
Longing exposes me neither to tranquility

شوق يعرض لا إلى الآرام

1. Longing exposes me neither to tranquility
Nor a whisper that deceives me about dreams

١. شَوقٌ يُعَرِّضُ لا إِلى الآرامِ
وَجَوىً يُخادِعُني عَنِ الأَحلامِ

2. And the eve of patience whose hand desire has mutilated
Neither in a passion nor in admiration

٢. وَمُقيلُ صَبرٍ شَذَّبَتهُ يَدُ الهَوى
في غَيرِ ما طَرَبٍ وَلا اِستِغرامِ

3. But in wresting glory from its dwellings
With demands that prevail over days

٣. بَل في اِنتِزاعِ المَجدِ مِن سَكَناتِهِ
بِمَطالِبٍ تَسطو عَلى الأَيّامِ

4. And virtues that remain while their people perish
For all life is an opportunity for doves

٤. وَمَناقِبٍ تَبقى وَيَفنى أَهلُها
إِذ كُلُّ عَيشٍ فُرصَةٌ لِحِمامِ

5. I would pardon one whose intellect sickens with glory
And sorrows nestle within him

٥. لَعَذَرتُ مَن في المَجدِ يَمرَضُ فِكرُهُ
وَتَكُنُّ فيهِ بَواطِنُ الآلامِ

6. O rider whom a she-camel carries
Whose saddlebags cleave through thickets

٦. يا راكِباً تَخدي بِهِ عَيرانَةٌ
سُرُحٌ تَشُقُّ جَلابِبَ الآكامِ

7. A brown she-camel who thinks her eye is clouded
When the wilderness looked upon her like a raincloud

٧. خَوصاءُ تَحسَبُ عَينَها ماوِيَّةً
نَظَرَت بِها الفَلَواتُ شَخصَ غَمامِ

8. Traveling as though her mount were an apprentice
Who learned the disposition of violent winds in attacking

٨. جارٍ كَأَنَّ رَبابَهُ مُتَعَلِّمٌ
شِيَمَ الرِياحِ الهوجِ في الإِقدامِ

9. Greet in peace, O youth from whom
My eyes conceal awe with their glance and greeting

٩. أَقرِ السَلامَ فَتىً تَخاوَصُ هَيبَةً
عَنهُ عُيونُ تَحِيَّتي وَسَلامي

10. A polished sword its scabbard has sheathed
Unsheathe it, it remains wet from foes

١٠. سَيفٌ صَقيلٌ أَغمَدَتهُ عُداتُهُ
فَاِستُلَّ وَهوَ مِنَ الأَعادي دامِ

11. It harms him not to be drawn, nor has it gained
Rust to liken its blade to gravel

١١. ما ضَرَّهُ مِن أَن يُشامَ وَما اِقتَنى
صَدَأً يُشَبَّهُ نَصلُهُ بِكَهامِ

12. If you are absent from us then hearts are present
Wherever you are, the caprices of illusions

١٢. إِن غِبتَ عَنّا فَالقُلوبُ حَواضِرٌ
في حَيثُ أَنتَ نَوازِعُ الأَوهامِ

13. And our souls are sick clinging through you
To a means to purify them of illnesses

١٣. وَنُفوسُنا مَرضى تَشَبَّثُ مِنكُمُ
بِثناً يُطَهِّرُها مِنَ الأَسقامِ

14. O you who possess the attribute of one offering consolation
Whose conscience is attached to every passion

١٤. يا أَيُّها ذا النَدبُ دِعوَةَ مُدنِفٍ
عَلِقَت ضَمائِرُهُ بِكُلِّ غَرامِ

15. When I remembered you, my heart returned to its longing
So I wept about it with the tears of pens

١٥. لَمّا ذَكَرتُكَ عادَ قَلبي شَوقُهُ
فَبَكَينَ عَنهُ مَدامِعَ الأَقلامِ

16. You left me a crop so I looked but
That deceit grew to the sky

١٦. خَلَّفتَني زَرعاً فَطُلتُ وَإِنَّما
ذاكَ الغِرارُ نُمِي إِلى الصَمصامِ

17. How much praise is mine in your exaltation as though
It invents from the nature of the gathering cloud

١٧. كَم مَدحَةٍ لي في عُلاكَ كَأَنَّما
تَفتَرُّ عَن خُلقِ الغَمامِ الهامي

18. The land has insisted to me from its edges
And adorned itself with the garments of darkness

١٨. أَكدَت عَلَيَّ الأَرضُ مِن أَطرافِها
وَتَدَرَّعَت بِمَدارِعِ الإِظلامِ

19. And I knew it as green, how did I find it
I saw in it a theater for thorn-bushes

١٩. وَعَهِدتُها خَضراءَ كَيفَ لَقيتُها
أَبصَرتُ فيها مَسرَحاً لِسَوامي

20. I complain and conceal some of what I possess
So I refrain from complaining about annihilation

٢٠. أَشكو وَأَكتُمُ بَعضَ ما أَنا واجِدٌ
فَأَعافُ أَن أَشكو مِنَ الإِعدامِ

21. And if I obtain the wished-for virtues
I consider sustenance and allotments trivial

٢١. وَإِذا ظَفِرتُ مِنَ المَناقِبِ بِالمُنى
أَهوَنتُ بِالأَرزاقِ وَالأَقسامِ

22. To you came a hand of one in need reciting poetry
And it is the ship to him for benefaction

٢٢. جاءَتكَ تَحدوها يَدا ذي فاقَةٍ
وَهيَ السَفينُ لَهُ إِلى الإِنعامِ

23. So recognize for him what of my poetry has died by it
For he has come to you with sanctity and resolve

٢٣. فَاِعرِف لَهُ ما مَتَّ مِن شِعري بِهِ
فَلَقَد أَتاكَ بِحُرمَةٍ وَذِمامِ