
O abode of one who after me has killed passion,

يا دار من قتل الهوى بعدي

1. O abode of one who after me has killed passion,
They have found none like the passion that was mine,

١. يا دارُ مَن قَتَلَ الهَوى بَعدي
وَجَدوا وَلامِثلَ الَّذي عِندي

2. Marvel not, O abode, that they
Have recited poems, and he who finds will recite,

٢. لا تَعجَبي يا دارُ أَنَّهُمُ
أَبدوا وَمَن يَكُ واجِداً يُبدي

3. A youth nigh upon his time, methinks,
Of wantons, though my time is past,

٣. رَبعٌ قَريبُ العَهدِ أَحسَبُهُ
بِالظاعِنينَ وَقَد مَضى عَهدي

4. Had one but stirred the ashes with his hand,
He'd see the remnants glowing embers yet.

٤. لَو حَرَّكَت ذاكَ الرَمادَ يَدٌ
لَرَأَت بَقايا الجَمرِ وَالوَقدِ

5. Truly, thy wall, when the breeze spreads
The ringlets of the myrtle branch, delights me,

٥. إِنّي لَيُعجِبُني حِماكَ إِذا
نَشَرَ النَسيمُ ذَوائِبَ الرَندِ

6. And water polishes it, as the winds reveal
The doubled intertwining branches of the lote-tree.

٦. وَالماءُ تَصقُلُهُ الرِياحُ كَما
أَبدى العِيابُ مُضاعَفَ السَردِ

7. A lovely damsel in thy shade draws nigh
To give the myrtle's spicy fragrance to the sick man,

٧. حَيّا مَريضَ ثَراكَ غادِيَةٌ
تُعطيهِ ريحَ العَنبَرِ الوَردِ

8. Or a slim-waisted figure sways between the trailing skirts
That twist and twine like candle-wicks.

٨. أَو ذاتُ نَهدٍ بَينَ سارِيَةٍ
تَتَلَوَّيانِ تَلَوِّيَ القِدِّ

9. Lightning flashes, gleaming through her,
And thunder startles at the sound of her anklets' bells.

٩. يَتَشَقَّقُ البَرقُ اللَموعُ بِها
وَتَروعُهُ بِتَهَزُّمِ الرَعدِ

10. I have a gesturing glance that will not waken ardour,
That sheds tears copiously and beats against my cheek,

١٠. لي مُقلَةٌ ما تَستَفيقُ جَوىً
تَدمى وَيَقرَعُ ماؤُها خَدّي

11. And tender looks that find no warmth, nor yet
Conceal or hide my constant passion.

١١. وَالعيسُ ما وَجَدَت تَحِنُّ وَلا
تُخفي وَأَكتُمُ دائِماً وَجدي

12. Blame visits me from days that know no pity,
Though some blame profits not.

١٢. وَمَلامُ أَيّامٍ وَلَيسَ لَها
عَطفٌ وَبَعضُ اللَومِ لا يُجدي

13. In a world whose blows strike constantly
One knows, and its declining is infectious.

١٣. لاخَيرَ في دُنيا نَوائِبُها
تَدري وَداءُ مَنونِها يُعدي

14. Think not sustenance is out of reach;
Sustenance is between the lion's paws.

١٤. لا تَحسَبَنَّ الرِزقَ مُطَّرَحاً
فَالرِزقُ بَينَ مَواضِعِ الأُسدِ

15. And many a dear companion have I ventured on
Whose whim was as the gnat's towards a rose.

١٥. وَلَرُبَّ مَصحوبٍ غَرِضتُ بِهِ
غَرَضَ الخَوامِسِ مِن قَذى الوِردِ

16. I offered up my hand, then snatched it back,
Lest his frivolity should stain my earnestness.

١٦. دانى يَدي فَنَفَضتُها حَذَراً
مِن أَن يُدَنِّسَ هَزلُهُ جِدّي

17. And one who, having not responded for a time,
At last accedes, is like the water rising out of solid ice.

١٧. وَمُبَخَّلٍ إِن جادَ بَعدَ مَدىً
فَالماءُ يَطلُعُ مِن صَفاً صَلدِ

18. What road leads to contentment nowadays
In such an age, with life so soft and pleasant?

١٨. كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى بُلَهنِيَةٍ
في ذا الزَمانِ وَعَيشَةٍ رَغدِ

19. Each night I have a wish and expectations
I have blocked up with my own strength.

١٩. في كُلِّ لَيلٍ لي وَقودُ مُنىً
وَمَطامِعٌ وَسَّدتُها عَضدي

20. A man attains not his desires, but is led
From trifling to earnest business.

٢٠. وَالمَرءُ ما أَرضى أَمانَيهُ
يَنقادُ مِن لَعِبٍ إِلى جِدِّ

21. My face is a wide field for censure, yet have I no fear
Of facing heat and cold.

٢١. وَجهي مَجالٌ لِلطَعانِ فَما
خَوفي لِقاءَ الحَرِّ وَالبَردِ

22. With my blood I will drink to the glory
And strive after the highest with all my power.

٢٢. فَلَأَشرَبَنَّ مَناقِباً بِدَمي
وَلَأَنقُبَنَّ عَلى العُلى جُهدي

23. I will roam with my love in crooked paths
Between the rugged heights and valleys.

٢٣. وَلَأُرحِلَنَّ العيسَ مَرحَلَةً
عَوجاءَ بَينَ القورِ وَالوَهدِ

24. Grant me to meet the one whose love delights me,
At whose greeting my sorrows disappear!

٢٤. عَلّي أُلاقي مَن أُسَرُّ بِهِ
وَيُفَلُّ عِندَ لِقائِهِ كَدّي

25. And I will recant the blame of Time, if
My hands can clasp the hands of my father Saʿdī.

٢٥. وَأَتوبُ مِن ذَمِّ الزَمانِ إِذا
عَلِقَت يَدايَ يَدي أَبي سَعدي

26. O my friend, though the days have been long absent him,
No day of mine fulfilled my promise to him.

٢٦. خُلّي وَإِن بَعُدَ الزَمانُ بِهِ
يَوماً وَما طَلَني بِهِ وَعدي

27. My eyes sought him out, for yearning toward him,
If their gaze turned from him, pierced my breast.

٢٧. وَمُطالِعي في الأُنسِ إِن لُوِيَت
عَنّي الرِقابُ وَلَجَّ في صَدّي

28. Think not this absence changed me;
Absence changes not a loving friend's affection.

٢٨. لا تَحسَبوا ذا البُعدَ غَيَّرَني
فَالبُعدُ غَيرُ مُغَيِّرٍ وِدّي

29. When a man has shown regard in presence,
He redoubles it over absence and distance.

٢٩. وَإِذا الفَتى حَسُنَت رِعايَتُهُ
في القُربِ ضاعَفَها عَلى البُعدِ

30. Were you to ask my blood, freely I would grant it,
Without disobedience or refusal.

٣٠. لَو تَسأَلونَ دَمي سَمَحتُ بِهِ
مِن غَيرِ مَعصِيَةٍ وَلا رَدِّ

31. Or had I skin to lend, when tongues wagged Death
Would clothe your nakedness with my skin.

٣١. أَو كانَ جِلدٌ يُستَعارُ إِذاً
يَومَ الطِعانِ لِعِرتُكُم جِلدي

32. Or were steps traced, I'd follow in your footsteps
Dragging my skirt behind you.

٣٢. أَو أَنَّ خُطواً يُستَرابُ بِهِ
مِنكُم سَحَبتُ وَراءَكُم بُردي

33. An accident of absence shone like the full moon,
Its trouble dispelled by a fortunate star,

٣٣. كانَت غَيابَةَ حادِثٍ فَجَلا
دَيجورَها قَمَرٌ مِنَ السَعدِ

34. And I sprang from it heedless,
Like a sword from the scabbard.

٣٤. وَنَهَصتُ مِنها غَيرَ مُكتَرِثٍ
مِثلَ الحُسامِ نَزا مِنَ الغِمدِ

35. God guard you! No purpose has overthrown you
That would cast down riders or piercing arrows.

٣٥. اللَهُ جارَكَ ما رَمَتكَ نَوىً
تُذري الرَكائِبَ أَو قَطا الجُردِ

36. I am he, if fate grows dark, who will
Show my face before you at dawn.

٣٦. وَأَنا الَّذي إِن تَدجُ نائِبَةٌ
يُصبِح أَمامَكَ مُوَرِياً زَندي