
Generous is he, who has two days to ensure

كريم له يومان قد كفلا له

1. Generous is he, who has two days to ensure
His lofty aims with might and munificence

١. كَريمٌ لَهُ يَومانِ قَد كَفِلا لَهُ
بِنَيلِ العُلى مِن بَأسِهِ وَسَخائِهِ

2. A sunny day of battle with swords ablaze
A rainy day of bounty and benevolence

٢. فَيَومُ نِزالٍ مُشمِسٌ مِن سُيوفِهِ
وَيَومُ نَوالٍ ماطِرٌ مِن عَطائِهِ