1. The ruins have beguiled me away from myself
And that they have not burdened me to endure
١. أَغَرَّ أَيّامِيَ مِنّي ذا الطَلَل
وَأَنَّها ما حَمَّلَتني أَحتَمِل
2. And that I am but a remnant of the first adventurers
Perchance the tent-pole may prevail upon the toil of pitching
٢. وَأَنَّني بَقِيَّةُ البُزلِ الأُوَل
قَد يَجسُرُ العَودُ عَلى طولِ العَمَل
3. Grey hairs, and I have not yet reached thirty
The coming of a guest to a niggardly host of ills
٣. شَيبٌ وَما جُزتُ الثَلاثينَ نَزَل
نُزولَ ضَيفٍ بِبَخيلٍ ذي عِلَل
4. Who turns his hearing away if the camel brays,
And says not, though the live coal fall: "Care!"
٤. يَصرِفُ عَنهُ السَمعَ إِن رَغا الجَمَل
وَلا يَقولُ إِن أَناخَ حَيَّ هَل
5. As though when he alighted in haste
Black growth that hoariness has entirely overgrown
٥. كَأَنَّهُ لَمّا طَرا عَلى عَجَل
سَوادُ نَبتٍ عَمَّهُ بَياضُ طَل
6. He brings anxiety and departs with death
So alas if he tarries and woe if he departs
٦. يَجيءُ بِالهَمِّ وَيَمضي بِالأَجَل
فَأوهِ إِن حَلَّ وَواهاً إِن رَحَل
7. A substitute for youth but no substitute
Swiftly the hide was incised and thickened
٧. أَبَدَلٌ مِنَ الشَبابِ لا بَدَل
سِرعانَ ما رَقَّ الأَديمُ وَنَغِل
8. Will it avail me in the valleys and hills
To extend the water-skins of the docile camels
٨. هَل يَنفَعَنّي في الوِهادِ وَالقُلَل
مَدُّ العَلابِيِّ مِنَ النوقِ الذُلُل
9. For lads whom open spaces have inured
To drink their water from the bowl
٩. في فِتيَةٍ عَوَّدَهُم جَوبُ السُبُل
أَن يَشرَبوا ماءَهُم عَلى المَقَل
10. They wrap themselves in coverings of sloth at night
And flash their shanks bare of entangling robes
١٠. يَنضونَ بِاللَيلِ غُلالاتِ الكَسَل
وَيَستَسِلّونَ الكَرى مِنَ المُقَل
11. If they are summoned to the raiding and the sublime words
You would think their arms were rotten palm-fiber
١١. إِذا دُعوا لِلطَعنِ وَالخَطبُ جَلَل
حَسِبتَ أَيديهِم مِنَ القَنا الذُبُل
12. They leave behind traces of raids uneffaced
From every spittle-lathering mouth, as the hyena mumbled
١٢. يُبقونَ آثاراً مِنَ الطَعنِ نَجَل
مِن كُلِّ فَوهاءَ كَما ضَغَّ الوَعِل
13. Hoping in her who bore them hearing without end
"Thus," says he who beheld them in fright, "the raider neither blind nor lame!"
١٣. يَطمَعُ في حامِلِها السِمعُ الأَزَل
يَقولُ مَن عايَنَها مِنَ الوَجَل
14. Every day I hamstring the hyena
And eat with the fox the entrails of camels
١٤. كَذا الطِعانُ لا عَمىً وَلا شَلَل
في كُلِّ يَومٍ أَنا مِخماصُ الأُصُل
15. I demolish what the brindled lizard and jerboa build
Among the tracks of the grouse and the sand
١٥. آكُلُ بِالمَيسِ غَوارِبَ الإِبِل
أَهدُمُ ما يَبني السَنامُ وَالكَفَل
16. Wrapped in the cloak of striped Yemen cloth and the mantle
Viewing with the jackal of flaming tail
١٦. بَينَ عَجاريفِ العَنيقِ وَالرَمَل
مُشتَمِلاً بُردَ الجَنوجَبِ وَالشَمَل
17. And vanishing with the darkness and the whelp
Exposing myself to livelihood while earning a living is harder
١٧. وَطالِعاً مَعَ الشَميطِ ذي الشُعَل
وَغارِباً مَعَ الظَلامِ وَالطَفَل
18. And tight-fistedness if it be said "Give!"
Restore what the days have given you pure and limpid
١٨. تَعَرُّضاً لِلرِزقِ وَالرِزقُ أَشَل
وَشَنجِ الكَفِّ إِذا قيلَ بَذَل
19. And what disasters have stripped you, discard
While you remain squatting upon the saddle-skins of camels
١٩. رِد ما سَقاكَ الدَهرُ عَلّاً وَنَهَل
وَما حَذَتكَ النائِباتُ فِاِنتَعِل
20. Lingering each day over departing
Whoever shuns raiding will not be given largesse
٢٠. ما دُمتَ جَثّاماً عَلى نِضوِ الإِبِل
مُسَوَّفاً في كُلِّ يَومٍ بِالرِحَل
21. Your life has passed while you are occupied
Venture upon the terrors if you are a man
٢١. مَن لَم يُعانِ الغَزوَ لَم يُعطَ النَفَل
قَدِ اِنقَضى العُمرُ وَأَنتَ في شَغَل
22. And attain with the points of spears what none attained
Whoever seeks glory without the sword earns shame
٢٢. فَاِجسُر عَلى الأَهوالِ إِن كُنتَ رَجُل
وَنَل بِأَطرافِ القَنا ما لَم يُنَل
23. Press on toward glory, even if on all fours
And escape disgrace as the hero escapes
٢٣. مَن طَلَبَ العِزَّ بِغَيرِ السَيفِ ذَل
وَاِمشِ إِلى المَجدِ وَلَو عَلى الأَسَل
24. He who does not weaken after it, no anguish for him!
٢٤. وَاِنجُ مِنَ الهَونِ كَما يَنجو البَطَل
مَن لَم يَئِل مِن بَعدِها فَلا وَأَل