
My heart is held captive by he who prolonged my torment

علق القلب من أطال عذابي

1. My heart is held captive by he who prolonged my torment
And my soul wanders aimlessly by night and day

١. عَلِقَ القَلبُ مَن أَطالَ عَذابي
وَرَواحي عَلى الجَوى وَغُدُوّي

2. We differed in our ways of loving diversely
Between his shortcoming and my excess

٢. وَاِفتَرَقنا في مَذهَبِ الحُبِّ شَتّى
بَينَ تَقصيرِهِ وَبَينَ غُلُوّي

3. To me he was as a brother, kindred in affection
Yet to my eyes, he became an enemy

٣. كانَ عِندي أَنَّ الحَبيبَ شَقيقي
في التَصافي فَكانَ عَينَ عَدُوّي

4. It pained me when he forgot and neglected my memory
Remember me, even if recalled with disdain

٤. ساءَني مُذ نَأَيتُ نِسيانُ ذِكري
فَاِذكُروني وَلَو ذُكِرتُ بِسَوِّ