يَرى المَجدُ مِنكَ حِلساً وَقُفّا
13. Between a grandfather who exhausted munificence to the utmost
And a father who included the heights and fulfilled
١٣. بَينَ جَدٍّ بَذَّ الجُدودَ فَأَوفى
وَأَبٍ ضُمَّنَ العَلاءَ فَوَفّى
14. He stood among you turning glorious situations,
Neither inauspicious nor ominous
١٤. قامَ فيهِ يَلُفُّ خَطباً بِخَطبٍ
لا نَؤوماً وَلا شَؤوماً أَلَفّا
15. Wearing the lofty enthusiasm as armor for the enemies
And riding determination as a glance
١٥. يَلبَسُ الهِمَّةَ العَلِيَّةَ لِلأَع
داءِ دِرعاً وَيَركَبُ العَزمَ طِرفا
16. Of men who brought you the fruits of glory in abundance
And made death barren and repelled
١٦. مِن رِجالٍ جَنَوا لَكُم ثَمَرَ المَج
دِ عَريضاً وَعاقَروا المَوتَ صِرفا
17. They tied between you and the heights
A pact before men mounted the ascent and swore allegiance
١٧. عَقَدوا بَينَكُم وَبَينَ المَعالي
قَبلَ يَعلو الرِجالُ عَقداً وَحِلفا
18. They undertook the most difficult ascent, so whoever came after them came coasting
The house of munificence wherein disasters are remedied
١٨. رَكِبوا صَعبَةَ العُلى أَوَّلَ النا
سِ فَمَن جاءَ بَعدَهُم جاءَ رِدفا
19. And the cheeks of the honorable are not dried by it
In it is the fire kindled by the flash of the sword
١٩. بَيتُ جودٍ تُكفى النَوائِبُ فيهِ
وَجِفانُ القِرى بِهِ لَيسَ تُكفا
20. To give light to virtue and make virtue plentiful
The enemies have tested you with sweetness and bitterness
٢٠. عِندَهُ النارُ أوقِدَت بِاليَلَنجو
جِيِّ تُذكى عَرفاً وَتُجزَلُ عُرفا
21. And tested your two qualities, softness and harshness
So they saw you as the cutting sword, strong and firm
٢١. قَد بَلاكَ الأَعداءُ حُلواً وَمُرّاً
وَبَلَوا شيمَتَيكَ ليناً وَعُنفا
22. And saw you as the rain-laden cloud, affliction and sufficiency
They turned over the coverings of your morals like
٢٢. فَرَأَوكَ الحُسامَ قَدّاً وَقَطّاً
وَرَأَوكَ الغَمامَ وَبلاً وَوَكفا
23. The Yemeni blanket its lined side taken out and opened
They deemed it pretentious so they saw it
٢٣. قَلَّبوا الغُرَّ مِن سَجاياكَ تَقلي
بَ اليَمانيَّ بُردَهُ المُستَشَفّا
24. Every day increasing in weakness and weakness
The envious denied its necessities
٢٤. حَسِبوها تَصَنُّعاً فَرَأَوها
كُلَّ يَومٍ تَزدادُ ضِعفاً وَضِعفا
25. And concealed streaming tears not hidden
Like the crescent of the clouds, it disappeared until
٢٥. جَحَدَ الحاسِدونَ مِنها الضَرورا
تِ وَأَخفَوا دَرارِياً لَيسَ تُخفى
26. The clouds parted from its face so it appeared
They lied. You are the most benevolent of people
٢٦. كَهِلالِ السَحابِ ما غابَ حَتّى
رَقَّ عَن وَجهِهِ الغَمامُ فَشَفّا
27. And most generous of hand and most raining of palm
A steadfast moral when the ages
٢٧. كَذَبوا أَنتَ أَسبَقُ الناسِ إِحسا
ناً وَأَندى يَداً وَأَمطَرُ كَفّا
28. Change men, their morals fold back
If they forget the remembrance of munificence by nature
٢٨. خُلُقٌ ثابِتٌ إِذا غَيَّرَ الدَه
رُ رِجالاً أَخلاقُهُم تَتَكَفّا
29. Or turn away from the path of glory bending
The bridle of poetry came from me, and if not for it
٢٩. إِن تَناسَوا تَذَكُّرَ الجودِ طَبعاً
أَو تَوَلَّوا ثَنى إِلى المَجدِ عَطفا
30. The reins would have been seized by the palm
It stirred from the sleep of languor toward it
٣٠. رامَ مِنّي قَودَ القَريضِ وَلَولا
هُ لَقَد جاذَبَ الزِمامُ الأَكُفّا
31. After lowering its gaze and dozing off
It is a back that willingly obeys the rein
٣١. هَبَّ مِن رَقدَةِ الفُتورِ إِليهِ
بَعدَما غَضَّ ناظِرَيهِ وَأَغفى
32. And refuses to be led if coerced unjustly
And a sword whose sheath was chosen by your
٣٢. هُوَ ظَهرٌ يَنقادُ طَوعاً عَلى اللَي
نِ وَيَأبى القِيادَ إِن قيدَ عَسفا
33. Esteemed father, so he chose the finest and most eloquent
It has a crown for the crowned from its glow
٣٣. وَبُرودٌ غالى بِهِنَّ أَبوكَ ال
قَرمُ فَاِختارَها الأَشَفَّ الأَشَفّا
34. And a necklace and prominence for the lord of necklaces
So unleash it upon disasters, making the eyes
٣٤. إِنَّ مِن ضَوئِها لِذي التاجِ تاجاً
وَلِرَبِّ الأَطواقِ طَوقاً وَشَنفا
35. Weep every day, and making the noses sniffle
You are too lofty to be congratulated for power
٣٥. فَاِبقَ لِلخَطبِ مُقذِياً مِنهُ عَيناً
كُلَّ يَومٍ وَمُرغِماً مِنهُ أَنفا
36. If it settles upon you, fluttering
But the garments of power should be congratulated that you
٣٦. أَنتَ أَعلى مِن أَن تُهَنَّأَ بِالعِز
زِ إِذا ما ضَفا عَلَيكَ وَرَفّا
37. Wore them, spreading fragrance and aromatic scent
And the stairs of ascent that you climbed them
٣٧. بَل تُهَنّا مَلابِسُ العِزِّ أَن أَب
قَيتَ فيها نَشراً وَأَعبَقتَ عَرفا
38. As clothes when people crawl
Join the pride of the most glorious kingdom, a sword
٣٨. وَمَراقي العُلى بِأَن بِتَّ تَعلو
ها وُثوباً إِذا عَلا الناسُ زَحفا
39. That combines the rage of the past and palm
The pillar of the kingdom the day it leaned
٣٩. صِل بِفَخرِ المُلكِ الأَغَرِّ حُساماً
تَجمَعِ الماضِيَينِ عَضباً وَكَفّا
40. And met waves of disasters and earthquake
And healer of supremacy from the illness of humiliation
٤٠. داعِمُ المُلكِ يَومَ مالَ وَلاقى
مَوَجاناً مِنَ الخُطوبِ وَرَجفا
41. When the doctor despaired and was helpless
You will never see the like of him as long as
٤١. وَمُداوي العَلاءِ مِن عِلَّةِ البُؤ
سِ وَقَد أَعجَزَ الطَبيبَ وَأَشفى
42. Nights come and go. Indeed, time is most beautiful and purest
٤٢. لَن تَرى مِثلَهُ اللَيالي وَهَيها
تَ لَقَد أَجمَلَ الزَمانُ وَأَصفى