1. I have suffered from your aloofness, O enemy of the heights!
And sublime aspirations are the woes of the envious.
١. شَقِيَت مِنكَ بِالعَلاءِ الأَعادي
وَالمَعالي ضَرائِرُ الحُسّادِ
2. Time regained its vigor after the rapprochement
With men who rejoiced in estrangement.
٢. وَاِستَقادَ الزَمانُ بَعدَ التَداني
مِن رِجالٍ تَفاءَلوا بِالبِعادِ
3. You shepherded the return with renewed rancor
And changed your aspiration for leadership.
٣. وَرَعَيتَ الإِيابَ غَضاً جَديداً
وَتَبَدَّلتَ مُطمَحاً بِالقِيادِ
4. When the brave girded up his robes
For God's sake, what a day of strife!
٤. وَإِذا ما الشَجاعُ شَمَّرَ بُردَي
هِ فَلِلَّهِ أَيُّ يَومِ جِلادِ
5. Our land yielded in every place
And the lightnings of the valleys responded to us.
٥. أَمرَعَت أَرضُنا بِكُلِّ مَكانٍ
وَاِستَجابَت لَنا بُروقُ الغَوادي
6. Every horizon bestowed its showers upon us
And every valley sent us its floods.
٦. وَحَبانا بِوَبلِهِ كُلُّ أُفقٍ
وَأَتانا بِسَيلِهِ كُلُّ وادِ
7. Is it time for wishes to demand
A need whose expectation was prolonged in hearts?
٧. أَتُرى آنَ لِلمُنى أَن تُقاضي
حاجَةٍ طالَ مَطلُها في الفُؤادِ
8. Between anxiety lurking in the writhing of lightning,
And resolve upon the withers of steeds.
٨. بَينَ هَمٍّ تَحتَ المَناسِمِ مَطرو
حٍ وَعَزمٍ عَلى ظُهورِ الجِيادِ
9. And skill that is impaired each day
By chasing away or pursuit by chasers.
٩. وَمَهارٍ يَكُدُّها كُلَّ يَومٍ
طَرَدٌ أَو قَوارِحُ في الطَرادِ
10. From hearts that have fluctuation in resolve
And hands that are facile with hands.
١٠. مِن قُلوبٍ لَها التَقَلُّبُ في العَز
مِ وَأَيدٍ طَليقَةٍ بِالأَيادي
11. The aspirants care not where they climb,
And the pinnacle of glory is the secure pillar.
١١. ما يُبالي الهُمامُ أَينَ تَرَقّى
وَخَباءُ العُلى أَمينُ العِمادِ
12. O life by which every living grieves
And the sequence of which is woeful in the valleys,
١٢. يا حَياةً يَشجى بِها كُلُّ حَيٍّ
وَالتَوالي شَجِيَّةٌ بِالهَوادي
13. If he who feigns devotion to you ascends, destinations
Are twisted upon the heights.
١٣. إِن سَما بِالنِفاقِ غَيرُكَ فَالأَو
عالُ مَلوِيَّةٌ عَلى الأَطوادِ
14. Or if he takes your gifts, man is deserving of blame
When he checks the rein of his steed.
١٤. أَو تَعاطى مَداكَ فَالمَرءُ مَسبو
قٌ إِذا كَفَّ مِن عِنانِ الجَوادِ
15. You stirred the will to glory but
The torrent produces lightness in the solid.
١٥. حَرَّكَت عَزمَةَ المَعالي وَلَكِن
يُحدِثُ السَيلُ خِفَّةً في الجَمادِ
16. How can the generous employ and expend wealth
Other than one who profits from the lesson?
١٦. كَيفَ يَستَعمِلُ السَماحَ وَبَذلَ ال
مالِ غَيرُ المُعَلِّمِ المُستَفادِ
17. We are in a league that sees injustice as justice
And names misguidance the house of right guidance.
١٧. نَحنُ في عُصبَةٍ تَرى الجَورَ عَدلاً
وَتُسَمّي الضَلالَ دارَ رَشادِ
18. Amongst men the heights were shaken by the delegation of glory
And homelands prevailed over the expanses.
١٨. في رِجالٍ تَهزا بِوَفدِ المَعالي
وَدِيارٍ تَسطو عَلى الوُرّادِ
19. You are only God's blessing in the land
If you are a scourge to the slaves.
١٩. إِنَّما أَنتَ نِعمَةُ اللَهِ في الأَر
ضِ إِذا كانَ نِقمَةً لِلعِبادِ
20. You have a nature recognized by the nights
And discerned in it is every sedentary and nomad:
٢٠. لَكَ طَبعٌ تَعَرَّفَتهُ اللَيالي
وَاِمتَرى فيهِ كُلُّ قارٍ وَبادي
21. Appointing the severity of threat against the days
A servant to the tenderness of the appointed time.
٢١. جاعِلٌ قَسوَةَ الوَعيدِ عَلى الأَي
يامِ عَبداً لِرِقَّةِ الميعادِ
22. Can a miser be other than miserly
Or can a generous man be other than generous?
٢٢. أَيَكونُ البَخيلُ غَيرَ بَخيلٍ
أَم يَكونُ الجَوادُ غَيرَ جَوادِ
23. May time be rid of every misery,
Manifest serious, pure ancestry,
٢٣. لَأَجارَ الزَمانُ مِن كُلِّ بُؤسٍ
ظاهِرَ الجَدِّ طاهِرَ الأَجدادِ
24. Joys by which eyes rejoice
As the eyes of visitors rejoice in vegetation.
٢٤. فَرِحاتٌ بِهِ العُيونُ كَما تَف
رَحُ بِالعُشبِ أَعيُنُ الرُوّادِ
25. Clear in purpose, humble in pretense,
Sweetening innuendo and assistance.
٢٥. واضِحُ العَزمِ مُتلَئِبُّ المَطايا
مُستَطيبُ الإِتهامِ وَالإِنجادِ
26. His palm took up the rock of resolve
That pounded the cliffs with seekers.
٢٦. أَخَذَت كَفُّهُ بِصَخرَةِ عَزمٍ
دَوَّخَت بِالطِلابِ هامَ البِلادِ
27. And a coward whom he turned away from so he passed the night
Tossing and turning from the clashing of the shields.
٢٧. وَجَبانٍ لَوَيتَ عَنهُ فَأَمسى
وَجِلَ العَينِ مِن قِراعِ الرُقادِ
28. As if the eyelids were upon the beholders
The thorns of prickly pears.
٢٨. مُستَطيراً كَأَنَّ هُدّابَ جَفنَي
هِ عَلى الناظِرَينِ شَوكُ القَتادِ
29. May God not appease one who betrayed your covenant
And reciprocated your affection with hatred!
٢٩. لا أَقالَ الإِلَهُ مَن خانَكَ العَه
دَ وَجازاكَ بَغضَةً بِالوَدادِ
30. He thought imprisonment was baseness to you
While the pastures are protected by flooding.
٣٠. ظَنَّ بِالعَجزِ أَنَّ حَبسَكَ ذُلٌّ
وَالمَواضي تُصانُ بِالإِغمادِ
31. Time fell short of its height yet it had been
With that gazelle long of stride.
٣١. قَصَّرَ الدَهرُ مِن ذُراهُ وَقَد كا
نَ بِتِلكَ الظُبى طَويلَ النِجادِ
32. And time humiliated you after you
When it had been among the proudest of worshipers.
٣٢. وَأَذَلَّ الزَمانُ بَعدَكَ عِطفَي
هِ وَقَد كانَ مِن أَعَزِّ العِبادِ
33. You were a lion and he was a wolf but
Forms do not delight in contraries.
٣٣. كُنتَ لَيثاً وَكانَ ذِئباً وَلَكِن
لا تَلَذُّ الأَشكالُ بِالأَضدادِ
34. And he went to excess with what he gained over the days
Until excess gained over him.
٣٤. وَتَمادى بِما جَناهُ عَلى الأَي
يامِ حَتّى جَنى عَلَيهِ التَمادي
35. His palm relented to the deaths
After he had not been one of the generous.
٣٥. سَمَحَت كَفُّهُ بِهِ لِلمَنايا
بَعدَ أَن لَم يَكُن مِنَ الأَجوادِ
36. He thought the course would be long while in hopes
Is what cannot be attained by exertion.
٣٦. ظَنَّ أَنَّ المَدى يَطولُ وَفي الآ
مالِ ما لا يُعانُ بِالإِجدادِ
37. Every living deceives life with fate
And each surpasses it with disasters.
٣٧. كُلُّ حَيٍّ يُغالِطُ العَيشَ بِالدَه
رِ وَكُلٌّ تَعدو عَلَيهِ العَوادي
38. If we returned to reason certainly
We would see death in birth.
٣٨. لَو رَجَعنا إِلى العُقولِ يَقيناً
لَرَأَينا المَماتَ في الميلادِ
39. Why does not the sick seek the dove?
Fate ruled its judgment in him.
٣٩. كَيفَ لا يَطلُبُ الحِمامَ عَليلٌ
حَكَّمَ الدَهرُ فيهِ رَأيَ المَعادِ
40. If visitation were allowed him one day
He would have expended the coarseness of the visitors.
٤٠. لَو أُجيزَت لَهُ العِيادَةُ يَوماً
لَقَضى مِن فَظاظَةِ العُوّادِ
41. Or attacked an assembly whose wounds
Were slit by the tongues of the people there.
٤١. أَو تَصَدّى لَمَجمَعٍ جَرَحَتهُ
أَلسُنُ القَومِ بِالعُيونِ الحِدادِ
42. Thus souls gain from enemies
The cold of hearts and livers.
٤٢. هَكَذا تُدرِكُ النُفوسُ مِنَ الأَع
داءِ بَردَ القُلوبِ وَالأَكبادِ
43. Every imprisonment becomes slight with nights
After imprisoning souls in bodies.
٤٣. كُلُّ حَبسٍ يَهونُ عِندَ اللَيالي
بَعدَ حَبسِ الأَرواحِ في الأَجسادِ
44. And you regained what you wished and sorrows
Are scattered upon hatreds.
٤٤. وَتَدارَكتَ ما تَمَنّيتَ وَالأَح
شاءُ مَزرورَةٌ عَلى الأَحقادِ
45. You got some and you will attain all
The torrent is after the dripping of the spout.
٤٥. نِلتَ بَعضاً وَسَوفَ تُدرِكُ كُلّاً
إِنَّما السَيلُ بَعدَ قَطرِ العِهادِ
46. What passed will not be repeated by nights
And foolish talk is not renewable.
٤٦. مِثلَ ما مَرَّ لا تُعيدُ اللَيالي
وَالحَديثُ السَفيهُ غَيرُ مُعادِ
47. How many a day I witnessed it and death
Casts its spears from the mountaintops,
٤٧. رُبَّ يُومٍ شَهِدتُهُ وَالمَنايا
تَطرَحُ الطَعنَ مِن رُؤوسِ الصِعادِ
48. While the gazelle pelts the clouds and the water of the pool
Flows over the hillsides and the lowlands.
٤٨. وَالظُبى تَقذِفُ الغُمودَ وَماءُ ال
نَقعِ جارٍ عَلى الرُبى وَالوِهادِ
49. It deployed the horses with neighing and the deception
Of horses had been a refuge for bodies.
٤٩. خَلَّقَ الخَيلَ بِالنَجيعِ وَكانَت
غُرَرُ الخَيلِ مَعقِلاً لِلجِسادِ
50. O reproacher of time with the call of morning
Aspirant in wishes accomplished in purpose.
٥٠. يا قَريعَ الزَمانِ دِعوَةَ صَبٍّ
بِالأَماني مُتَيَّمٍ بِالمُرادِ
51. The tongues of assemblies will have one day
The vigor of praise in every club.
٥١. لَكَ إِن ذُمَّتِ المَحاضِرُ يَوماً
عُنفُوانُ الثَناءِ في كُلِّ نادِ
52. The Feast looked upon you like a full moon appearing
Briefly to the gazers upon feasts.
٥٢. نَظَرَ العيدُ مِنكَ بَدراً تَخَفّى
بُرهَةً عَن نَواظِرِ الأَعيادِ
53. So joy sneaked in and today is
Decked out in margins soiled in hail.
٥٣. فَتَهَنَّ السُرورَ فَاليَومَ مَصقو
لُ الحَواشي مُجَرَّرُ الأَبرادِ
54. Of an aspiration whose removal is for abasement
And whose diminution is not for increase.
٥٤. مِن مَرامِ بِعادُهُ لِتَدانٍ
وَمُرادٍ نُقصانُهُ لَاِزدِيادِ
55. If we could over the wishes we would ransom
The owner of offerings from the gazelle with enemies.
٥٥. لَو قَدَرنا عَلى المُنى لَفَدَينا
ذي الأَضاحي مِنَ الظُبى بِالأَعادي
56. We only resemble you and resemblances are only
The natures of predators.
٥٦. إِنَّما نَحنُ مُشبِهوكَ وما الأَش
بالُ إِلّا طَبائِعُ الآسادِ
57. We are the embers from this flint
And the sparks from that kindling.
٥٧. نَحنُ ذاكَ الغِرارُ مِن هَذِهِ البي
ضِ وَذاكَ الشَرارُ مِن ذا الزِنادِ
58. This is my gift to you and the best poetry
Is what was a gift of recital.
٥٨. هَذِهِ تُحفَتي إِلَيكَ وَخَيرُ ال
شِعرِ ماكانَ تُحفَةَ الإِنشادِ
59. When I cast you into it my conscience
Surged for me an ocean with the best equipment.
٥٩. وَضَميري إِذا طَرَحتُكَ فيهِ
جاشَ لي بَحرُهُ بِخَيرِ العَتادِ
60. I am from the elite of the Prophet and none other
Is counted amongst the children.
٦٠. أَنا مِن صَفوَةِ النَبيِّ وَغَيري
وَلَدٌ لا يُعَدُّ في الأَولادِ