
With a kiss on my hand, I wished

ومقبل كفي وددت بأنه

1. With a kiss on my hand, I wished
That to my lips he had inclined.

١. وَمُقَبِّلٍ كَفّي وَدَدتُ بِأَنَّهُ
أَومى إِلى شَفَتَيَّ بِالتَقبيلِ

2. I chided him; between us lingered
Great bashfulness and tenderness feigned.

٢. جاذَبتُهُ فَضلَ العِتابِ وَبَينَنا
كِبَرُ المَلولِ وَرِقَّةُ المَملولِ

3. I noticed his slender waist-band,
As though locked with an easy clasp.

٣. وَلَحَظتُ عَقدَ نِطاقِهِ فَكَأَنَّما
عُقِدَ الجَمالُ بِقُرطَقٍ مَحلولِ

4. His open shirt would flutter free
Like boughs of the willow, supple and crisp.

٤. جَذلانُ يَنفُضُ مِن فُروجِ قَميصِهِ
أَعطافَ غُصنِ البانَةِ المَطلولِ

5. If only he were mine, and our homes
Not far apart, our means the same!

٥. مَن لي بِهِ وَالدارُ غَيرُ بَعيدَةٍ
عَن دارِهِ وَالمالُ غَيرُ قَليلِ