
This is the Commander of the Faithful, Muhammad,

هذا أمير المؤمنين محمد

1. This is the Commander of the Faithful, Muhammad,
His roots were honored and his birth was auspicious,

١. هَذا أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ مُحَمَّدٌ
كَرُمَت مَغارِسُهُ وَطابَ المَولِدُ

2. Is it not enough for you that your mother is Fatimah,
And your father is Haydarah, and your grandfather Ahmad?

٢. أَوما كَفاكَ بِأَنَّ أُمَّكَ فاطِمٌ
وَأَبوكَ حَيدَرَةٌ وَجَدُّكَ أَحمَدُ

3. He spends the night while his guest house cannot contain,
His generosity, and his fragrant abode cannot be matched.

٣. يُمسي وَمَنزِلُ ضَيفِهِ لا يُحتَوى
كَرَماً وَبَيتُ نُضارِهِ لا يُقلَدُ