
The valley of Al Fihrs, not the valley of Ghutayfan,

قنا آل فهر لا قنا غطفان

1. The valley of Al Fihrs, not the valley of Ghutayfan,
Protected its people from the raiders of Hadithan.

١. قَنا آلِ فِهرٍ لا قَنا غَطَفانِ
حَمَت أَهلَها مِن طارِقِ الحَدَثانِ

2. O Bani Amir! What is left for me and time
After it has scattered me from my peaks and steed.

٢. بَني عامِرٍ ما لي وَلِلدَهرِ بَعدَما
يُشَتَّتُ بي عَن صَعدَتي وَحِصاني

3. I did not listen to peace for a moment,
And pursued the caller of war wherever he called me.

٣. وَقَد كُنتُ لا أُصغي إِلى السِلمِ ساعَةً
وَأَتبَعُ داعي الحَربِ أَينَ دَعاني

4. They left the neighing of horses bloody and separated
Men from hatred and enmity.

٤. دَعوا صَهَواتِ الخَيلِ تَدمى وَفَرِّقوا
رِجالاً عَنِ البَغضاءِ وَالشَنَآنِ

5. So many dear ones have bled over me,
And pretend that honor is in bleeding over me.

٥. فَكَم صاحِبٍ تَدمى عَلَيَّ بَنانُهُ
وَيُظهِرُ أَنَّ العِزِّ لَثمُ بَناني

6. He hides the lining of hatred when I’m absent,
And reveals the forehead of affection when he sees me.

٦. يَضُمُّ حَشى البَغضاءِ عِندَ تَغَيُّبي
وَيَجلو جَبينَ الوُدِّ حينَ يَراني

7. I wiped his rancor with my patience from his soul,
But when he refused, I wiped him with my sword.

٧. مَسَحتُ بِحِلمي ضِغنَهُ عَن جَنانِهِ
فَلَمّا أَبى مَسَّحتُهُ بِسِناني

8. My throw preceded his heart so I reached it,
And had I not struck him soon, he would have thrown at me.

٨. سَبَقتُ بِرَميي قَلبَهُ فَأَصَبتُهُ
وَلَو لَم أُصِبهُ عاجِلاً لَرَماني