1. How much yearning for you and passion,
And rejection from you, and rejection!
١. كَم ذَميلٍ إِلَيكُمُ وَوَجيفِ
وَصُدودٍ عَنّا لَكُم وَصُدوفِ
2. And love for you - if only love
Brought benefit to the passionate lover -
٢. وَغَرامٌ بِكُم لَوَ اِنَّ غَراماً
جَرَّ نَفعاً لِلواجِدِ المَشغوفِ
3. Chastity, then virtue - evil does not harm
Love in every tryst with the chaste one.
٣. صَبوَةٌ ثُمَّ عِفَّةٌ ما أَضَرَّ ال
حُبَّ في كُلِّ خَلوَةٍ بِالعَفيفِ
4. They abandoned us, without blaming themselves, though they maintained
Contact with one who reproaches and censures.
٤. هَجَرونا وَلَم يُلاموا وَواصَل
نا عَلى مُؤلِمٍ مِنَ التَعنيفِ
5. And we sought loyalty until, when
Procrastination and delay became easy for us, we were content.
٥. وَطَلَبنا الوَفاءَ حَتّى إِذا عَ
زَ رَضينا بِالمَطلِ وَالتَسويفِ
6. How can one who was satisfied by passion hope for much
Until he was content with little?
٦. كَيفَ يَرجو الكَثيرَ مَن راضَهُ الشَو
قُ إِلى أَن رَضي بِبَذلِ الطَفيفِ
7. Between the sanctuary and the side of the sand dune
Are meanings from the conversations of the tall gazelles.
٧. إِنَّ بَينَ الحِمى إِلى جانِبِ الرَم
لِ مَعاناً مِنَ الظِباءِ الهيفِ
8. Givers - no, withholders - and the tearful ones do not complain
About necklaces and combs.
٨. عاطِياتٍ بَل عاطِلاتٍ وَما أَغ
نى الدُمى عَن قَلائِدٍ وَشُنوفِ
9. They confronted you with courage - it is challenged
By the glory of their souls in the swords.
٩. عارَضَتكَ الحُدوجُ بِالجِزعِ يُحدَي
نَ بِعِزِّ يَماتِهِم في السُيوفِ
10. Askers of the caravan, where is the rain cloud
From the atmosphere of the square and summer?
١٠. سائِلاتِ الرِفاقِ أَينَ مَصابُ ال
غَيثِ مِن جَوِّ مَربَعٍ وَمَصيفِ
11. With tents around which the tracks abound but are not
Satisfied with the patches of the roofs.
١١. وَبُدورٍ يَلِطُّ مِن دونِها النَق
عُ وَلا يَكتَفي بِلَطِّ السُجوفِ
12. The pleasure of union is remote when there is
Plunging into the spear and tearing through the ranks.
١٢. بَعُدَت شِقَّةُ الوِصالِ إِذا كا
نَ بِخَوضِ القَنا وَخَرقِ الصُفوفِ
13. And beyond that ridge of mirage
Is a barren expanse covered in gravel.
١٣. وَوَراءَ الغَبيطِ مِن ذَلِكَ السَر
بِ أَجَمٌّ مُبَرقَعٌ بِالنَصيفِ
14. A withholder who does not give generously of the water,
Distracted by fear of the spear and the neighing.
١٤. مانِعٌ لا يَجودُ بِالنَيلِ مَمنو
عٌ بِرَزٍ مِنَ القَنا وَحَفيفِ
15. Made of sticks immersed in the cold sweet
For a long time, and of a strong rod.
١٥. مِن أَقاحٍ غُمِسنَ في البارِدِ العَذ
بِ طَويلاً وَمِن قَضيبٍ قَضيفِ
16. A place where sorrows are assuaged and
Purity increases over the roads of the lofty plateau.
١٦. مَورِدٌ يَنقَعُ الغَليلَ وَيَزدا
دُ صَفاءً عَلى طُروقِ الرَشيفِ
17. Every day farewells of a hastening caravan
Or the effort of a standing caravan.
١٧. كُلَّ يَومٍ وَداعُ رَكبٍ عِجالٍ
بِالنَوى أَو عَناءُ رَكبٍ وُقوفِ
18. So I often glance towards the burdens,
And stand long at the abode.
١٨. فَكَثيرٌ إِلى الحُمولِ اِلتِفاتي
وَطَويلٌ عَلى الدِيارِ وُقوفي
19. Do not turn your eyes to misfortunes, for they only
Return to one with downcast eyes.
١٩. لا تُوَلِّ الأَظعانَ عَيناً فَما تَر
جِعُ إِلّا بِناظِرٍ مَطروفِ
20. Leave a man in his abode, for you will not find
One standing still, nor anyone being stood still.
٢٠. وَدَعِ المَرءَ بِالدِيارِ فَما يُج
دي عَلى واقِفٍ وَلا مَوقوفِ
21. Count the neighbors present when they are stingy
In counting those far from you who are aloof.
٢١. وَاِعدُدِ الجيرَةَ الحُضورَ إِذا ضَن
نوا عِدادَ النائينَ عَنكَ الخُلوفِ
22. Worry preoccupied its people, and we had
A night free of the imaginary visitor's deception.
٢٢. شَغَلَ الهَمُّ أَهلَهُ وَاِستَقَلنا ال
لَيلَ مِن زَورَةِ الخَيالِ المُطيفِ
23. And the guests of worries - since they only alight
On the great and noble.
٢٣. وَضُيوفُ الهُمومِ مُذ كُنَّ لا يَن
زِلنَ إِلّا عَلى العَظيمِ الشَريفِ
24. Like a soaking wet person, the visitors crowd him
And his familiar dwelling.
٢٤. كَالجَنابِ المَمطورِ يَزدَحِمُ الوُر
رادُ فيهِ وَالمَنزِلِ المَألوفِ
25. Time has not refined me, but it has
Caused the time's branch to creak under my refining of it.
٢٥. لَم يُثَقِّف عودي الزَمانُ وَلَكِن
ضَجَّ عودُ الزَمانِ مِن تَثقيفي
26. I said to fate one day when it tried to distract me
From my past gardens and my aloof soul:
٢٦. قُلتُ لِلدَهرِ يَومَ رامَ اِختِداعي
عَن جَناني الماضي وَنَفسي العُزوفِ
27. Go back in disgrace, and seek for the stench of
Humiliation, Oh time, others than these proud souls!
٢٧. عُد ذَميماً هُبِلتَ وَاِطلُب لِشَمِّ ال
ذُلِّ يا دَهرُ غَيرَ هَذي الأُنوفِ
28. You have not completed my twentieth year, and yet
Forbearance from me is abundant in the mountains.
٢٨. لَم تُوَفِّ العِشرينَ سِنّي وَإِنَّ ال
حِلمَ مِنّي عَلى الجِبالِ لَموفي
29. In me is the meaning of old age in wisdom
Even if my rising from youth was easy.
٢٩. فيَّ مَعنى المَشيبِ حُكماً وَإِن كا
نَ نُهوضي عَنِ الصِبا وَخُفوفي
30. And when there is cold in the hand and eye
It makes warmth unnecessary.
٣٠. وَإِذا البُردُ كانَ في اليَدِ وَالعَي
نِ صَنيعاً أَغنى عَنِ التَفويفِ
31. It shook my compassion for the most uncouth father,
A grudge that twists upon it, and my leaning towards him,
٣١. هَزَّ عِطفي إِلى الأَغَرِّ أَبي إِس
حَقَ وُدٌّ يَلوي عَلَيهِ صَليفي
32. And a conflict that inclines to him with the calls
Of my disdainful scolding and rebuke.
٣٢. وَنِزاعٌ يَهفو إِلَيهِ بِلُبّي
هَفَواتِ المُصَرصِرِ الغِطريفِ
33. How can I not conquer time when this
Reproach rises over time as my ally?
٣٣. كَيفَ لا أَغلِبُ الزَمانَ وَهَذا ال
نَدبُ يَغدو عَلى الزَمانِ حَليفي
34. Words like spearheads - the whetstone made them smooth -
And a face like that of Heraclius, frowning.
٣٤. كَلِمٌ كَالنُصولِ هَذَّبَها القَي
نُ وَوَجهٌ كَالهِرقَليِّ المَشوفِ
35. Your complaining about fate indicates to me
The level of its weak intellect.
٣٥. إِنَّ شَكواكَ لِلزَمانِ مُبينٌ
لي عَلى قَدرِ عَقلِهِ المَضعوفِ
36. Does the unknown swim an ocean and not shed
A drop for the virtuous and well-known?
٣٦. أَيَعومُ المَجهولُ بَحراً وَلا يَن
قَعُ غُلّاً لِلفاضِلِ المَعروفِ
37. Others before you presented offerings, and you were
Humiliated, but the noses of others are not prone to bleeding.
٣٧. قَدَّمَت غَيرَكَ الجُدودُ وَأُخَّز
تَ وَلَكِن أَنافَ غَيرَ مُنيفِ
38. And blind fortunes - from the one with nights -
Married the daughter of Aamir from Thaqeef.
٣٨. وَالحُظوظُ البَلهاءُ مِن ذي اللَيالي
أَنكَحَت بِنتَ عامِرٍ مِن ثَقيفِ
39. Fate shot an arrow of venom at you
And protected from blame the familiar stain.
٣٩. قَصَفَ الدَهرُ فيكَ رُمحاً مِنَ الكَي
دِ وَحامى عَنِ المَعيبِ المَؤوفِ
40. If you missed out on the provision that he attained
Then the remedy for the weak is the effort of the strong.
٤٠. إِن حُرِمتَ الرِزقَ الَّذي نالَ مِنهُ
فَدَواءُ العَيِيِّ داءُ الحَصيفِ
41. A known sin, yet more seemly than
The idleness of some rulers.
٤١. عَمَلٌ فاضِحٌ وَأَجمَلُ مِن بَع
ضِ الوِلاياتِ عُطلَةُ المَصروفِ
42. So be patient with troubles - the patience
Of many has cleaved a dawn from their fearful night.
٤٢. فَاِصطَبِر لِلخُطوبِ رُبَّ اِصطِبارٍ
شَقَّ فَجراً مِن لَيلِهِنَّ المَخوفِ
43. We only wear armor as a burden
For returning to the lightness of the pliant coats of mail.
٤٣. إِنَّما نَلبَسُ الدُروعَ ثِقالاً
لِرُجوعٍ إِلى خِفافِ الشُفوفِ
44. How much you have borne with a back
Of patience, yet it lightened while the burden remained heavy!
٤٤. كَم تَحَمَّلتَها بِظَهرٍ مِنَ الصَب
رِ فَخَفَّت وَالعِبءُ غَيرُ خَفيفِ
45. The most deserving of patience, if it troubles him,
Is one whose close camaraderie with it is abundant.
٤٥. إِنَّ أَولى بِالصَبرِ إِن حُرَّجَتهُ
مَن حَشاهُ مِنها كَثيرُ القُروفِ
46. It is not absent from the blackness of my heart even if
The meaning of misfortunes and sorrows was absent.
٤٦. لَم تَغِب عَن سَوادِ قَلبي وَإِن غِب
تَ مُعَنّى نَوائِبٍ وَصُؤوفِ
47. Be pleased with the descending misfortunes
As long as the descending candles do not shun you.
٤٧. قِرَّ عَيناً بِطارِقاتِ الشَكايا
ما تَجافَت مُطَرِّقاتُ الحُتوفِ
48. Do you see us able to ward off what the renovator of the decayed palm branches and the courageous lion have brought?
The imperfect rushed, while fate hastily
٤٨. أَتُرانا نُطيقُ دَفعاً لِما أَع
يا صِلالَ النَقا وَأُسدَ الغَريفِ
49. Drove the virtuous with a painful whip.
One who is virtuous lives amongst people with
٤٩. أَمهَلَ الناقِصونَ وَاِستَعجَلَ الدَه
رُ بِسَوقٍ لِلفاضِلينَ عَنيفِ
50. A brave heart and an afflicted mind.
Whenever one exceeds in intellect, he ends up
٥٠. مَن يَكُن فاضِلاً يَعِش بَينَ ذا النا
سِ بِقَلبٍ جَوٍ وَبالٍ كَسيفِ
51. Lacking in adaptability and pliability.
It is no wonder that I surpassed and outstripped
٥١. كُلَّما كانَ زائِدَ العَقلِ أَمسى
ناقِصاً مِن تَليدِهِ وَالطَريفِ
52. The thoroughbred horses and the well-trained.
You, O horseman of words, went ahead
٥٢. لا عَجيبٌ أَنّي سَبَقتُ وَأَعرَق
تُ جِيادَ المَنثورِ وَالمَرصوفِ
53. And left a place for me as follower.
٥٣. أَنتَ يا فارِسَ الكَلامِ تَقَدَّم
تَ وَأَخلَيتَ لي مَكانَ الرَديفِ