1. If what you seek were the ultimate goal
I would be the first worshipper in prayer
١. لَو كانَ ما تَطلُبُهُ غايَةً
كُنتُ المُصَلّي وَأَنا السابِقُ
2. You think I shy from a stance
Where yearning and the yearner are present
٢. تَظُنُّني أَرغَبُ عَن مَوقِفٍ
يَحضُرُ فيهِ الشَوقُ وَالشائِقُ
3. I pondered until I found no idea
That sparked except it met a barrier
٣. فَكَّرتُ حَتّى لَم أَجِد فِكرَةً
تَقدَحُ إِلّا وَلَها عائِقُ
4. If you were amidst my secret then
You would know I am a truthful speaker
٤. لَو كُنتَ في أَثناءِ سِرّي إِذاً
عَلِمتَ أَنّي قائِلٌ صادِقُ
5. My heart is chaste for you, it does not wander
And your love is the guide and leader
٥. قَلبي جَنيبٌ لَكَ لا يَرعَوي
وَوُدُّكَ القائِدُ وَالسائِقُ
6. And a glance from your eyes struck my eyelids
As if while sleeping a lover lay beneath them
٦. وَلَحظُ عَينَيكَ رَمى مُقلَتي
كَأَنَّ نَومي تَحتَها عاشِقُ
7. So be patient, patience is best when
The path is narrow and confined
٧. فَاِصبِر فَإِنَّ الصَبرَ أَحرى إِذا
ضاقَ عَلَيكَ المَسلَكُ الضايِقُ
8. For between us the pure word
Is a translator, and the gaze a debaucher
٨. فَالمَنطِقُ الطاهِرُ ما بَينَنا
مُتَرجِمٌ وَالنَظَرُ الفاسِقُ