
Accustomed to perfume, it does not fail her,

ومعتادة للطيب ليست تغبه

1. Accustomed to perfume, it does not fail her,
Of soft limbs that ache from a touch.

١. وَمُعتادَةٍ لِلطيبِ لَيسَت تُغِبُّهُ
مُنَعَّمَةِ الأَطرافِ تَدمى مِنَ اللَمسِ

2. When the smoke of musk rises from her clothes,
You see a cloud over the sun on her face.

٢. إِذا ما دُخانُ النَدَ مِن ثَوبِها عَلا
عَلى وَجهِها أَبصَرتَ غَيماً عَلى شَمسِ