1. With worry, white as a blade,
The supplicant's knock on the generous man's door,
١. وَأَبيَضَ كَالنَصلِ مِن هَمِّهِ
قِراعُ المُطالِبِ لِلطالِبِ
2. Who offers his open hand,
When the palm of the giver modestly withdraws.
٢. أَنيسِ اليَدينِ بِبَذلِ النَوالِ
إِذا اِحتَشَمَت راحَةُ الواهِبِ
3. A man fulfilled with virtuous deeds,
Who closes openings to shame and disgrace,
٣. فَتىً كَمَّلَ المَجدُ أَخلاقَهُ
فَسَدَّ الفِجاجَ عَلى العائِبِ
4. His prayer you granted,
Raising him to enduring glory and nobility.
٤. دَعا فَأَطَعتَ وَكانَ الدُعاءُ
إِلى الفَخرِ وَالشَرَفِ الراتِبِ
5. Yet you carried burdens far greater
Than a wood gatherer's load of sticks.
٥. وَكُنتَ إِلى مِثلِها في النُهو
ضِ أَثقَلُ مِن كاهِلِ الحاطِبِ