
For whom do the camels sway their graceful necks?

لمن الحدوج تهزهن الأنيق

1. For whom do the camels sway their graceful necks?
And the caravan floats in the mirage, yet sinks down

١. لِمَنِ الحُدوجُ تَهُزُّهُنَّ الأَنيُقُ
وَالرَكبُ يَطفو في السَرابِ وَيَغرَقُ

2. They cut through the expanse of ruby sands while melancholy
His steeds spurred by passion and eagerness gallop on

٢. يَقطَعنَ أَعراضَ العَقيقِ فَمُشئِمٌ
يَحدو رَكائِبَهُ الغَرامُ وَمُعرِقُ

3. They left behind a captive who cannot be ransomed
From what he reaps, though the seeker cannot overtake

٣. أَبقَوا أَسيراً بَعدَهُم لا يُفتَدى
مِمّا يَجِنُّ وَطالِباً لا يَلحَقُ

4. Yearning overwhelms him so he glances sideways
And the flowing of tears makes him bow his head lower

٤. يَهفو الوُلوعُ بِهِ فَيَطرِفُ طَرفَهُ
وَيَزيدُ جولانُ الدُموعِ فَيُطرِقُ

5. Beyond the drowsy one, a sad she-camel rises
Neither a slaker of thirst, nor a sparkling one

٥. وَوَراءَ ذاكَ الخِدرِ عارِضُ مُزنَةٍ
لا ناقِعٌ ظَمَأً وَلا مُتَأَلِّقُ

6. And a veiled one, so when his light emerged
The horizon for the caravan glowed, radiant

٦. وَمُحَجَّبٍ فَإِذا بَدا مِن نورِهِ
لِلرَكبِ مُلتَهِبُ المَطالِعِ مونِقُ

7. They knelt down on the flanks of the she-camels and leaned
The hands of the slender one against hearts that throb

٧. خَرّوا عَلى شُعَبِ الرِحالِ وَأَسنَدوا
أَيدي الطِعانِ إِلى قُلوبٍ تَخفِقُ

8. After our parting, will our covenant return?
Or after our estrangement, will our branch burgeon?

٨. هَل عَهدُنا بَعدَ التَفَرُّقِ راجِعٌ
أَو غُصنُنا بَعدَ التَسَلُّبِ مورِقُ

9. Yearning remained though you did not stay
And yearning clings with feigned affection, more binding

٩. شَوقٌ أَقامَ وَأَنتِ غَيرُ مُقيمَةٍ
وَالشَوقُ بِالكَلفِ المُعَنّى أَعلَقُ

10. Never was I fortunate in life, so how could I be
When today we are exiled and lands lie between us

١٠. ما كُنتُ أَحظى في الدُنوِّ فَكَيفَ بي
وَاليَومَ نَحنُ مُغَرِّبٌ وَمُشَرِّقُ

11. For love of you I said the fever returned to haunt him
The craving, the flare, and the lightning strike back

١١. مِن أَجلِ حُبُّكِ قُلتُ عاوَدَ أُنسَهُ
ذاكَ الحِمى وَسُقي اللَوى وَالأَبرَقُ

12. The specter crept into the belly of the wineskin after
The censurers claimed it would not return

١٢. طَرَقَ الخَيالُ بِبَطنِ وَجرَةَ بَعدَما
زَعَمَ العَواذِلُ أَنَّهُ لا يَطرُقُ

13. Do you show tenderness after sleep and harshness
On days when I profess to you love and make you taste?

١٣. أَتَحَنُّناً بَعدَ الرُقادِ وَقُسوَةً
أَيّامَ أُصفيكِ الوِدادَ وَأُمذَقُ

14. How did you find guidance when I did not? Between us
Is a wall against me of censure and trench

١٤. أَنّى اِهتَديتِ وَما اِهتَدَيتُ وَبَينَنا
سورٌ عَلَيَّ مِنَ الطِعانِ وَخَندَقُ

15. With smooth cheeks lying in every crease
Pillowing his head on soil and elbow

١٥. وَمُطَلَّحينَ لَهُم بِكُلِّ ثَنيَّةٍ
مُلقىً وِسادَتُهُ الثَرى وَالمَرفِقُ

16. Or grasping crises and wars
Drowsiness makes their palms give way and tear

١٦. أَو قابِضينَ عَلى الأَزَمَّةِ وَالكَرى
يَغشى أَكُفَّهُمُ النُعاسُ فَتَمرُقُ

17. Or they died striving for the distant goal, so all of them
Are determined though hope is dashed and hangs

١٧. أَومَوا إِلى الغَرَضِ البَعيدِ فَكُلُّهُم
ماضٍ يَخُبُّ مَعَ الرَجاءِ وَيُعنِقُ

18. And to the Commander of the Faithful they came freely
The inclination of their minds poured forth in waves

١٨. وَإِلى أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ نَجَت بِهِم
ميلَ الجَماجِمِ سَيرُهُنَّ تَدَفُّقُ

19. Like ostriches of darkness rushed on by night
And hurried by the growling of rumbling thunder

١٩. كَنَقانِقِ الظَلمانِ أَعجَلَها الدُجى
وَحَدا بِها زَجِلُ الرَواعِدِ مُبرِقُ

20. Seeking abundant excellence and dew
Where glory settled, refreshed and watered

٢٠. يَطلُبنَ زائِدَةَ المَكارِمِ وَالنَدى
حَيثُ اِستَقَرَّ بِها العَلاءُ المُعرِقُ

21. The abundant, generous one who quenches with it
The thirst of wishes and the pouring, trailing rain

٢١. الزاخِرُ الغَدِقُ الَّذي يُروى بِهِ
ظَمَأُ المُنى وَالوابِلُ المُتَبَعِّقُ

22. You who seek this glory, your ambition
Is to defeat the climbers and make them slip

٢٢. أَبُغاةَ هَذا المَجدِ إِنَّ مَرامَهُ
دَحضٌ يُزِلُّ الصاعِدينَ وَيُزلِقُ

23. Alas, your assumption a rebel attacked
Without reaching you - the splendid one was repelled

٢٣. هَيهاتَ ظَنُّكُمُ تَمَرَّدَ مارِدٌ
مِن دونِ نَيلِكُمُ وَعَزَّ الأَبلَقُ

24. Do not make the seas shrink back - perhaps
He who quenches the thirsty might also drown

٢٤. لا تُحرِجوا هَذي البِحارَ فَرُبَّما
كانَ الَّذي يَروي المَعاطِشَ يَغرَقُ

25. Leave off vying for the caliphate - it is
A meadow without their praise that does not flower

٢٥. وَدَعوا مُجاذَبَةَ الخِلافَةِ إِنَّها
أَرَجٌ بِغَيرِ ثَنائِهِم لا يَعبَقُ

26. It was enriched by them, though they disdain it
The enemy's peaks turn back from it and retreat

٢٦. غَنِيَت بِهِم تَحتَزُّ دونَ مَنالِها
قِمَمُ العِدى وَيُرَدُّ عَنها الفَيلَقُ

27. Like the dens of lions bringing down before it
The white ships and the gushing streams

٢٧. كَعَقائِلِ الأَبطالِ تُجلَبُ دونَها
بيضُ القَواضِبِ وَالقَنا المُتَدَفِّقُ

28. For they are its lofty peak that cannot be climbed
And its egg that cannot be cracked or pierced

٢٨. فَهُمُ لِذُروَتِها الَّتي لا تُرتَقى
أَبَداً وَبَيضَتِها الَّتي لا تُفلَقُ

29. You cured it when it was infirm and still you see
It mangled by the enemy's claws, torn apart

٢٩. أَشَفَت فَكُنتَ شِفاءَها وَلَقَد تُرى
شِلواً بِأَظفارِ العَدوِّ يُمَزَّقُ

30. You were the dawn whose light it cast toward
And the darkness fled with its blackened banners

٣٠. كُنتَ الصَباحَ رَمى إِلَيها ضَوءَهُ
وَمَضى بِهَبوَتِهِ الظَلامُ الأَورَقُ

31. So its path cannot be ridden and its plants cannot be reaped
And its loss cannot be repaired or compensated

٣١. فَسَنامُها لا يُمتَطى وَنَباتُها
لا يُختَلى وَفَناؤُها لا يُطرَقُ

32. You weighed with the scales without being watched over
And justice is abandoned, released on its path

٣٢. وَوَزَنتَ بِالقِسطاسِ غَيرَ مُراقَبٍ
وَالعَدلُ مَهجورُ الطَريقِ مُطَلَّقُ

33. To the enemy, whenever it twists
There is a day of calamity and conflagration

٣٣. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلعَدوِّ إِذا اِلتَوى
بِظُباكَ يَومُ أُوارَةٍ وَمُحَرِّقُ

34. You are the refuge for every peril feared
And through you every closed door is relieved

٣٤. أَنتُم مَوادِعُ كُلِّ خَطبٍ يُتَّقى
وَبِكُم يُفَرَّجُ كُلَّ بابٍ يُغلَقُ

35. And your father al-Abbas, when he supplicated with it
After despair, which tribes were given to drink?

٣٥. وَأَبوكُمُ العَبّاسُ ما اِستَسقى بِهِ
بَعدَ القُنوطِ قَبائِلٌ إِلّا سُقوا

36. He took the clouds by a prayer heard
So the east of lightning responded, pouring down

٣٦. بَعَجَ الغَمامَ بِدَعوَةٍ مَسموعَةٍ
فَأَجابَهُ شَرقُ البَوارِقِ مُغدِقُ

37. Each of you is the son of a mother of bounty
Or a kindler with the blood of enemies, staining

٣٧. ما مِنكُمُ إِلّا اِبنُ أُمٍّ لِلنَدى
أَو مُصبِحٌ بِدَمِ الأَعادي مُغبِقُ

38. By God, the day exalted you with it to the heights
A flag glancing at eyes and fluttering

٣٨. لِلَّهِ يَومٌ أَطلَعَتكَ بِهِ العُلى
عَلَماً يُزاوَلُ بِالعُيونِ وَيُرشَقُ

39. When a glorious, complete new moon carried you
Like the sun, dazzled by the light and blinking

٣٩. لَمّا سَمَت بِكَ غُرَّةٌ مَوموقَةٌ
كَالشَمسِ تَبهَرُ بِالضِياءِ وَتومَقُ

40. And you came forth in the Prophet's cold - and for guidance
A light on your cheeks' edges shone

٤٠. وَبَرَزتَ في بُردِ النَبيِّ وَلِلهُدى
نورٌ عَلى أَطرارِ وَجهِكَ مُشرِقُ

41. And above the rain cloud, a formidable lion
That gown, and the wrapping of that cloak

٤١. وَعَلى السَحابِ الجَودِ ليثَ مُعَظَّماً
ذاكَ الرِداءُ وَزُرَّ ذاكَ اليَلمَقُ

42. And your house is like a paradise whose pebbles are not
Of Barmecide origin, or patterned brocade

٤٢. وَكَأَنَّ دارَكَ جَنَّةٌ حَصباؤُها ال
جادِيُّ أَو أَنماطُها الإِستَبرَقُ

43. In a stance where eyes are lowered in awe
And speech trips over the articulation

٤٣. في مَوقِفٍ تُغضي العُيونُ جَلالَةً
فيهِ وَيَعثُرُ بِالكَلامِ المَنطِقُ

44. As if above the dais a lion had risen
Crouching over a forest's undergrowth

٤٤. وَكَأَنَّما فَوقَ السَريرِ وَقَد سَما
أَسَدٌ عَلى نَشَزاتِ غابٍ مُطرِقُ

45. And the people either come back reverently
From what they saw or ascending expectantly

٤٥. وَالناسُ إِمّا راجِعٌ مُتَهَيِّبٌ
مِمّا رَأى أَو طالِعٌ مُتَشَوِّقُ

46. They inclined toward you affectionately so assembled
And saw awe in you so scattered

٤٦. مالوا إِلَيكَ مَحَبَّةً فَتَجَمَّعوا
وَرَأَوا عَلَيكَ مَهابَةً فَتَفَرَّقَوا

47. And you stabbed with the finest points of words with a sword
No blue spear can handle on its own

٤٧. وَطَعَنتَ مِن غُرَرِ الكَلامِ بِفَيصَلٍ
لا يَستَقِلُّ بِهِ السِنانُ الأَزرَقُ

48. And you planted in the hearts a love
That grows over the years and flourishes

٤٨. وَغَرَستَ في حَبِّ القُلوبِ مَوَدَّةً
تَزكو عَلى مَرِّ الزَمانِ وَتورِقُ

49. I am the closest to you in it and without it
To the hands of your enemy, a barrier of might, impregnable

٤٩. وَأَنا القَريبُ إِلَيكَ فيهِ وَدونَهُ
لِيَدَي عَدُوِّكَ طَودُ عِزٍ أَعنَقُ

50. Show kindness, Commander of the Faithful, for we
In the orbit of the exalted, will not separate

٥٠. عَطفاً أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّنا
في دَوحَةِ العَلياءِ لا نَتَفَرَّقِ

51. Between us on the day of pride no distinction
Both of us in glory are steeped

٥١. ما بَينَنا يَومَ الفَخارِ تَفاوُتٌ
أَبَداً كِلانا في المَعالي مُعرِقُ

52. Except the caliphate distinguished you, for I
Am barred from it, while you are crowned

٥٢. إِلّا الخِلافَةَ مَيَّزَتكَ فَإِنَّني
أَنا عاطِلٌ مِنها وَأَنتَ مُطَوَّقُ