
I look at the days, how they recur,

أنظر إلى الأيام كيف تعود

1. I look at the days, how they recur,
And at glory's peaks, how they increase,

١. أُنظُر إِلى الأَيّامِ كَّيفَ تَعودُ
وَإِلى المَعالي الغُرِّ كَيفَ تَزيدُ

2. And at time smiling and repeating its affection,
So a thirsty man rests, and a dry branch greens.

٢. وَإِلى الزَمانِ نَبا وَعاوَدَ عَطفَهُ
فَاِرتاحَ ظَمآنٌ وَأَورَقَ عودُ

3. Good fortune shone on the enemy in his rage,
Leaving him fuming in dark redness.

٣. نِعَمٌ طَلَعنَ عَلى العَدوِّ بِغَيظِهِ
فَتَرَكنَهُ حَمِرَ الجِنانِ يَميدُ

4. The days have brought back their waters of youth,
So life is tender, and the nights dewy.

٤. قَد عاوَدَ الأَيّامَ ماءُ شَبابِها
فَالعَيشُ غَضٌّ وَاللَيالي غيدُ

5. The fortune of glory comes inclining like spear points,
Sucking sweetness in the heights, ever new.

٥. إِقبالُ عزٍّ كَالأَسِنَّةِ مُقبِلٌ
يَمصي وَجَدُّ في العَلاءِ جَديدُ

6. And a lofty Ulya for the most glorious Hashim,
Praised by plaits piled upon his head.

٦. وَعُلىً لِأَبلَجَ مِن ذُؤابَةِ هاشِمٍ
يُثنى عَليهِ السُؤدُدُ المَعقودُ

7. He has missed what he sought and found what he wanted,
While his opponents in affairs remain seated.

٧. قَد فاتَ مَطلوباً وَأَدرَكَ طالِباً
وَمَقارِعوهُ عَلى الأُمورِ قُعودُ

8. Their eyes have grown dim, though they aspired high-
Many lofty, noble deeds, and more.

٨. خَسَأَت عُيونُهُمُ وَقَد طَمَحَت لَهُ
عُدَدٌ عِراضٌ في العُلى وَعَديدُ

9. No treaty but the obscuring of dark confusion
And the pillars of misguidance tottering.

٩. ما صالَ إِلّا اِنجابَ غَيٌّ مُظلِمٌ
وَاِندَقَّ مِن عَمَدِ الضَلالِ عَمودُ

10. He despairs and is wounded, but wounding is resolve,
Hardened, and its pain eased by dew and munificence.

١٠. يَأَسو وَيَجرَحُ فَالجِراحَةُ عَزمَةٌ
تُصمى وَآسيها النَدى وَالجودُ

11. Power and pardon assail his enemy forever,
And a true promise and threat.

١١. سَطوٌ وَصَفحٌ يَطرُقانِ عَدُوَّهُ
أَبَداً وَوَعدٌ صادِقٌ وَوَعيدُ

12. For which treason have you shot at a lion
Whom destinies and virtues protect?

١٢. عَن أَيِّ باعٍ في العَلاءِ رَمَيتُمُ
لَيثاً تَقيهِ مَقادِرٌ وَجُدودُ

13. Your arrows have gone astray and left their mark,
One to the heart of the enemy direct.

١٣. طاشَت سِهامُكُمُ وَفارَقَ نَزعَهُ
سَهمٌ إِلى قَلبِ العَدوِّ سَديدُ

14. They envied you when your endeavor passed their endeavor
Heights their rancor could not appease.

١٤. حَسَدوكَ لَمّا فاتَ سَعيُكَ سَعيَهُم
صُعُداً فَما نَقعَ الغَليلَ حَسودُ

15. And they saw its intimations gleaming and its wind
Blowing, and its abundant clouds raining down freely.

١٥. وَرَأوا بَوايجَها تَلوحُ وَرَيحَها
تَسري وَعارِضَها الغَزيرَ يَجودُ

16. Time hurried them to you, and grudges
Were smashed in breasts, dark and brooding.

١٦. عَجِلَ الزَمانُ بِها إِلَيكَ وَحُطِّمَت
بَينَ الضُلوعِ ضَغائِنٌ وَحُقودُ

17. And they came back, partisans, to you, and behind them
The violence of contention, leaving hearts dejected.

١٧. قَد كُنتُ أَخشىّ أَن يَقولَ مُخَبِّرٌ
كادوا وَما أُعطوا المُرادَ فَكيدوا

18. So pardon, and some of them will attain your pardon,
What wrath cannot attain, though it be iron.

١٨. أَر أَن يُقالَ أَقارِبٌ نَزَعَت بِهِم
ظِنَنٌ فَكُلٌّ بِالعُقوقِ بَعيدُ

19. And beware the corruption of punishment, now
Its signals fill the eyes, lightning and thunder.

١٩. سُئِلوا العَوادَ فَجانَبوهُ فَعاودوا
وَالآنَ إِذ مَلَكَ الزَمانُ وَقيدوا

20. And take advantage of an abounding amnesty
That approaches, and clemency that still returns.

٢٠. لَولا الأَلِيَّةُ مِنكَ أَلّا تَنتَضي
عَضباً يَقومُ مَقامَهُ التَفنيدُ

21. The lion's fury is finer in the youth
Than the master being seen tyrannical.

٢١. لَسَنَنتَ في الأَقوامِ غَيرَ مُلَوَّمٍ
ما سَنَّ يَومَ اِبنِ الزُبَيرِ يَزيدُ

22. The desired plaits are only less than
The plaits the newborn desires.

٢٢. اليَومَ أَصحَرَتِ الضَغائِنُ وَاِنجَلَت
تِلكَ المَوارِنُ وَالجِباهُ السودُ

23. So if the two coincide, the spears are broken,
If victor, and the deep-rooted shaken.

٢٣. وَتَراجَعوا عُصباً إِلَيكَ وَخَلفَهُم
عَنُفَ السِباقُ وَلِلقُلوبِ وَئيدُ

24. The finest thing the men have tested with its limit
Is a towering, long-lasting glory.

٢٤. فَاِصفَح فَسَوفَ يَنالُ صَفحَكَ مِنهُم
ما لا يَنالُ العَضبُ وَهُوَ حَديدُ

25. Now the mounts are freed, and the hollow of futilities
Is opened for their path to burn.

٢٥. وَحَذارِ مِن وَبِلِ العِقابِ وَقَد بَدَت
مِلءَ العُيونِ بَوارِقٌ وَرُعودُ

26. And the Sacred House glows with ease
Since its perfection, they say, will return.

٢٦. وَتَغَنَّموا عَفواً يَفيضُ وَفَيئةً
تَدنو وَحِلماً لا يَزالُ يَعودُ

27. And there is wakeful resolve against wrongs and injustice,
And the shade of an extended trust.

٢٧. فَلَسَطوَةُ الضَرغامِ أَجمَلُ بِالفَتى
مِن أَن يُرى عالٍ عَليهِ السيدُ

28. Thanks for your great boons, which have never
Ceased to increase upon me what is increased.

٢٨. ما السُؤدُدُ المَطلوبُ إِلّا دونَ ما
يَرمي إِلَيهِ السُؤدُدُ المَولودُ

29. You have favored me until the enemies realized
That I cherish the heights and cling to them as creed.

٢٩. فَإِذا هُما اِتَفَقا تَكَسَّرَتِ القَنا
إِن غالَبا وَتَضَعضَعَ الجُلمودُ

30. And you left my enviers with their twisted ribs,
Bent, full of spite, and blind.

٣٠. وَأَجَلُّ ما ضَرَبَ الرَجالُ بِحَدِّهِ ال
أَعداءَ مَجدٌ طارِفٌ وَتَليدُ

31. So I will thank you as long as my words still

٣١. الآنَ أُطلِقَتِ النُصولُ وَرُشِّحَت
لِسَبيلِها قُبٌّ الأَياطِلِ قودُ

32. Scattered lines, hard for enemies and poems.
Gratitude is the most precious thing I have found,

٣٢. وَتَبَلَّجَ البَيتُ الحَرامُ طَلاقَةً
مُذ قيلَ إِنَّ جَمالَهُ مَردودُ

33. And the youth's only hope is the acceptance of what is offered.

٣٣. وَعَلى المَظالِمِ وَالنَقابَةِ هِمَّةٌ
يَقظى وَظِلُّ أَمانَةٍ مَمدودُ

٣٤. حَمداً لِأَنعُمِكَ الجِسامُ فَلَم يَزَل
أَبداً يَزيدُ لَها عَليَّ مَزيدُ

٣٥. عَلَّيتَني حَتّى تَحَقَّقَتِ العِدى
أَنّي حَميمٌ لِّلعُلى وَعَقيدُ

٣٦. وَتَرَكتَ حُسّادي عَلى زَفَراتِهِم
عوجَ الضُلوعِ فواجِدٌ وَعَميدُ

٣٧. فَلأَشكُرَنَّكَ ما تَجاذَبَ مِقوَلي
نَثرٌ يَشُقُّ عَلى العِدى وَقَصيدُ

٣٨. وَالشِكرُ أَنفَسُ ما وَجَدتُ وَإِنَّما
أَمَلُ الفَتى أَن يُقبَلَ المَوجودُ