1. Standing looking at the ruins is this observer,
Suffering illness is enough for him that he stayed up with you.
١. وَقفٌ عَلى العَبَراتِ هَذا الناظِرُ
وَكَفاهُ سُقماً أَنَّهُ بِكِ ساهِرُ
2. Give him back what glistened in his glance,
Your cheek and the fresh, leafy branch.
٢. رُدّي عَليهِ ما نَضا مِن لَحظِهِ
خَدّاكِ وَالغُصنُ الوَريقُ الناضِرُ
3. So you are safe from any blamer blaming you
For the excess of love, or any admirer deluding you,
٣. فَلَأَنتِ آمَنُ أَن يَلومَكِ عاذِلٌ
في فَرطِ حُبٍّ أَو يَغُرَّكَ عاذِرُ
4. This is separation, and you know more of passion,
So beware - the days of the lover are fickle.
٤. هَذا الفِراقُ وَأَنتِ أَعلَمُ بِالهَوى
فَاِرعَي فَأَيّامُ المُحِبِّ غَوادِرُ
5. I ransom anyone who made the sanctuary of love lawful
So it was entered openly by riders and walkers.
٥. وَأَنا الفِداءُ لِمَن أَباحَ حِمى الهَوى
فَغَدَت تَطاهُ مَناسِمٌ وَحَوافِرُ
6. I fear to meet you stealing a glance
That gives birth to fidelity, though its mother is barren.
٦. حوشيتِ أَن أَلقاكَ سارِقَ لَحظَةٍ
تَلِدُ الوَفاءَ وَأُمُّ عَهدِكِ عاقِرُ
7. In my cares, I tried to be distracted,
But imagination's vision came to me unbidden.
٧. وَأَبى الهَوى ما كِدتُ أَسلو في الكَرى
اِلّا اِرتَقى طَرفي الخَيالُ الزائِرُ
8. Today, distance has judged in its decrees,
So it is as if the means to fidelity are crimes.
٨. اليَومَ جارَ البَينُ في أَحكامِهِ
فَكَأَنَّ أَسبابَ الوَفاءِ جَرائِرُ
9. These abodes whose winding paths
The early cloud avoided, leaving them desolate,
٩. هَذي الدِيارُ لَها بِمُنعَرَجِ اللِوى
قَفراً تَجَنَّبَها الغَمامُ الباكِرُ
10. A land where I say to the wild cows roaming it:
If I stumble, my heart has caused me to stumble.
١٠. أَرضٌ أَقولُ بِها لِسانِحَةِ المَها
أَنا إِن عَثَرنَ لَعاً وَقَلبي العاثِرُ
11. She said, as my tears flooded my cheeks:
What has time, ceaselessly turning, done!
١١. قالَت وَقَد غَمرَت دُموعي وَجنَتي
لِلَّهِ ما فَعَلَ المَحَلُّ الدائِرُ
12. I turned my face from the beloved out of nobility
And showed him that my eyelids are breakers.
١٢. أَغضَيتُ عَن وَجهِ الحَبيبِ تَكَرُّماً
وَأَرَيتُهُ أَنَّ الجُفونَ كَواسِرُ
13. Come to me, it is enough for me a glance by which
I look my fill, for its resting place is al-Husayn's brilliant face.
١٣. هَب لي وَحَسبي نَظرَةٌ أَرنو بِها
فَمَقَرُّها وَجهُ الحُسَينِ الزاهِرُ
14. Were the new moon to adorn his brow,
Thoughts and glances would throng to kiss it.
١٤. فَلَثَمَّ أَبلَجُ إِن أَهَلَّ جَبينُهُ
جَمَحَت إِلَيهِ خَواطِرٌ وَنَواظِرُ
15. The clouds draw near, so before long they will fold
Their shadowy folds around your wide, raining courtyard.
١٥. قَرُبَ الغَمامُ فَعَن قَريبٍ يَنثَني
فَيَبُلُّ مَربَعَكَ العَريضُ الماطِرُ
16. If you travel by land, the solitudes are gathering places,
Or lead horsemen, then the saddles are pulpits.
١٦. إِن حَلَّ بيداً فَالخَلاءُ مَحافِلٌ
أَو قادَ خَيلاً فَالسُروجُ مَنابِرُ
17. O son of great ones, you stayed nowhere
But that the mention of you flows free with generosity.
١٧. يا اِبنَ الأَكابِرِ لا أَقَمتَ بِمَشهَدٍ
إِلّا وَذِكرُكَ في المَكارِمِ سائِرُ
18. You never traveled until the fame of your description went first,
Then you followed it, though your care was for what comes after.
١٨. ما سِرتَ حَتّى سارَ نَعتُكَ أَوَّلاً
فَسَرَيتَ تَتبَعُهُ وَهَمُّكَ آخِرُ
19. The rains poured to you through the knot of the rope,
For the clouds are enchanting wherever they go.
١٩. نَفَثَت لَكَ الأَمطارُ في عُقدِ الرُبى
فَقَصَدتَها إِنَّ الغَمامَ لَساحِرُ
20. Your mount abases itself wherever you travel, as if
The smooth-gaited camel was charged by the jerboa and hedgehog to serve you.
٢٠. ذَلِّل رِكابَكَ أَينَ سِرتَ كَأَنَّما
وَصّى المَطِيَّ بِكَ الجَديلُ وَداعِرُ
21. It does no harm to one who drinks the dove's water despite himself,
Frightening him - while you subdue it.
٢١. ما ضَرَّ مَن شَرِبَ الحِمامَ تَكَرُّهاً
بِظُباكَ في رَوعٍ وَأَنتَ تُعاقِرُ
22. Do not ever try to strike the staff of enemies,
For you are equal to whatever brings humiliation.
٢٢. قُضُبَ الأَعادي لا تَرومي ضَربَهُ
أَبَداً فَأَنتِ لِما يَخُدُّ مَسابِرُ
23. I traveled my time but did not reach any goal
Before praise flowed free of me though I did not seek it.
٢٣. سايَرتُ أَزماني فَلَم أَبلُغ مَدىً
حَتّى اِستَقَلَّ بي الثَناءُ السائِرُ
24. I accompanied the days of love and saw them
A pasture whose people were maidens and chaste women.
٢٤. وَصَحِبتُ أَيّامَ الهَوى فَرَأَيتُها
سَرحاً حَمَتهُ عَواذِلٌ وَعَواذِرُ
25. And I saw the greatest sight I ever saw
Contended over by one who commands and one who forbids.
٢٥. وَرَأَيتُ أَكبَرَ ما رَأَيتُ مُتَيَّماً
مُتَنازِعاهُ آمِرٌ أَو زاجِرُ
26. After love, I regretted obeying it
And disobeyed my resolves, which are commands.
٢٦. فَنَدِمتُ بَعدَ الحُبِّ كَيفَ أُطيعُهُ
وَعَصَيتُ عَزماتي وَهُنَّ أَوامِرُ
27. I weep for the days while they laugh
In another's face, and he wanders among them confused.
٢٧. أَبكي عَلى الأَيّامِ وَهيَ ضَواحِكٌ
في وَجهِ غَيري وَهوَ فيها حائِرُ
28. If an eyelid had turned white, my black-eyed glance
Would have turned white from all the events I have witnessed.
٢٨. لَو شابَ طَرفٌ شابَ أَسوَدُ ناظِري
مِن طولِ ما أَنا في الحَوادِثِ ناظِرُ
29. Or if this sun were to change color one day
It would dye my hair from all the time I have been deprived.
٢٩. أَو أَنَّ هَذي الشَمسَ تَصبُغُ لِمَّةً
صَبَغَت شَواتي طولَ ما أَنا حاسِرُ
30. Or if the sociable were to make friends with the desolate one day,
The ostrich that avoided flowers would pasture there.
٣٠. أَو كانَ يَأنَسُ بِالأَنيسِ أَوابِدٌ
يَوماً لَزَمَّ لِيَ النِعامُ النافِرُ
31. Glory is only in traveling, and praise only
In homelands, while the one who stays behind is the loser.
٣١. ما المَجدُ إِلّا في السُرى وَالحَمدُ إِل
لا في القِرى وَالمُستَغِرُّ الخاسِرُ
32. Tomorrow I will walk my stallion between Hatitat
And Wadaika, which no rain saturates,
٣٢. وَغَداً أُمَشّي العيسَ بَينَ حَطيطَةٍ
وَوَديقَةٍ لَم يُغنِ فيها ماطِرُ
33. Its lips bleed and its mouth drips thickened blood
While the hooves knock together bones.
٣٣. تَندى مَناسِمُها دَماً وَشِفاهُها
تَندى لُغاماً وَالخِفافُ مَشافِرُ
34. And night spreads out its arriving wings
Until it hurls us into sleep while fleeing.
٣٤. يَخبِطنَ أَجوازَ الصَفيحِ عَلى الوَجى
وَاللَيلُ مُنتَشِرُ القَوادِمِ طائِرُ
35. Bay horses as if their eyes in their forelock
Were hearts that turned away from blossoms.
٣٥. بَينا يُوَسِّدُنا الكَرى أَعضادَها
حَتّى قَذَفنَ النَومَ وَهيَ نَوافِرُ
36. When they cross the water of a valley, its width spans
Them like racing mares.
٣٦. خوصٌ كَأَنَّ عُيونَها في هامِها
قُلبٌ بَعُدنَ عَنِ الوُرودِ غَوائِرُ
37. To you the excellent horses went lightly,
Tribes and buildings are rounded up by them.
٣٧. وَإِذا عَبَرنَ بِماءِ وادٍ جُزتَهُ
عُجُلاً يَخِدنَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ صَوادِرُ
38. They bear lovers intoxicated when they traveled;
Beneath the darkness, graves were lifted up to them.
٣٨. وَإِلَيكَ أَنحَلَتِ الفَلا أَخفافَها
تُطوى بِهِنَّ قَبائِلٌ وَعَمائِرُ
39. They shared the afflictions of their pacing mount
So it was as if the packs atop them were also burdened.
٣٩. يَحمِلنَ رَكباً مُغرَمينَ إِذا سَروا
رُفِعَت لَهُم تَحتَ الظَلامِ عَقائِرُ
40. If you tasked them, the turns of time would have come to you
Panting as they sped to you.
٤٠. نَحِلوا مِنَ البَلوى نُحولَ مَطِيِّهِم
فَضَوامِرٌ مِن فَوقِهِنَّ ضَوامِرُ
41. With your patience as the gazelles separate
Between valleys and the canyons, contending.
٤١. فَأَتَتكَ لَو كَلَّفتَ ما كَلَّفتَها
نُوَبَ الزَمانِ أَتَتكَ وَهيَ زَوافِرُ
42. Today is blackened by its night
Veils and curtains protected you from it.
٤٢. لِلَّهِ صَبرُكَ حَيثُ تَفتَرِقُ الظُبى
بَينَ الهَوادي وَالقَنا مُتَشاجِرُ
43. Where the birds' way was closed off
Until the ostrich shepherded whatever was in the reserves.
٤٣. وَاليَومُ أَسوَدُ لِمَّةً مِن لَيلِهِ
سَتَرَتكَ مِنهُ ذَوائِبٌ وَغَدائِرُ
44. The sun's cheek took from it a black stain,
And the light testifies that your face is radiant.
٤٤. في حَيثُ سُدَّ عَلى الطُيورِ مَجالُها
حَتّى رَعى ما في الوُكورِ الطائِرُ
45. A day when the fledglings wish their chests
Could tally what your hands have done as girths.
٤٥. لَثَّمتَ خَدَّ الشَمسِ مِنهُ بِأَسوَدٍ
وَالنورُ يَشهَدُ أَنَّ وَجهَكَ سافِرُ
46. The captives push their palms into their purses
Set against what they pushed away of spear and sword points.
٤٦. يَومٌ تَوَدُّ السُمرُ أَنَّ صُدورَها
لِتَعُدَّ ما كَسَبَت يَداكَ خَناصِرُ
47. So the women have tatters of rent clothing
And the men have forgiveness for the little they possess.
٤٧. وَالسَبيُ تَعصِفُ بِالجُيوبِ أَكُفُّها
في جَنبِ ما عَصَفَت قَناً وَبَواتِرُ
48. They turned, covering their heads with their hands,
As if those palms were shovels.
٤٨. فَعَلى النِساءِ مِنَ الخُروقِ يَلامِقٌ
وَعَلى الرِجالِ مِنَ النَجيعِ مَغافِرُ
49. You sacrificed the bodies of the champions to the wild beasts
So they knew you were supreme among them.
٤٩. وَلَّوا وَأَيديهِم عَلى هاماتِهِم
فَكَأَنَّما تِلكَ الأَكُفُّ مَعاجِرُ
50. Where do you wed when the meadows are empty
For the camels of your camel herd, and the wild beasts roam free?
٥٠. وَبَذَلتَ أَجسادَ الكُماةِ لِوَحشَةٍ
فَعَلِمنَ أَنَّكَ أَنتَ فيهِ الظافِرُ
51. When you make peace, the poisons are streaming;
When you make war, the soft winds flee.
٥١. أَنّى تُعَرِّسُ فَالرِياضُ مَطافِلٌ
لِسَوامِ إِبلِكَ وَالوُحوشُ جَآذِرُ
52. As if your spear is one that drinks the blood of heroes
And your sword one that slaughters skulls.
٥٢. وَإِذا تُسالِمُ فَالسَمومُ صَوارِدٌ
وَإِذا تُحارِبُ فَالنَسيمُ هَواجِرُ
53. If the spheres knew I was your son,
They would not be pleased that I am allied to the heavens!
٥٣. وَكَأَنَّ رُمحَكَ حالِبٌ لِدَمِ الطُلى
وَكَأَنَّ سَيفَكَ في الجَماجِمِ جازِرُ
54. It is enough, by your generosity, that I praise you,
And enough, by my glory, that I pride myself on you.
٥٤. لَو تَعلَمُ الأَفلاكُ أَنَّكَ والِدي
لَم تَرضَ أَنّي لِلسَماءِ مُصاهِرُ
55. The one graced by my praises,
Which clothed him in virtues and glories, was prompted by passion.
٥٥. وَبِحَسبِ جودِكَ أَنَّني لَكَ مادِحٌ
وَبِحَسبِ مَجدي أَنَّني بِكَ فاخِرُ
56. Praise of his noble traits proliferated in praising him
As if his eloquent praiser was chatting idly.
٥٦. إِنَّ الَّذي حَلَّتهُ غُرُّ مَدائِحي
نَدبٌ كَساهُ مَفاخِرٌ وَمَآثِرُ
57. He guaranteed eternity by his own self, so if
This age vanished, time past would restore him.
٥٧. كَثُرَت نُعوتُ صِفاتِهِ في مَدحِهِ
فَكَأَنَّ مادِحَهُ المُفُوَّهَ سامِرُ
58. Today, how many hopes rest in his chest to reward you
And how many backs bent in weakness to thank you!
٥٨. كَفَلَ البَقاءَ بِنَفسِهِ فَلَوِ اِنقَضى
ذا الدَهرُ عاوَدَهُ الزَمانُ الغابِرُ
59. O company of the young in their prime
My praises reach you while ancestral deeds are remembered.
٥٩. وَاليَومَ كَم في صَدرِهِ لَكَ آمِلٌ
يُعطى وَكَم في عَجزِهِ لَكَ شاكِرُ
60. I was pleased for you to be praised in time
And your ascent does not please me to be a poet!
٦٠. أَمُعَشِّرَ الأَحداثِ في أَذيالِها
ناجاكَ مَدحي وَالجُدودُ عَواثِرُ
٦١. إِنّي رَضيتُكَ في الزَمانِ مُمَدَّحاً
وَعُلاكَ لا تَرضى بِأَنِّيَ شاعِرُ