
Grant the abodes some fortitude

هب للديار بقية الجلد

1. Grant the abodes some fortitude
And cease the tears and grief's advocate

١. هَب لِلدِيارِ بَقِيَّةَ الجَلَدِ
وَدَعِ الدُموعَ وَباعِثَ الكَمَدِ

2. Go forth yourself, it's said with ease
A remedy for the blamer and the critic

٢. وَاِذهَب بِنَفسِكَ أَن يُقالَ سَلا
وَصَفا لِداعي العَذلِ وَالفَنَدِ

3. Do you shy from a ruin you once grazed
As you wished of gazelle and song?

٣. أَتَصُدُّ عَن طَلَلٍ رَعَيتَ بِهِ
ما شِئتَ مِن هَيفٍ وَمِن غَيدِ

4. Nights have erased its landmarks
Be they flags or pillars raised

٤. طَوَتِ اللَيالي مِن مَعارِفِهِ
ما كانَ مِن عَلَمٍ وَمِن نَضَدِ

5. Passion in it left no trace
And decay no period stayed

٥. أَمسى الهَوى فيهِ بِلا أَثَرٍ
وَجَرى البِلى فيهِ بِلا أَمَدِ

6. I knew it once, where gathered
The deer, wolf and lion's shade

٦. وَلَقَد عَهِدتُ رُباهُ جامِعَةً
بَينَ الظِباءِ الغيدِ وَالأُسُدِ

7. Days when passion's power seized
Sense and guidance were waylaid

٧. أَيّامَ مَن فَتَكَ الغَرامُ بِهِ
يَمشي بِلا عَقلٍ وَلا قَوَدِ

8. The loved ones sent their goodbyes
No provision made for days ahead

٨. إِنَّ الأُلى بَعَثوا بَبَينِهِمُ
ما زَوَّدوا في القُربِ لِلبَعَدِ

9. Unhindered by the parting, prodded
As if waiting for morn's tread

٩. ما ضَرَّهُم وَالبَينُ يَحفِزُهُم
لَو عَلَّلونا بِاِنتِظارِ غَدِ

10. They came and went, I gained no more
Than their tracks, finding naught instead

١٠. وَجَدوا وَما جادوا وَمُحتَقِبٍ
لِلَّومِ مِن أَثَري وَلَم يَجِدِ

11. Would he on whom hope was placed
Finding no patience, have hoped or pled?

١١. لَيتَ الَّذي عَلِقَ الرَجاءُ بِهِ
إِذ لَم يَجُد لِلصَبِّ لَم يَجُدِ

12. I saw them, their forms aroused
With trailing gowns and braids

١٢. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُهُم وَحَيُّهُمُ
مُتَقَعقِعُ الأَطنابِ وَالعَمدِ

13. As though its ribs had pierced
Heart and inner organs' bed

١٣. فَكَأَنَّما أَقنى بَراثِنِهِ
يَنشَبنَ بَينَ القَلبِ وَالكَبِدِ

14. A thrilling voice beyond the litter
Of lineage true and virtue's thread

١٤. وَغَريرَةٍ خَلفَ السُجوفِ لَها
نَسَبٌ إِلى أومانَةِ العُقدِ

15. Emerging like the Oryx, aimless
Adorned with necklace on its head

١٥. خَرَجَت خُروجَ الريمِ عاطِلَةً
وَلِجيدِها حَليٌ مِنَ الجَيدِ

16. She trots, drunk on pure honey
Flowing on ice amid the mead

١٦. تُجري الأَراكَ عَلى مُفَلَّجَةٍ
يَجرينَ مِن شَهدٍ عَلى بَرَدِ

17. You're done with me, I wish you well
I'm not of your mischief or your stead

١٧. عَنّي إِلَيكَ فَلَستِ مِن أَربي
ما أَنتِ مِن غَيِّي وَمِن رَشدي

18. Nights have sapped my fervor
I've let go of passion's twist and thread

١٨. قَضَتِ اللَيالي مِنكَ مَأرَبَتي
وَنَفَضتُ مِن عَلَقِ الغَرامِ يَدي

19. Modesty and grey hairs trot my steed
On virtues' path so long misled

١٩. وَحَدا النُهى وَالشَيبُ راحِلَتي
وَعَلى اِستِقاماتي عَلى الجَدَدِ

20. Today I hold the reins, but will
My wrists or hunt avail me now?

٢٠. فَاليَومَ أَتَّبِعُ الزِمامَ وَهَل
يُغني إِبايَ اليَومَ أَو صَيدي

21. Don't settle, O guest of sorrows
Save settling amidst the barren spread

٢١. لا تَقرِ ياضَيفَ الهُمومِ قِرىً
إِلّا قِرى العَيرانَةِ الأُجُدِ

22. Rise up! If your land denies you
Provision, seek another stead!

٢٢. وَاِنهَض فَإِن لَم تَحظَ في بَلَدٍ
بِالرِزقِ فَاِقطَعهُ إِلى بَلَدِ

23. Seek heights always! Many nights
Have passed with lofty aims unfed

٢٣. وَاِبغِ العُلى أَبداً فَكَم طَلَبٍ
قَد باتَ مِن نَيلٍ عَلى صَدَدِ

24. Either "He strove and grasped it whole"
Or "He left and never turned his head"

٢٤. إِمّا يُقالُ سَعى فَأَحرَزَها
أَو أَن يُقالَ مَضى وَلَم يَعُدِ

25. Say to fate who overspent me
"You overreached, so hold your tread!"

٢٥. قَولا لِهَذا الدَهرِ مَعتَبَةً
أَسرَفتَ بي يادَهرُ فَاِقتَصِدِ

26. What anguish sinks into my core
What marvels my shoulders spread

٢٦. كَم لَوعَةٍ تُهدى إِلى كَبِدي
وَعَظيمَةٍ تُلقى عَلى كَتَدي

27. Strange wonders beyond my thoughts
Miracles my mind never read!

٢٧. وَعَجائِبٍ ما كُنَّ في فِكَري
وَغَرائِبٍ ما دُرنَ في خَلَدي

28. Shall I call out from my pure spring
Cast out to the salty bed?

٢٨. أَيُصاحُ بي عَن كُلِّ صافِيَةٍ
طَرداً إِلى الأَقذاءِ وَالثَمَدِ

29. Shall I thirst in a diseased land
Lower than the beasts, searching for my bread?

٢٩. وَأُسامُ في أَكلاءِ مَوبِئَةٍ
مُحتَشُّها دونَ السَوامِ رَدي

30. Does my kinship help while fate toys
With my hopes on mountain's crest?

٣٠. هَل نافِعي وَالجَدُّ في صَبَبٍ
مَرّي مَعَ الآمالِ في صُعُدِ

31. Time has turned against me
When once I hoped it brought me rest

٣١. أَمسى عَلَيَّ مَعَ الزَمانِ أَخٌ
قَد كُنتُ آمُلُ يَومَهُ لِغَدِ

32. None were kinder in my plight
Than my father, my sons, blood and best

٣٢. مَن كانَ أَحنى عِندَ نائِبَةٍ
مِن والِدي وَأَبَرَّ مِن وَلَدي

33. Good faith in them bore no fruit
I've lost faith in all the rest

٣٣. لَم يُثمِرِ الظَنُّ الجَميلُ بِهِ
فَقَدي مِنَ الظَنِّ الجَميلِ قَدي

34. Had it been between us as between
Myself and the wolf or lion's zest

٣٤. لَو كانَ ما بَيني وَبَينَكُمُ
بَيني وَبَينَ الذِئبِ وَالأَسَدِ

35. I'd have fled from this to sanctuary
And from this to a shoulder's nest

٣٥. لَأَوَيتُ مِن هَذا إِلى حَرَمٍ
وَلَجَأتُ مِن هَذا عَلى عَضُدِ

36. I'd have been few in number
And few in might, always the less

٣٦. وَلَأَصبَحا في الرَوعِ مِن عَدَدي
كَرَماً وَفي اللَأواءِ مِن عُدَدي

37. Shielding me when times' injustices
Stir and my skin cannot find rest

٣٧. وَلَمانَعا عَنّي إِذا جَعَلَت
نُوَبُ الزَمانِ تَهيضُ مِن جَلَدي

38. Had my gift been cause for hatred
It would not have stood the test

٣٨. أَو كانَ ما قَدَّمتُ مِن مِقَةٍ
سَبَباً إِلى البَغضاءِ لَم يَزِدِ

39. Rather had I tossed my praise of you
Into the deep tumultuous sea's breast

٣٩. بَل لَو قَذَفتُ بِمَدحَتي لَكُمُ
في البَحرِ ذي الأَمواجِ وَالزَبَدِ

40. It would have cast up to me the finest pearl
And given my home the sweetest drink, the best

٤٠. لَرَمى إِلَيَّ أَشَفَّ جَوهَرَةٍ
وَسَقى بِأَعذَبِ مائِهِ بَلَدي

41. How many hopes I've harbored
Only to unwrap the knots depressed

٤١. كَم مِن مَطالِبَ قَد عَقَدتُ بِها
طَمَعي فَحَلَّ مَرائِرَ العُقدِ

42. As it sent me back in sorrow
And refused me in hardship dressed

٤٢. وَأَعادَني مِنها عَلى أَسَفٍ
وَأَباتَني فيها عَلى ضَمدِ

43. Words are mocked by every mouth
And lineage smeared by every hand

٤٣. الفِعلُ مَهزَأةٌ لِكُلِّ فَمٍ
وَالعِرضُ مِنديلٌ لِكُلِّ يَدِ

44. Now let feet stand firm if they can
On embers, solid, unsuppressed

٤٤. فَليَثبُتَنَّ الآنَ إِن ثَبُتَت
قَدَمٌ عَلى جَمرٍ لِمُعتَمِدِ

45. Let them bear my lightning strike
And settle well the desert's test

٤٥. وَلَيَصبِرَنَّ لِوَقعِ صاعِقَتي
وَيوَطَّنَنَّ حَشاً عَلى الزُؤُدِ

46. May disaster befall and uncover
His canopy, evading watch and rest

٤٦. فَلتَدخُلَنَّ عَلَيهِ قُبَّتَهُ
وَلّاجَةً تَخفى عَلى الرَصَدِ

47. With ferocity to check each hand
And openings mocking coat of mail and vest

٤٧. وَهَواجِمٍ يَدفَعنَ كُلَّ يَدٍ
وَنَوافِذٍ يَهزَأنَ بِالزَرَدِ

48. White as eggs, unchanged by nature
Dark as soot, markings never stressed

٤٨. كَالبيضِ لا يُصقَلنَ عَن طَبعٍ
وَالسُمرِ لا يُغمَزنَ عَن أَوَدِ

49. Till by its sharp blades he tastes
Stabs unlike the well-aimed lancer's thrust

٤٩. حَتّى يَذوقَ لِحَدِّ أَنصُلِها
طَعناً وَلا طَعنَ القَنا القَصَدِ

50. And when it deals its deadly blow
I'll aid without pause or rest

٥٠. وَمَتى يُوَقِّع فَلَّ مِقنَبِها
لَم أُخلِها أَبَداً مِنَ المَدَدِ

51. My wanting went astray, and hope in him
Misguided, empty-handed left me limp, depressed

٥١. أَخطَأتُ في طَلَبي وَأَخطَأَ في
يَأسي وَرَدَّ يَدي بِغَيرِ يَدِ

52. So I swear no hand will I extend
To another, that is the best

٥٢. فَلَأَجعَلَنَّ عُقوبَتي أَبَداً
أَن لا أَمُدَّ يَداً إِلى أَحَدِ

53. First mistake I made, and last forevermore
To the end of time, til I'm laid to rest.

٥٣. فَتَكونَ أَوَّلَ زَلَّةٍ سَبَقَت
مِنّي وَآخِرَها إِلى الأَبَدِ