
I say, and worry is my traveling companion

أقول والهم زميل رحلي

1. I say, and worry is my traveling companion
It exhausts me with its persistence, and wears me out

١. أَقولُ وَالهَمُّ زَميلُ رَحلي
يَعرُقُني مِطالُهُ وَيُبلي

2. And I see no respite in my time that would console me
Who will buy from me all of my excess

٢. وَلا أَرى مِن زَمَني ما يُسلي
مَن يَشتَري مِنّي جَميعَ فَضلي

3. For an hour of the life of the ignorant
I used to see reason as hypocrisy like me

٣. بِساعَةٍ مِن عَيشِ أَهلِ الجَهلِ
كُنتُ أَرى العَقلَ نِفاقَ مِثلي

4. So my reason has become the lowest loss for me

٤. فَصارَ أَدنى ضائِرٍ لي عَقلي